Show dips spurs and angles the judge mining smelting smelling Sm elting company of salt lake has moved its office off ice from the kearns building to suite 1101 deseret national bank building eureka bullion mining company stockholders will hold a special meeting at provo utah on march according to notices sent out by secretary H C hicks james W wade of salt lake who has a working lease on a portion of the old scranton mine in north tintic gintic district utah is giving employment to a force of eight men and is shipping over a carload of ore weekly announcement is made that the west end consolidated mining company of tono pah nevada J W sherwin superintendent has taken over the D C adamson property at unionville Uni onville same state known as the black metals groups and that development has commenced the recent strike of ore in the at eureka utah will have a most important bearing in the development of adjoining properties and renewed activity is looked for in the near future in the opening up of undeveloped ore bodies the probable existence of which the discovery most probably points the way articles of incorporation of the superior dredging company have been filed at winnemucca nevada which is to be the corporations po rations principal place of business the incorporators are A W stowe of winnemucca G W stowe of baker oregon and S L hammond of salt lake city the capitalization is shares par value 1 each the american mining exploration company is preparing to deepen the present foot shaft at its property near imlay nevada the depth planned is feet with a drift to the south at that point of 1000 feet the company is taking out some ore for shipment and is piling up a considerable tonnage for mill treatment later H E clement is superintendent the managements of eighteen tungsten mining companies in the boulder district of colorado notified their men that they would cease operations at the end of february and remain closed for an indefinite period lack of a market owing to cancellation of war orders was the reason it is understood that the men let out were taken care of in other metal mines of the section shipment of ore was resumed late in february from the property of the mam mot mining company at mammoth utah according to superintendent earl mcintyre he states that arrangements have been made whereby the company can place a certain tonnage of ore on the market and although the mine is without a shipping contract it is thought that shipments will be made regularly rich ore is reported to have been opened in both nos 3 and 12 raises at the property of the silver mining company in boxelder Box elder county utah general manager C W phillips states that the high grade shoot is four feet wide with three feet of good milling ore alongside it and that it will average I 1 ounces silver picked samples run as high as 1000 ounces the shipping point is oakley idaho a distance of twenty miles the following has reached salt lake from lander wyoming coming by way of denver A telegram received the first of the week from nat levi says he has struck a fifty barrel oil well where he has been drilling on wildcat territory near moab utah from all accounts it is believed that this is the first commercial discovery of oil in that state and mr levi is being congratulated as the pioneer in the new field where he put in two rigs last fall the prince consolidated mining smelt ing company shipped a total of carloads or approximately tons in february from its property at pioche nevada this compares with carloads in january unofficial advices advises from camp are to the effect that the prince now is shipping some ore of a much better grade than its usual iron fluxing flexing ore the new product coming from recently acquired adjoining ground M C godbe of salt lake is general manager for the prince the recent meeting of the round mountain mining company operating at round mountain nevada elected L D gordon J R davis W H weber H G mayer and W C erb as directors the fairview round mountain mining company stockholders elected L D gordon J R davis H G mayor mayer and H R cook L D gordon president of both companies states that the round mountain district is facing a highly prosperous year as the snowfall there has been uncommonly heavy A was started early in the month on the ore recently opened in the property at eureka utah general manager walter fitch of the chief consolidated who is directing operations at the says that the ore is not in a fissure nor is the break pronounced that the ore is patchy but the ground heavily mineralized the is going down where the rich ore was found and present plans call for a depth of fifty feet work on the north and south drifts has been suspended for the present announcement is made of the organization of the tintic gintic paymaster mines company to operate a consolidation of the eureka king property in the north tintic gintic district of utah with a large number of adjoining claims the capitalization is shares par 50 cents each of which are in the treasury treasur y for development pur poses W I 1 snyder is president J w knight vice president H G snyder secretary and willard and R E allen alien additional directors development probably will be through the eureka king shaft the report of the new jersey zinc company with main office at 55 wall street new york for the last quarter of 1918 shows a surplus after interest charges and federal taxes amounting to this is equivalent to a share earned on the capital stock which compared with 1121 a share earned in the last quarter of 1917 As compiled from the companas comp anys quarterly statements in 1918 its surplus for the twelve months amounted to while its estimated surplus for the year after deductions for federal taxes and profit sharing distribution was the board of directors of the big cottonwood coalition mines company at its regular meeting march 5 1919 levied an assessment ses of one cent per share on the stock of the company the company intends to commence active operations as soon as conditions become more settled at present it has instructed the secretary to list such equipment as it will require so as to be able to get same quickly when it resumes operations it is also the tentative intention of the big cottonwood coalition mines company and the woodlawn mining company to connect their tunnels so as to have better ore transportation facilities |