Show WESTERN OFFICE MAIN OFFICE DENVER COLORADO AMERICAN SPIRAL PIPE WORKS CHICAGO pressure up to lbs ibs manufacturers OF UNEQUALED FOR furnished with I 1 improved forged alts hydraulic mining steel flanges or forged steel TED PIPE V 21 H hydroelectric hydro electric plants bolted joints dred dredging ng and all water cupply supply lin lines es our circular will interest you 31 to 40 in in diameter up to lo 30 in thickness subscribe for the mining review F practical P demonstrations in in loose leaf bookkeeping A fro Z today tod a y and a tomorrow tomor W we will give free of cha charge ge instructions in in MOORES MODERN METHODS M ET H 0 D S of accounting and record keeping also a copy of moores modern methods methodia dsa a page book illustrating 40 different ledger and record forms and explaining how they are used call at our store phone for the booky book anyway the BREEDEN OFFICE SUPPLY CO BOTH PHONES 60 W second south st salt lake city utah ZIONS SAVINGS BANK TRUST CO established shed 1873 1879 transacts a general trust business and pays 4 per cent on savings deposits joseph F smith president anthon H lund vice president 0 C beebe cashier 1 subscribe subscribe for th the e mining R Review e FINE opportunity owing to ill III health I 1 find it necessary to close out my business this is the best opportunity in the west for a live man to make money J M SWEM bargains in second hand machinery so third west st salt lake utah |