Show late news of yavapai BY P R MILNES malnes prescott ariz april 6 the decision of the obrien syndicate to revive its storm cloud group in hassayampa Hassa yampa district has given an added impetus to mining in this field and is viewed as a forerunner of the resumption of several other old properties which have been dormant for several years the storm cloud although reputed to be a good property has nad no work done on it for the past ten years until recently when the syndicate ordered its watering unwavering un an exhaustive examination was then made by the company engineers then came the order to go ahead the obrien syndicate controls and operates many mahy mines not alone in this country but also in canada which is the headquarters of the concern it bought the storm cloud after the death of the original owner but made no move until now to test out its merits jerome copper closed operations have been suspended at the jerome J brome copper companas Comp anys property near jerome by the general development company resumption being dependent it is said upon the showing the green monster makes in future development if the latter makes good then it is probable the Lewis will revive the camp as the geological formation is practically identical but until that time comes work will cease in fact the entire crew has already been laid off and all accounts squared preparatory to the departure of superintendent J G flynn who has been in charge since last august when the general development company took over the estate from prescott people under an agreement to purchase since that time there has been 1750 feet of work done which has been very disappointing in its results the showing is one that we would pay very little attention to in any other district declared rlynn but our opinion was that it might mean a great deal here in view of what has been disclosed at the united verde and united verde extension the purchase price for the group of four and a fraction claims comprising the hooker ewing group and eleven claims near the binghampton Bing hampton in the mayer district was to be paid in five semiannual semi annual installments stall ments two payments 0 of f each have been made the second only last month therefore the next payment will not be due until august jerome promising jerome people are playing their hunch that the next strike in those d diggings I 1 W will ill take place at the calumet jerome the south crosscut which is 19 apparently nearing a high grade ore body is out 1300 feet from the foot station and is being pushed ahead alt with all possible speed through blue and green schist heavily mineralized with iron the formation also shows some co and black copper sulphide no 6 the bomil crosscut has advanced some 13 feet it is in sheared schist full of white iron and the flow of water is constantly increasing this is very favorable territory and it would not be surprising if no 6 broke into a body of high grade entirely independent from that which is believed to be ahead of no 1 the jerome verde that ledge of jasper and iron which caused so much excitement more than a year ago when the jerome verde companas Comp anys columbia shaft cut through it at a depth of feet has been intersected by the diamond drill on the 1050 level it is five or six feet wide where located by the drill and the condition disclosed by the core is in every way satisfactory the iron is more in character than in the shaft and specks of are scattered through the mass the ledge dips to the east and was crosscut some time ago northeast of the shaft now the drill has located it farther to the south where the showing t is more promising it is possible that a drift will be started on it soon work has been suspended in the southeast drift on the 1050 level since a flow of water heavy enough to drown the pumps was encountered some three weeks ago that drift is now off from the rest of the workings of late work has been progressing very slowly in the nor northeast theart drift owing to water it became necessary to change the grade somewhat and several diamond drill stations have been cut preparatory to running holes north and south |