Show RECENT publications IONS publications of the united states bureau of mines department of the interior inferior van H manning director applicants please select only those of special interest to themselves as the supply for free distribution is limited order by number and title address director of bureau of mines washington A D C monthly statement of coal mine fatalities in the united states november 1917 with list ot of permissible explosives lamps and motors tested prior to december 31 1917 32 pp ap coal mine fatalities in the united states during 1917 with list of permissible explosives lamps and motors tested prior to january 31 1918 37 pp ap compiled by albert H fay bulletin concentration experiments with the siliceous red hematite e of the birmingham district alabama by joseph T jr 91 pp ap bulletin com bustion of coal and design of furnaces hy by henry kreisinger C E augustine and p diagrams and tables pp ap letin control of hookworm Infect infection io at the deep gold mines of thu the mother lode california by J G cummings and J y W white 53 pp ap bulletin blast purn furnace ac breakouts Brea kouts explosions and slips and me mety of prevention by F H willcox pp ap bulletin occupational hazards at B blast las as furnace plants and accident prevention based on records of accidents at blast f furnaces in pennsylvania in 1915 by frederick H willcox pp ap illustrated bulletin bullet M s methods for increasing the Re recovery recovers coveri t from oil sands by J 0 lewis pp ap 11 lust rated bulletin abstracts of current decisions on mines and mining january to april 1917 by J W thompson 79 pp ap bulletin the mining industry Indus in the territory of alaska in the calendar calenda year 1916 by sumner S smith 89 pp ap bui I 1 letin cost accounting for oil producers by C G smith pp ap bulletin abstracts of current decisions on minei mines and mining alining from may to august 1917 ly by I 1 J W thomp thompson son ill pp ap technical papers no 98 effect lofv of low temperature oxidation on the hydrogen in coal and the change of weight ot of coal in drying by S H katz and H C porter 16 pp ap no directions for s sampling coal for shipment or delivery ly by george S pope 15 pp ap no vapor pressures of various compounds at low temperatures I 1 pera tures by G A burrell and 1 I W rob bob ertson 32 pp ap no gypsum products t their preparation and uses by B R IV ff stone 65 pp ap illustrated no compressibility lity of natural gas and its constituents with analysis of natural gas from thirty I 1 one citi cities es in the united states by G A burrell and I 1 L W robertson 16 pp ap no 1 suggestions for the safe operation of GOO gash line engines in mines by R H and edwin higgins 19 pp ap no firing bituminous coals in large house heating boilers bibliography I 1 by S B flagg 22 pp ap no lio graphy of recent literature on flotation of ores july to december 1916 compiled by A A lyon 0 C ralston F B laney adda R S lewis 27 pp ap no determination 1 of unsaturated hydrocarbons in gasoline by E W dean and H H hill 25 PP no flotation of ores will H cot co in southern oregon by hill 13 pp ap no new views of the combustion of the volatile matter in coal fal 0 S H katz 15 pp ap no five ways saving fuel in heating houses by Kr kreisinger elsinger 13 pp ap no accidents 8 stat states J metallurgical united works in the Is during 1916 compiled by albert H fay PP publications of the united states geolot jeO lOt I 1 for ical survey i lima limbed ed supply available meled j I 1 I 1 free dis distribution trib ution applicants please sel anly those of special interest to themselves ader by number and title address director of geological survey department of he interior washington D C bulletin 1 lode and placer mining m n seward peninsula alaska by J B merie jr 33 pp ap mineral resources papers no 1123 11 23 sand and and gravel in 1916 by R W stone 13 3 pp ap no 1124 11 24 cement in 1916 by ernest burchard 35 pp ap no 1127 11 27 in 1916 by charles G yale and hoyt S gale 1 pp ap no II as sulphur pyrite and sul auric acid in 1916 by philip S smith 30 J P mineral resources papers no 1 12 sold old silver copper lead and zinc in colo ado in 1916 mines report by charles W lenderson enderson 58 pp ap no 1 14 gold silver ead copper and zinc in utah in 1916 nines ines report by V C heikes 35 pp ap no 15 gold silver copper lead and zinc in nevada evada in 1916 mines report by V C leikes eikes 44 pp ap no 1 16 arsenic bismuth selenium eleni um and tellurium in 1916 by joseph 3 5 pp ap no 1 17 iron ore pig ron and steel in 1916 by ernest F buch rd ird 58 pp ap no 1 19 tin in 1916 by adolph bopf 6 pp ap I 1 university of arizona bulletins no 77 tate state safety news february edited by S 3 dickinson 14 pp ap no 78 valuation of prospects by george R fansett 9 pp ap no 9 drilling for oil by milton A allen alien 8 p no SO 80 state safety news march by S dickinson 12 pp ap no 81 how to organ ze for safety by S C dickinson 52 pp ap no 2 shafts and tunnels by george R fanett 15 pp ap no 83 state safety news april by S C dickinson 13 pp ap no 84 aws pertaining to oil by milton A allen alien 12 2 pp ap published by the university of arisona ariona bureau of mines tucson arizona publications of the smithsonian institution united states national museum buletin part 1 coal products an object wesson esson in resource administration by chester cheser G gilbert 16 pp ap with plates and illustrations trat ions bulletin part 2 fertilizers n interpretation of the situation in the united states by joseph E pogue 22 pp ap plates lates bulletin part 3 sulphur an example of industrial independence by joseph joeph E pogue 10 pp ap illustrations bulletin in part 4 coal the resource and its pull ull utilization by chester G gilbert and joseph o E pogue 26 pp ap published at the government government overn ment printing office washington D C bulletins of the university of illinois no 99 9 the collapse of short thin tubes by A P carman 42 pp ap diagrams and tables no 00 percentage of extraction of bituminous coal oal with special reference to illinois conditions dit ions by C M young pp ap diagrams etc tc no comparative tests of six sik le cizes izes of illinois coal on a mikado locomotive ive by edward C schmidt J M snodgrass and 0 S beyer jr pp ap illustrations diagrams etc published by the engineering experiment station university of illinois urbana illinois quarterlies of the colorado school of mines golden colorado volume 12 no 4 book of views of the school and its environment volume 13 no 1 catalogue edition pp ap volume 13 no 2 devoted to the oil shale industry and possibilities 30 pp ap bulletins of the school of mines and metallurgy university of missouri rolla missouri august 1917 the and the electrolytic precipitation of zinc by floyd D james 23 pp ap october 1917 register of graduates 50 pp ap bulletin 20 of the state geological survey of illinois carbonization of illinois coals in inclined gas retorts by F K of the united states bureau of mines 24 pp ap published at urbana illinois the work of the american red cross published by the american red cross washington D C pp ap zone system for the distribution of bituminous tu coal publication no 21 of the united states fuel administration washington D C industrial resources and opportunities of the south by arthur D little published by arthur D little inc chemists and engineers boston massachusetts catalogue of publications of the california state mining bureau 1880 to 1917 address ferry building san francisco the resources of tennessee volume 8 no 1 contains articles on the climate of tennessee manganese deposits of bradley county barite deposits of the sweetwater district east tennessee etc published by the state geological survey nashville ore deposits of the yellow pine mining district dark clark county nevada by fred A hale jr prominent mining engineer of southern nevada and general manager for the yellow pine mining company at good springs this is an able description of ore deposition of that great producing district written by a man who knows 18 pp ap finding and stopping waste in modern boller boiler rooms volume 2 pp ap diagrams I 1 illustrations etc published by harrison safety boiler works philadelphia eye hazards in industrial occupations a report of typical cases and conditions with recommendations for safe practice illustrated pp ap published by the national committee for the prevention of blindness east street new york |