Show indications IN washington spokesman review spokane wash what is considered by experts to be unmistakable evidence that oil exists under the palouse country was brought to light by the big drill of the exploration plant in operation at lennox on the spokane inland railway the drill which is now pounding through the substrata sub strata at a depth of between and feet has been working since sunday night through a stratum of light colored clay intermixed with veins of sand expert examinations of the stratum at that depth proves the light colored clay to be the substance which is known commercially as tripoli tri poll used for polishing polis hint metals it is composed of the remains of a prehistoric form of life in unscientific terms described as a cross between vegetable and animal existence similar to the insects which create the coral atolls in the sea the report of the geological experts which was made to waldo G paine general passenger agent of the inland empire system who is at the head of the association back of the oil operations says that the sand is what is known by petroleum operators as oil sand which is found in every section in which oil has been struck it contains a percentage of oil and asphaltum and is not found in any other than oil pro sections the report secured by mr paine says that it is probable that either a flow of oil or a stratum of oil will be struck within feet below the oil sand |