Show t st I 1 A 1 R F F THE BYR BYRON JACKSON MINE STATION N PUMP is a self contained unit consisting of a twin six stage centrifugal direct connected pump 5 it is fitted with flexible couplings and water cooled marine type thrust bearings we have shipped several pumps of this type during the past few months examples of capacities and heads e n are as follows G P M 1 I head 1750 R P M 1020 1750 1750 1560 2300 we build these pumps for heads up to 2000 submit your pumping problems to us no obligation write today for catalogue no 93 byron ar 0 am jackson J ek caso iron Work W 0 r k sSan s icaco francisco building BRANCH OFFICES SALT LAKE CITY PORTLAND LOS ANGELES I 1 morrison merrill co salt lake city the principal building material supply house in the intermountain west MINING TIMBER framed timbers shaft guides in clear fir mining poles and fir and lodge pole pine wedges and lagging SHIPMENT DIRECT FROM PACIFIC COAST we also carry heavy stocks of standard sized tims bers in our yards at salt lake city 1 phone wasatch WT 7 in an buying small compressors you want not a cheap machine but one that you can depend on to run right and run all the time ime t with greatest efficiency with least power and attendance these Thes qualities equalities result in real economy they are found to an unusual degree in sullivan cwg WG 3 single stage belted air compressors carried in stock capacities 50 cubic feet some sizes at our local warehouse bulletin G SULLIVAN MACHINERY CO walker bank salt lake CRY city III I 1 I 1 I 1 III III III III III I 1 |