Show I 1 Quickly Cures Coughs Colds and Catarrh If you ou doni reader could spend an 10 hur honking k over or a t few w of the thuI thou ad of nl testimonials that w we have on onI t I I 50 OU would not t p go on n suffering f tM that disease t tat will sup your t vitality and ad k ken n your un it II allowed t to conS l Ta I MYe ve Jet as faith faJth In as we have and we have In fl uh U h lit In I its wonderful virtue that It is III Mid cold Ut the over under a J positive goatee to tI C IC I curS u catarrh w sore throat anti and CG cold or J back N stomach dosing wh when you breathe Just t pour a few teW of f the die into t the Inhaler and breathe It hi hiI It I tu might pleasant pant to WI It 1 Us up t those nostrils tit in tw minutes and make makel your head t feel as clear no a eil II la a lIh short rt time kill the te u ea nh germs the 8 only wa way to ta core eure It u the only 7 wilT var to m Set tet rid 1141 of 01 t that ht hawking snuffling end A complete let outfit which Includes a a bottle of and a 1 hm haiti rubber pocket Inhaler eoa 10 to Pt t Drags Fa Flee stores and everywhere If Ifon OIl on air owe a Inhaler you r rca got an exta bottle of C tot for I cents Ita leave used 14 I in out nor family for tor the cure and breaking up of colds sore throat and CA CAt t toft and aDd tIUI say MY that tut tutI I Is a grand IAd remedy redy worth It Its weight t lt gold Mrs J John oh Cooper tInt h PHilOSOPHERS It win will t tell n yon von that h n It tod d dIS is posit iou 1011 sud a clear go 00 0 a grett WI IV j ill II lUll kin U 11 p The rue tern user or of Fisher seer Beer 5 health 1 and good od 1 1 l t U 16 to spare oC things are a that hi his j is cl clear nr n ill illi ll i C CI I 1 I DONT GIVE sour our child teething powders or soothing syrup or quieting drop I Such things often orton contain dope They are re almost almot always dangerous Clean out the cause 0 of the trouble with Worm orm Killer the gentle genUe safe aar laxative system c liver liTer and general for lor children Price 2 c sold lold by druggists and by bl Urn The Never Neter five stores Where here the Cars Car Stop Weve come to the conclusion that about the only man who is really inter interested interested ested in the coat coal dealer is the under undertaker taker and we sus susi suspect i his motives Western Fuel Co t e A no Street I SWAINS Backache and Kidney PILLS For tuiti bladder troubles rheumatic il pRinK neuralgia headache that dragoi cd down lown reeling feeling They act directly on it the kidneys and aud i give ve almost i relief be caDet they not 1101 only act M as a ionic tonia but t the Ite kill tie tissues of im and expel the the poison from thc s system tm So marvelous and universal are am the results result obtained that thoy art are fully teed Jo Every cry druggist has tb them m min in ll Oe Oe and 1 boxes If mODe money bAck Dout Dont ito dc I d nr the tho risk of Brights di disease Get a b box x today If 11 have hac constipation on in torpid liter Iier or 01 nn any disease of the stomach liver anti Swains Can Cannons lions Write rite for fr froe e sample Swain Medicine Co Inc Kansas City M i DRU RUGS 5 Goo Stores the Cars I A Reliable ii quickly absorbed 3 CC Cites Belle at Once b soothes beaM antI protects the diseased mein brane resulting frn t and away a in the quickly Ite j stores the w Taste and Smell F l I r or by ma Iri i fr Lly i Warren Street rw I I I II 1 I I I n rl k r cc I i I q fleeting list hf ruddy rudd glOw of real health nrc bf h hevery J I every er mn I l Ins InsI I 10 lit general V gIves It a I color lor to 0 he 1101 eh b a to t time Jo eyes 0 such cc II III I In end I offer drinkers cannot I I hour to 0 hns hn I Ii I AT ALL II III rill J limm II Ii YOUNG OUNG MEl MEr POI Fee GonorrhoeA and aDd t Pa tl kay by It fa th 0 r c eIrY S no matter bow seneca or if io o j t c Its use will sill b It r i tj and taken j 3 pI I ana detention from badee r P IC 8 tW A by f |