Show sorie LEACHING PROCESSES in speaking speak inZ of the godbe process on which we had an ah article last week mr joseph says it is only one of several new processes for leaching the values out of auriferous ores one is the bromo cyanide process invented by H L sulman about five years ago it is used in canada and australia and acts upon some base ores the pneumatic cyanide process owned by a denver company uses compressed air to force oxygen through the solution this neutralizes the sulphur in the ore and helps to free the r to act more rapidly on the gold one trouble is that unless used carefully it channels the ore thedor the dor cas process is somewhat similar but them the solution is chemically oxygenated by the use of hydroxyl or other oxygen producing chemicals the elmore or oil process is used in australia crude black oil is forced through the ore and it takes out all the metals the ore is then agitated in water the ore floats off and the metals fall to the bottom mr joseph challenges the world to produce a process that in cheapness and results will equal his process up to date however the public cannot learn that tests on a large enough scale to demonstrate the commercial value of the process have ever been made if mr joseph wants to make a test of a barrel or a tank full of daisy sacramento golden gate or ore or manning tailings we will bear the entire expense of the experiments and they may be cob conducted ducted so that the secret of the process cannot be divulged to an any y one mercur miner |