Show BARGAIN COUNTERS Are Arc generally found In the stores but bargains fIJI may also be had at other places If you want a special bargain in Pure Literature write the Juvenile Instructor u r tor for details of their special offer for lor bound volumes 6 of or last year and aad 1998 19 combined A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME When writing dont forget to enclose this proposition proposition altton It will pay par you If our terms are ar accepted d this adv clipped cUpped will pay the postage Address Addre s Juvenile Instructor Herald Adv I Iou I Send I Your Four boy down to order the tile seal ceal c be sure be lie makes no ao mistake Get that good pod coal Bamberger am er er 1 I St Closed Saturdays at 1 p pp m in m Warm Weather I to Is hare and swi e of g coarse you ou alt att drinK Rest BIer Beer ad Soda Water and aa as u you JOtt are Me tt tb want the most meet me t delicious healthy and aid g es on the Ute market set hoe that you yen OU get If Jt It Its It and KICK If It you d tIt ft get tt It For sale sage bj by all an date Clate dealers 1 CO COL L iii SALT ALT LAKE tHEATRE GaO D A Manager Immense Hit MATINEE TODAY Children Cli Tidies 2 TONIGHT La Last t Time Tim Timi I IWI WI AND WALKER i And Aad Their Company A 50 In til hew h w and aDd original musical farce comedy ome h r Direction jU A Seamen A i grand f t fined voices A of special i scenery and elec electrical ts effects 8 A rL spectacular sp Stile ballet Prices Pr Matinee Maki 3 to tic tec children Sa c SALT LAKE THEATRE GO lR n Manager I l 1 FRIDAY JUDA Y w May tay 22 and 23 1902 2 Extraordinary The Ih Season Seasons Meet Notable Event EventIs Kidder K Is Ut a Revival of David Oar Jar s Immortal Comedy C me Y The Country M m gemeet of George H IL Brennan Brannan o e of Star r Magnitude Nom N Root Rost R bL V Ferguson on T C Hamilton mflton Marioa Marlon Ashworth Orr sau Salisbury Salisbury 1 o 0 Seymour Stratum Stratton ILL H CL r Davidson M I Chart C q SUm Ellett KY Armand nd Charles Charlee Palmer mer Henry Austin Sc We be 71 lic Dc 1 Q 15 Free List Positively Suspended for th Carriages may be ordered d for fer 11 1016 DI DIA A GOOD MANY PEOPLE Are getting in n the notion of Gt telling Chef Chef Benedetti to dx tb them up something good He does ll to their toe teo t THE TAVERN VIRN 21 at East FI st t South 11 One Doar A Week e i Fora FOl a 1 J l 1 6 1 V i Diamond Ask sk ns us about ab the plan pI nr Ien 4 p LYON CO Diamond Merchants X eba ts Mfg Jewelers 1 Main St Telephone z Dr J m B a KEYSOR 9 DENTAL PARLORS PARLOR 24 S MAIN YAIN ST Next door north oi of oft t Walker House Houn Good Set of Teeth tor or Amalgam Am liua or Silver 00 Gold Cold fillings and up u Teeth cleaned n 3 W Solid SaUd gold sold crowns GOO J oa 00 work per Ot tooth 5 00 Crown Crony m aid d Bridge W Work l a I Specialty Special of LOW PRICES pushes things at Drug Store Where the Cars Stop StopA A buy busy day y here is but an introductory to m a busier r oo ODe to follow folio GOODS LOW S SAnd And fair treatment to all aU makes this tJ the MODEL STORE Of Salt Lake Lak City Cit If It you ria want wast popular goo goods oo popular jait F 1 Prescription Pharmacy The Underwood od Typewriter fc II the greatest type machine in the tbt world Call CaH and see sec it it j is le a pleasure to show It The Breeden Office qs Supply wC Co I Tel Te 5 2 W Z td South I JOT for acceptable ldes l A State te If patented p I THE M K pion prim of the lie Ut Patter p lea tuG R I fu J 1 7 E r L ON ONE E TD ALL AL ALFor NEVER NEVES UNDERSOLD Store For This Evening from 7 to 9 BE HERE ON TIME 7 to 9 Toight i A Sateen lateen Waist For 88 Cents v It tw dosen only ads att w dw B tt to loC few lID flu est eat Sateen A Sa Waists Wa 18 u rows of x t sewn down front at atS i S 6 rows rowa down back Mack black never was seW calf for ter leas Nea than 11 1 Alt teft two to W It f At Each EachOn On Ou Sale Toight bight from 7 to 9 ft 50 50 Mac Percales Percale warranted x perfectly fast t in M colorings not many mer patterns eat all aU coloring eDI suit atte aw customer value T fer W and Md limit Boys Boo 12 I yards a Waists w to a At A t 7 e il Y ar Bd d SALE SPECIAL This Evening 1 7 to 9 L Ladies dies Belts at Each to does Ladles Ladies Fine Patent Leather Belts Belt in iR tip plain or braid braided braided braided ed effects et all sizes the best Beet MW new shapes wide back baek sad and narrow front good Oc grades on sale ale for 2 hours houra only oldy At Each Gents dents G n 5 Furnishing g Goods Department Tits Eves Eres Special fr fry 1 te to toe f t 4 f t r i Men Mens s Golf Shirts in ID the th lat lit latest sit est sumo summer shades and patterns the kind you usually u pay from Irons to I for All AU state sitka on 00 sale aale from 7 to 9 t D s m only At c Each Clothes rightly ri made retain their shape sha and look well till worn out onto q tl CRESCENT CRE NT CLOTHES I FOR FOIl BOYS BOYSt Ty t a ar r r We issue i issue s New Styles es in Design sj n and a an Fabric every ever season eason to o All Agents All AU goods from our workshops must have havea a Crescent Crescen in Red a on the a Size Si e T Ticket f f 1 r r S on t r t tS li The reg nays Knava Ut uit has and emblem on the new shade elude of blue n nTo ct c cf f To be had bad in Salt Stilt lake ri h ko io W Yo GA ft CO City only of r and Broadway J P GARDNER Main Street New Jow 1 if r York Y O k City c r F Do 0 You Oil Know now nowa What a You ors Drink rl Not if it you rat drink dry eity eit water roster without tIlter ug or distilling d Take a good Magnifying glass examine the water you yes are using sic en on your table then come straight bt to to us us usand and aad boy INy s a good pod Filter or StOL StelL All prices lie aft Hardware C CUK CO Ce 9 UK Main Street et J A Cunningham President Dr T 1 9 S Bascom vies Vice E W Cashier Gabler Transacts Bat BIS BANK OF COMMERCE DIRECTORS ATlAS AIGA BLOCK If A ADr Cunningham Boyd Park ParkS Dr D F S B Bascom j r D K Kendall Interest paid on OD tine time and aDd savings de elk deposits IW w W hl t E E B RM Rh posits to E B Critchlow A AA h Genuine Ie Kr Mr Eastman It he lie who w o Invented the word Wont Kodak Ar k I save gave the world a sew ew Industry l k an There are some deal M MIt k It era to whom Mr Eastman not sell ROil Kodak Natural ty they run niB them down Doat be la IB IBI I matter satter or tatted talked Into baying bey Ie something else M Come over aa and aaa Ie let Joha Johnson on tell you all about bout It W It 1 before belOte you yoa OS bay y And ADd dont forget that we are headquarters w Ke dak supplies sad aad are an noted DOted loran it superior kadak finishing g Kodak ir tree Address vt T r TSe Tat The JO JOHNS Co C c Johnson E JO 1 Se alt Late rtuh Ut t v v y 11 1 1 Our Oar fee returned if we f Any Az o e seeding lie t sketch sad and description of ot allT a will promptly receive our oar opinion OD free fret the tile of same sae Bow How to obtain ll a aFat Patent Fat at sent request sensed as advertised for r site sale at st ocr oc oe exp Patents taken out oat t through us HI v ta it Thy TBS I sa mt a nd ad dreaM a by b p pc t n s us pic c espy FREE EE i I i VICTOR J d EVANS EVAN 3 dr 00 CO Att I 9 9 h W WE E a Abut Alaa Wa WaT T P A o IB lox Don 1477 J JT Telephone T l phone t t gL I IW we W F E SMEDLEY Fi CO e i INSURANCE Once Olice l ain afa pa the C W R cri t n Com talon I Co of London nt Imperial of London j t ra t Ot of Lou Lon N aura e Co or m iii p I American Philadelphia lph r h 1 Maw York a Providence wahington It i Looms at s it paW paid through th thi exceed q WALKER BANKERS Salt Lake City Ut Uta h STAI 1 I II A Genal Ba T safety Boul Boa tor ft Wells f argo Ws S Cos BANK SALT ALT LAKE LUtI CITY arr UTAH UTA JR Transacts T a m Gen Cea Banking Sian B BJ J E DOOLY DOOL Y Cashier Crib k kL kS H S YOth IVO CUM palti t L 1 S HILLS rr THATCHER vi YIe p Pr list U II S 8 Depository Deseret National Bat Bait SlIt Salt c tit Lake late DM Utah CAPITAL CAPITA SURPLUS Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Bert The State Bank of Utah Oner MM Xii mi aM a Stilts SIll Te T fe Slit Sit tact LIb ay JO EP F P FWILLIAM President WILLIAM B 8 TON PRESTON Vice Tic CHAM 8 S Cassels HENRY T AX ANt Cui sr General Banking Business Accounts Solicited Sp Special cla a U b allUY trail trade Corre pon s National Bank 81 01 The v TJ i Freak Frank lin x A Lowe Vies nt W F Adana Ada CAPITAL PAID IX la is 1 all 11 IU ta transacted K ge drawn dran oa on the u principal hi of eC Interest paid on OJ am A TSE Deseret Savings liS ML BaRt DIRECTORS W W Rites Riter President xe Moses Thatcher Vies Vice President A X Ci C Janes we Sharp John R JL Berets Barres John C G Cutler David Eccles A W CarNs Carl 6 orze x s Romney John ohn B R Winder I E 1 R Eldr Eldred dg W F Jane James Tour row our per cent interest paid on OJ L Go BANKERS SALT SAIT LAD hAu CITY Sst 1 lat S Transact a L G General ral Banking Basins o Commercial a eU Ball l Capital Capita Paid hi Ice bat General ral Banking in All Its Us B nt es f clor r r Theodore Theodora Meyer C 10 1 Daly O 0 J Salisbury BaU bury P Mo o lan C Fos Themes Tu Marshall W P Noble Nobi obi X I Downey Jon John Dea e ell B A F T FT 5 TR T den JONES fc c CO BANKERS SALT S LT LAKE CITY UTAH VT AH Set of Teeth K KWest Or Dr West Dentist Will until June let d do all ricer l dental work at greatly reduced r rT SET T OF OP TEETH 1300 1500 AOe r Ii i Asa ti up rap wert rr M up It f MY 50 UP Lo 0 nai lj DR DB WEST Manager Ws w Telephone J JEM Sal m South Main EM E EI M 1 FRIEDMAN CO i il j l Mail Ida St Fy e JI k i I Complete St meek k of or MENS CLOTHING AND HATS i FURNISHING GOODS GOO S BOYS and CHILDRENS SUITS w We carry tile the ts t K q ft eda |