Show SMELTER TRUST t WILL WILLBE BE GOOD Manager Jones Outlines What His Company Will Do Dot t SHARP PRACTICE IMPOSSIBLE t NOT KOT OT AFTER TIm AL OW ON t announcement of the railroad THE I companies tt commencing on June 1 a reduction of Si Siper t 1 per ton in the freight rate would be accorded all ore ora from Tintic of a avalue avalue avalue value of 15 and less lees was waa received by mine operators yesterday aa as a step in inthe Inthe inthe the right rl ht direction and little else was wae talked d of during the th day An In impression i Ion sion existed in many quarters bow ever that the smelter managements Would Mould still UIl be De BO 80 o exacting that the proffered freight reduction would avail them nothing This feature of the was brought to the attention of Manager Jones Jonea of the American com pan and he willingly consented to tomake tomake tomake make a statement covering the smelt smelting ing position I know said he be that there has hu been more or less lees ie talk to the effect that the smelter would manage to ab absorb rb the SI 1 reduction made by the rail rall railroads rod roads but nothing could be farther from rom the truth Mo Most t of the shippers In this region know what charges the smelters have made on various char characters characters ef of ore heretofore They are matters of record and Uld we could ROt not ea es escape cape their confronting us with them no matter how much we might desire I it That is particularly true thie of the mines mine of Tintic and when we promise e therefore to give them a reduction in treatment charges of from 1 to 4 4 per ten tn on their material they know 15 all well as w oK do that it must and will be in addition to the rebate allowed by the transportation com corn companies panlee panl How Hov about the report that you are Insisting on longtime lon contracts contract was asked We are trying to make contracts for tor foras toras foras as long a time as aa possible of course but we are not instating insisting upon it and to emphasize it I ran can an say that only a few moments ago I closed a contract for tor One OZIP year only We prefer long time contracts but the refusal al of mine owners to enter into them will wUl not re result result sult suit in our refusing to do business We TV want ant all the ore it is possible to get and will wi II make the best terms we can canto canto to get it tanager Manager Jones lones also stated that As Assistant A Assistant Manager Smith had bad gone One out outto outto outto to Tintic for the purpose of taking a ton sample of the Grand Centrals dump That ore he be said ald was tb be tested ted at the works of the company and aDd no matter what it con contained contAined tamed the Grand Central was wu guar guaranteed guaranteed ar against loss lose In Its handling Permission was to be asked of ot the th Star Consolidated for the privilege of test testing lag ing their ores orea In the same ame manner and he hoped to be able to arrange with all aU the producers of moment in the camp for a like privilege in order that his hili company could figure to a nicety nicely just what w t the best beet terms term they could offer would be beSuck beSuck beSuck Suck a thing as ag a flat Sat treatment charge e said wd Mr Jones lones to is out of or the question It is III needless to explain that some characters of ore cost a great deal more to treat than others and ad that the charges for handling them must vary in consequence Every miner Knows that perfectly well wellIn wellIn wellIn In addition to the promise e made by the American company to reduce charges as a stated the producer of certain tain fain characters of or ore the ores of ot which Tintic te is g I generously productive will find bd a com corn competitor competitor for his hi patronage in the Bing ham Consolidated while ninety days dap later the United States company will w l lailla also be out for custom contracts on any character of ot ore barring zinc of which the surrounding camps campe are pro and altogether the outlook is anything bat but cheerless a |