Show FREE MILLING I ORE AT MORGAN Morgan Crescent Discovers it itin itin in Citi Citizens Citizens zens Coming in inNet inNet Net tt that aR any I aU attached tv to the dl that It high Yu do make IP that formation yet et It It Is a fact that sand lid carbonates talc taken a Iw few days ago age from 5 picket I In lit the incline shaft ROW now being put down on th the J property of the Mor lor MInIn company mince or of nel This It Ii the good goodnews oed news GerM T thee manager or of ortho tho lb property brought t to town yester yesterday day Tue n new incline shaft Is now DOW la in IC f feet tot the object or of It being to top taP at t depth the contact tact between the per por pora a and outcrop at right angles to the course of the tho IHU Incline which has hall 1 a pitch ot of t thirty hi rt From the seventy pent down sow to te the nt Nt hot tom of r the Shaft ahart baa been Iron stained A few daye ago some or was wa ut Out Which so 80 the miners wit It its free gold appearance trl tried pausing DRI with the re Suit If thAt th they found U they had ore car a TunE sae 8 or of th the yellow metal tal Th The hew lIw shaft hn Is III feet INt below and it 15 f t to the north of t t the ul upper ton iiI WI k hY heavy fissuring In IH Inthe the porphyry going down wn on a atro strong wall It II About 1 It feet to th the north this contact wag wa prospected and fr for CC ft feet la In tb the I or running from 41 etto to 2 1 In KOhl a nil n in e per r ee nt copper was WAIl found This new find ad of me free gold is IR the In Inline line shaft hart is III on one of the beet things discovered I in tb the district tM for a long Ing longtime time and w whoa the tho 1 the theor or one on at t depth It is III thAt this mR may prove very IMportAnt A Another not hr development of moment ts Is that 0 of the AM age tR 1 c charge or of Daniel Heiner Beiner of r Morgan who has as with him eastern tern people A workhouse I is M being over 01 th the which I Is new ow down dowa 42 feet Al Already ready a vein Mn of DC Iron carbon earbon carbonate ate ore has been fiR eat cut showing strong evIdence or copper with a little IItti free Ce gold flold At pre present ent this property is Ie MinI being Worked tit by preparatory to Incorporation a the starting ot or so ao o on a larger Mal tile the week three young m men n from On Ogden pent peat some time tIm In IB the I M rn district various I Ap Ac a 1 result It Mr r was wa called to Ogden den yesterday and It is settled that a number or of awk will get Int Into the district taking over ORe one or mr mora apo sad 41 A 1 ODe once start active w ork Up rp la in Jt lIne e four tur miles from the district the Iren hOH XI King I being worked Tears Tear age ae seine lIeme vr very rich ore warn Wall taken from this property from A shaft feet dee deep omo or of It went a as high a to 1 C with a high percentage or of according I f reports Recently a general lIng of f some of er the workings s dave gae xe re turns tinn of r a 2742 1 n ton In gold anti and silver 1 with nine per cent t At present Mr lr and Chicago are re sinkIng a shaft to te at depth I IA A premising vein IH This shaft I is now down feet In or of the 1 beauties of et the Morgan district I is tb the fact that the properties Ar are situated only aMI a mile or er so front rOM a railroad th the espe expense or of lending the theore theore ore on ears being belalt only M d eMits cents a ton lon and the trel freight t to 0 smelters ten wt but 1 II IIa a tn ton a total or of t 71 whIch together with a at charge for tor will make II 1 atle I in the Morgan orga mInes miMe lined shipping hi ore re Mr kea recently return front H vIIi JaIt east where b a rec t the u as ura ra trots t panto that IR In IRth Inthe th the earl early spring tM they Will gems out t to Ute the properties rt WIth a view 1 to ext extensIve Nt Not only do we ha have fa railroads railroad a and near r 1 by but bat We have haTe a magnificent nt little town sad valley In which to lire It WJ Ideal for ter U as well as Mr r ter da day I |