Show UTAH OIL MEN ORGANIZE the utah oil mens alens association was formed in salt lake at a meeting at the hotel utah on april the purpose is to foster encourage and protect the interests of all directly or indirectly concerned in the oil industry in its various branches about thirty oil men of the city and stacee attended the first meeting eighteen charter charte members were secured before the election of officers which resulted as follows ir dral D woodruff president L G bradley vice president george F barton secretary and treasurer board of governors D 0 00 ride 1 out D F mccoy U S G todd franklin i riter C S goddard all of the officers and the members ot of the board were elected unanimously by a acl ac l cla mation under suspension of rules under the same procedure the time for the accept 1 1 1 1 ance of charter members was extended for thirty days the president appointed bif H A mccollem McCo lIem as chairman of the membership committee and every charter member a member of that committee to aid in the work of securing additional members |