Show i j minneapolis STEEL MACHINERY COMPANY 1 another no hur example exa 0 of 0 f the th e versatility V ersa f i lity 0 of f our 0 ur plant pi ant T 7 one of the few plants in the T 4 country equi equipped aped to undertake work of so varied a T character as found in the 2 A comb combination nat on of structural 2 steel and machinery used in 1 sugar beet washer built in our structural shop for the great greaf western sugar co at brighton col mine mine and mill construction 1 Z Z write us lor for prices on ff structural STEEL for TANKS AND TOWERS MILL BUILDINGS MACHINERY HOISTS AND DERRICKS TWIN CITY TRACTORS E we carry in salt lake a large stock of beams channels and angles for prompt shipment M H HANAUER manager 2204 4 west south temple street salt lake city utah 11 bill sill sill r aft aff tf la exl 1 J A S wl W n W V W S I 1 general fief leral mining ml all ng supplies shipments just received enable us to take care of your iron and steel requirements black and galvanized sheets and heavy steel sheets S h e e ts up to 12 inch also a large stock of mild steel round roun d square and flat 13 to 33 south main street SALT LAKE CITY UTAH III I 1 1 sill sill 11 all illy AND TOOL 00 W WORKS 0 I 1 S established 1890 LARGEST OF ITS KIND IN THE WEST AND constantly GROWING T MOST COMPLETE GEAR CUTTING PLANT THIS SIDE OF THE T T SPECIAL HEAT TREATING PLANT dw Autor automobile nobile gears and gears for ax mining machinery 1035 FOLSOM STREET SAN FRANCISCO CAL send for one of our gear charts e oe it will help you in your calculations |