Show OFFICERS ELECTED 1 FOR NEPHI CLUB I w C Andrews Is Chosen to Succeed R B E Grover as I President of Club Special to The Tue Dee Dec annuals annual meeting of the Commercial club for tor the or oC officers was held last Jut eVen eVenIng lug Ing W C Andrews formerly county count clerk captain of company A N G U t tand and at present assistant cashier of oC the National bank was unanimously chosen choson to succeed It K IL Grover County Assessor William Bat Bal Batley ley was chosen choson r t vice pro and Jacob Coleman was elected second vIce president T IL H Burton who has so success successfully fully filled fillod the office or of recording anti and financial secretary for tor the pAst year an and won for tor Juab county by hIs display of dry farm arm products at atthe atthe the fair Wac chosen for tor a second term County Clerk T W Ickers was wa so Ie looted as corresponding secretary 1 L B 1 Dunning as S treasurer George V Vord Vord ord librarian and C H 11 Grace four year term director |