Show GOLD dold I 1 CIRCLE flourishing most every week the mining review has a visitor from gold circle district elko county nevada and not one but has a good word for the camp and news of some important development C G rothchild one of the leading and progressive operators of the he di strict passed through salt lake on the e first of the month en route to new york on mining business mr rothchild is one of the chief owners of the rex properties and while he believes he has a bonanza in rt this ground he had more to say for the camp in general than about his own particular property he admitted however horev er that the rex was looking better than ever before on the sixty five foot level a drift has been run for feet with crosscuts cross cuts at every everk fifty feet and in all these workings a fourteen foot body of ore has been exposed averaging 24 in gold to the ton mr rothchild thinks this represents a pretty big milling proposition and is confident that the property will develop into a mine of no mean proportions in speaking of the outlook of the district distria he was very optimistic while the commercial side of the camp is not now at high ebb the mines are all being actively exploited and there is not an idle man to be found what is most needed at present are mills to treat the quantities of medium grade ores and these will soon be forthcoming mr geyman it is stated has decided to build a 10 stamp custom mill and he is now out purchasing the machinery the gold crown company of which willard F snyder of salt lake is the president is contemplating a 20 stamp mill and will probably move this in from one of its california properties on the pullman claim of the sleeping beauty group a very rich strike has recently been made in ade at a depth of only twenty feet a two inch vein of 2800 rock has been encountered the tracy property pr on frazier creek is still in good ore and this is being sacked the elko prince is drifting on a four foot body of milling ore averaging 30 other p poper oper ties are looking equally well and the whole district bears a very promising aspect A commercial club has been organized to give reliable news of the meritorious properties in the district |