Show IDAHO mackay miner george E keyes secretary and manager of the horse shoe copper company came down from challis last tuesday bringing with him martin joyce clayton williams and george stark all e experienced c perien perlen ced miners who are to be employed on this important property this fall weiser signal superintendent G W boggs returned last week from the peacock mine in the seven devils mr boggs reports matters at the mine as progressing in good shape the new shaft hou house has been completed and as soon as the pumps can be started and the water pumped out of the shaft sinking will begin weiser signal W F general manager of the potosi mine at silver city in which a large number of weiser residents are stockholders is in the city this week mr reports a rich strike having been made recently which has greatly increased interest in the mine which promises to become one of the greatest producers of that famous camp mackay miner mr L S rampton superintendent perin of the alta copper mining company was down from the property the first of the week for supplies etc he informed us that they were working a dozen men and that everything was progressing nicely work is being concentrated on the foot tunnel and mr rampton expects to see this work intersect the ledge in about three weeks wallace times the drift on the vein of the rockford mining company is now in a distance of seventy feet and some good concentrating silver lead ore is being opened up on crosscutting cross cutting the vein was found to be about thirty feet wide to get underneath the surface showing the drift will have to be continued another hundred feet the vein was intersected at the end of a foot cruss cut tunnel tunnel ping ore wallace times the ore in the property of the liberty group has widened out from eight I 1 to twelve inches and the copper values are increasing as further depth is being attained the claims of the company adjoin the amazon dixie near lookout john H folsom one of the principal owners will leave this morning for bellingham wash and other cities in the interest of the company the property is not incorporated po rated halley hailey times A big strike was made in the early morning group four or five days ago A body of solid galena ore of high grade was uncovered that is wider than the shaft the whole bottom of the shaft is in ore the strike was made at a depth of twenty feet while doing the annual holding work the top of the ore was egg shaped and the body widened so rapidly that in a couple of days work by two men it showed wider and longer than the shaft A round of holes put in last night about quitting time brought down over a ton of first class ship |