Show TO BE BEA A MODEL BARN t Enlarged Building of David Keith Wm Will be Finest in the City David Keiths barR barn Is te undergoing en enlargement enlargement and when the work te t com completed completed completed it win wilt be nearly treble the original origInal inal size feet making nt it the larg largest eat est and finest t private stable le in the city I The exterior is of cut cuttone stone and the cost of or the improvement will wilt be be between bet between tween t n 11 and anet 1289 A feature of the new barn bern will be a bowling alley anti and enlarged carriage rooms room The plans plan are furnished by Architect Hale The contract has bas been let by Archi Architect Architect Architect Hale tar for the masonry work on the new business b block of ot David Keith I on Main street to George Curley for tor 36 GOO It is Ia expected that the cellar ceDar ex en excavation excavation will be completed within three weeks Architect Dart is I preparing plans and for lor a om cement cem t plaster cottage to be b built for Mrs A AG A AG Aa G a Safford Sartori at a coat cosI c t of 1 on Oft see Sec Second ODd and South street between Twelfth and aRd Thirteenth nUt Jut Bast Contractor Con actor Watson has hae commenced work on eta the excavation for tor the erection of or the tM John Jean Judge Miner hospital and nd home on ott the esl bench eq Jt |