Show Democrats Win at Spokane Spokane Wash May the first time limO in years the Democrats are ow tn In full control of at the city govern government mont ment haling six ix of the ten votes ir Ic the new citY council which took office to toda da The terM of M Mayor or Byrne Byrn who IS ISa isa a Democrat win will not expire for another year By a comBInation of Republicans with a minority ot of Democrats Democrat E W was elected ejected pre president or of the coun council cil b br a Tote rote ot of Mx Ix to tour four and Col 01 oneIl onet F L Bo Boyd d Republican was elect elected ed d alderman to ifil a vacancy a Dc Hand HandTe Te represents the Byrne faction or of the Dr De 1 OCra while his opponent F E Edwin dwin is 18 at a strong friend of Senator Turner and 1 considered as a or of the old line liDe |