Show depth of the meyer mey er section e lons B BY Y P F W B BOWER ow F F va 1 meyer ariz april 6 undoubtedly the most important strikes in the copper mines of the mayer section are those recently made in the blue bell mine on the and the 1200 foot levels there are six lenses of ore in this mine that outcrop or have been worked from the first level down through the ane intervening levels to the 1000 the pay ore averaging in width from eight to forty feet on the newly opened 1200 foot level two of the largest of these ore bodies have recently been opened up and there is every reason in the world to eap exp expect pet the other shoots to tg come through to this peNy 5 level but the inteer sting thing so so pleas ing to the mine management and to everyone who has at heart the future of the mayer district is the finding of two new ore lenses which did not outcrop but have been found at the and the 1200 levels basing the length of these two new ore lenses upon what has been proven in the development of the other six sik ore shoots which are stronger and higher grade on the 1000 foot level and me ine two shoots on the 1200 level there is reason to expect that the depth of the mine will be at least another 1200 feet but there is no one to say there will not be other lenses developed when the present depth is doubled ore probable at deeper levels mine superintendent decamp is just as much at sea as to the future depth of the mine as anyone yet he firmly believes that the ore lenses have only just commenced to appear the bottom may be reached in feet or it may be five or ten thousand feet it has not yet been determined determine ter mined what the eruptive formation of the blue bell district is but the theory most generally held is that it is the granite of the bradshaws Brad shaws which makes its first appearance pear pe arance ance south and west of the desoto I 1 mine which would make it about five miles 14 from the blue bell mine basing the possible sible depth to the granite at the blue bell by its dip south of the desoto mine it would be several thousand feet fedt at any rate the management of bo both th the blue bell and the deboto desoto for the desoto mine has much the same ore formation as the blue bell are planning big things superintendent decamp expects to d be breaking tons daily on the 1200 foot level and sobi soon three shifts will I 1 be working on the drift that ahat is being run 0 chi tle the level south to tap the blue thunder ore 2200 feet beef fr from i om the main shaft there phere is reason to expect that new ore bodies bodies will bafo be found nd edtee between n the shaft and the blue Thi thunder inder strike for it is practically all virgin ground with excellent surface outcrop pings inthe in the arizona binghamton the development of other mines in the mayer district at depth is proving up the blue bell beli in every case in the arizona binghampton bangh Bing ampton hampton the ore is in lenses just the same which have been found to continue unbroken from the upper levels to the deepest level 60 0 feet some of the best ore bodies in the 1 mine have on the lower levels in the copper queen mine the same condition exists at the present time an excellent grade of ore is appearing in the new work in the approaching pro aching the foot level below the adit which is supposed to be the same lense that was encountered feet higher up where eight feet of 6 per cent copper was crosscut these ore lenses can be likened to cigarettes packed so tightly in a box that they become oblong now that their occurrence is understood it is not difficult to find them as a new level is being opened up diamond drilling to be employed the system of diamond drilling for exploratory f work in the big mines in this dis tact is to be extensively used in the future in the place of drifting 1 with tunnels urn nelsi both the blue bell and the arizona binghampton Bing hampton irenes have tried the system thoroughly the to drive a straight drift north cad south and diamond drill every ten feet en cn es eab h side which will crosscut the forma aa carl I 1 all ore can be blocked out on the ie af c tie the cost is from two to three dollars I 1 fr r r t of cf core and a great deal of s rk and expense is saved some of 1 r cs s in the Bing binghampton hampton mine on the e evel showed returns of 8 per cent c r after the level has been drilled 1 T can be broken most advantageously N K no EO false moves mine owners are greatly encouraged in this district by ane deep findings of ore in the several larger mines the yavapai clust has many times been turned down as an unknown quantity in minin mining some of he best mines now producing in this thi have been repeatedly condemned by he best mining engineers of the country these same mines are now making good and there is reason to expect them to develop into a class among the largest mines in the state |