Show THE OLD HOGAN MINE special correspondence orogrande Oro grande ida aug 12 results have been so satisfactory in the old hogan mine milie in taj the orogrande Oro grande district in idaho codih southeast of spokane that the butte oro grande lM mining laining company controlling the property will expend in doubling its 20 stamp and cyanide plant and installing in a horsepower electric plant on crooked river also sink a shaft feet fee t one hundred thousand dollars was also subscribed for stock in an electric railroad lail road to be built along the clearwater river this line is financed by mining men operating in central idaho and by eastern capitalists the stock in the mining company is held by minnesota and wisconsin men and the officers elected at a recent meeting are president george B mccall mayor of chippewa falls wis vice president 0 G kinney colfax wis secretary C T ragan chippewa falls wis treasurer N C gilstad barron wis directors george B mccall 0 G kinny ernest horan eau claire wis C C coe barron wis peter eimon superior wis P B U lewiston ida john finn two harbors minn most of these looked over the property before deciding upon the expenditure secretary ragan announced that the plant is treating from to tons of ore a day the average profit being the company employs twenty men but this force will be increased to fifty as soon as work begins on the new mill and the property will be patented roads will also be built work on the new plant will begin late the coming fall and will not 1 interfere with the running of the present mill which is being equipped to handle tons of ore every twenty four hours |