Show THE ELDORADO CANYON the eldorado canyon gold mining corn CODI pany george bergman general manager ii the owner of a group of eleven claims clainie eldorado canyon on the eastern portion 0 the baft belt the principal claims are h georgia gold coin and dixie girl on th georgia a seventy two foot shaft has bee sunk on oil the ledge which measured two an 11 a t a half feet in width on the surface in bottom the vein is six feet wide and assa ingold in gold and silver ton 90 gol trac trace predominating this ledge can be for a distance of 2800 feet on the surface three hundred feet east of this shaft an other shaft has been sunk to a depth of twenty el eight 1 lit feet on a four foot ore body I averal averaging ging 12 to the ton on the gold coin at a depth or of fifteen feet a four foot f five inch vein is showing averaging 22 to the ton accompanying this vein there is a six inch streak averaging 90 I 1 the dixie girl claim has been developed by means of a foot tunnel this cut the vein thirty two feet in at an angle of 45 degrees the face being in the hanging wall side which is as smooth as a floor with a dip clip of GO 60 degrees to the northwest the vein measures thirty two feet in width nearly ten feet of which is good milling ore assaying to the ton in gold and silver from the face of the tunnel a is being sunk on the ore the ore in its general characteristics is a sulphide carry ing a certain percentage in free milling gold the balance being a fine concentrate ing proposition while the tailings could be cyanided the company will probably install reduction works at an early day the company is capitalized at shares of 1 each the officers of the company are henry dickson newark N J president F R horley new york vice president J grenville melten secretary R hamilton macnee treasurer and george bergman general manager |