Show SALT LAKE WOMAN r DIES SUDDENLY I Telegram From Los Angeles Announces Death of Mrs I Ella L Jennings I ra Ell I ouse Jen Jennings aged aced years wife tle or of Dr J A ell et f at Lake I died at Clara Barton hospital I IAn la Lee An J At her deathbed were e nr lit Jennings and nel her four chil children dren drea T The bod body will wUl be brought to 0 Salt Lake for funeral services and nd burial Priday 1 A telegram reached relatives here herf yesterday but no details wr were given beyond Hond the mere announcement or of death hn the Ilia began D to affect Hrs Mno Jennings la last spring she h neat nt to tn Les Angeles with hr her family Th The lower lowr altitude had brought forth ul and three weeks ago 50 Hrs Jennings floe to Salt Lake to as assemble household effects which h he had left behind to make mke 1 Lee An Aa Angeles gIf geles her home permanently Mrs Jennings was th the daughter of th the lat late Henry M I veteran etela I furniture mn man who he came me to 0 halt alt Lake among the earliest H II 01 Din Dinwood wood president I n sad manager lifer of the i company pan a brother of M Mrs Jennings nl and nd J James K IC KI I Jennings 4 lIt East South Temple street hr her wen noU tl fled of 01 th the death th lat last night Mrs An AJa Annit nit DinWoody Dinwoodey mother mothr of Hrs Jn Jen Jennies at nies at the home hom of her d daughter fr W 11 T Wright In ft Ogden Anth r nd brother of Mrs J Jen Jennings nl III I x Mrs It r Mona Col of Salt Lake Lak Lakan an and 1 L 0 vice Ie president at and manager r of th the woodey Furniture company Resides IcI hr her husband Mr lr Jennings is survived u b by th the following children Devereaux us Clifford Helen An and Gordon Jenning |