Show NEWS HISTORY 0 THE PAST WEEK A complete history of what has been Ha happening pening throughout the world WESTERN after severely knifing deputy warden de arthur nArthur muchow tour four prisoners escaped from the south dakota penitentiary tent iary at sioux falls taking warden george IV jamison with them the prisoners fled in a motor car parked ty by a tourist just outside the prison walls walla with numerous forest fires blazing throughout the wooded areas of northern minnesota governor J A 0 preus has taken personal charge of the situation ordering out national guardsmen guardsman guards men at duluth tor for relief duty drought conditions have increased the he menace to alarming proportions according to state forestry officials and more than 2000 men were fighting tires fires in varo various us sections six known dead hundreds homeless at least two towns wiped out gut and a dozen others in n imminent danger was the apparent toll of forest tires fires which swept northeastern minnesota causing the worst conflagration since 1018 1918 when per cons lost their lives three persons were struck by lightning and rendered unconscious when a severe electrical storm visited denver mrs walter wright and barry II 11 olloway were stunned when a bolt shattered a tree in a yard next nest door both being a short distance away sirs mrs I 1 wagner 54 was seated on her front porch when lightning struck in the yard she was ancon forty five minutes all will recover in the opinion of physicians who attended them the man who terrorized alie the business section of salt lake on the night of july 15 and the morning ot of july 16 by breaking in a number of sates in various business establishments and who through his activities earned lor for himself the cognomen of 0 the sledge hammer safe cracker is believed to have been taken into custody at bakersfield gal dal by D B newell kewell sheriff ot of that place GENERAL the 1922 area of 0 sugar cane not including sorghum cane in the eight principal states producing sugar cane Is estimated by the united states department part ment of 0 agriculture to be acres or about 00 per cent ot of the harvested liar vested cane acreage ot of 1921 this Is a preliminary estimate and includes the me acreage intended to be harvested for seed and syrup as nell vs ell as for sugar bugar english women athletes won the first international womans comans track meet at paris over competitors from the united states france switzerland and czechoslovakia czecho slovakia the american team was second france third czecho slovakia fourth and switzerland fifth A tube ot of radium valued at was back in the hands of the surgeon who owns it and mrs martha spohn ft a patient in whose body the radium was lost was reported recovering following an operation to recover the missing metal in a previous operation a tube ot of radium was inserted la in the incision when mrs spohn was placed on the operating table tor for removal ot of the tube it had disappeared another incision revealed that the radium had burned through tissues to mother part ot of the patients body an american merchant marine large enough to be a factor in the shipping hipping ot of the world and which in time ot of war would insure sufficient subsidiary ships tor for fighting operations has the indorsement endorsement Indor ot of the veterans ot of foreign wars now in annual convention at seattle twenty gallons ot of whisky and five gallons ot of blackberry brandy were found by officers in a church near west jefferson N C the liquor had been concealed there by bootleggers boot leggeN it was said apparently in the b belief elle i it would be sate safe churchgoers detected the odor and a search revealed the liquor sire mrs eugene mara llara 77 said to have been the first white child to arrive in carson city nov nev and reputed to have been the sweetheart 0 of samuel L demons clemons mark twain when he was waa in nevada la ii dead at carson city before turning on the gas to end hla his life at cody wyo william hard ing moved his canary to another room tn bave the bird airan van li anderson robert nobert nones hones and clifford freece all 0 of salt lake who were marooned on the rocky apron which se separator parater the upper and lower yosemite falls 1000 feet from the floor of the valley were rescued by rangers the resi lulng party of tour four tied themselves together with a halt half inch rope and were enabled to reach the stranded youths only after considerable perilous efforts hundreds hundred v w ached the tha work of the relief party ipa being used to guide them washington running expenses of tho the govern ment fell off by more than during july as compared with the same month last year while public debt disbursements were reduced by according to the monthly a statement tat ement of expenditures expenditures issued by the treasurer tho the attention 0 tanners in all sections of the country to the free distribution of excess war explosives for farm work Is called by the united states department ot of agriculture since last fall the department in cooperation with the various state agricultural colleges has distributed pounds of picric acid a sur plus explosive which Is very efficient easy and sate safe to handle in minnesota the state agricultural college reports we feel that picric acid has been a great benefit to the state and has done great deal to stimulate land clearing all reports are to the effect that its use has been highly satisfactory is the pounds allotted to minnesota Minne aota wore were distributed to farmers averaging pounds per farmer we estimate that this will clear acres of land and has maile made a saving of over tor for the tanners farmers of the state sta te the absent voter is wooed with unusual ardor this year by polita political cal leaders Ilund hundreds reds of thousands of voters temporary absent irom from their homes are being urged to register tor for the november elections and to vote by mail it if it Is impo impossible imposible sible for them to return home in time nearly a score of states have absent voting laws which provide ta in detail tor for the regis and voting ot of citizens who are for the tha time being exiles from their home commonwealth the government will be inclined to deal leniently with western reclamation homesteaders who because ot of deflated crop prices may find themselves unable to meet obligations due uncle sam this fall and winter secretary ot of the interior fall states in a message to the reclamation record on the twentieth anniversary ot of the en of 0 the federal reclamation act Ilo however wever fall sounded the sharp warning that his department intends to be stern in its refusal to defer payments from persons who are not true homesteaders and have been caught short by speculation or by their lack ot of fitness for farming it is only tho the bona fide sincere public land settlers that the govern innet seeks to encourage and aid the secretary asserted amendments ot of existing laws with reference to summoning of 0 wit witnesses in civil cases is urged by attorney general daugherty in letters to chair man nelson ot of the senate judiciary committee and chairman ot of the house judiciary committee asking tor for additional legislation to enable the lov government to institute suits tor for the recovery of 0 money la in cert certain alzi war fraud cases FOREIGN cyrus C K curtis philadelphia publisher returned to the un united cited states after seven weeks in europe with word from former premier clemenceau that french war leaders felt america never finished her job negotiations for a commercial treaty between america and germany are expected to begin soon arter the return of the german ambassador to washington ing ton ambassador Amb asador Weld feldt sails tor for new york with instructions to take up the question with the state department in circles close to the german government it is stated that washington is disposed to grant ger many the most favored nation clause resolutions declaring the hostility to future wars ware ot of the second trades union congress were passed at its recently concluded session in melbourne australia demonstrations against war bere vi ere approved and all trade unions were directed to hold these demonstrations during the week of the anniversary of the start of the world war A ar chinese colonies in japan are greatly excited over the report that 2500 chinese laborers are to be immediately deported under an old regulation prohibiting foreign laborers working ou taide the foreign settlements although the kaga one of the great partially completed battleships to be scrapped under the terms ot of the washington treaty limiting naval armaments has arrived at tokio ready for or the breakers to commence their work ot of destruction and her sister ship the toss tosa has been towed to kure for similar treatment not a rivet will be drawn from their hulls hull until the treaty has ha s been finally ratified by all the powers concerned lord northcliffe famous british publisher and political power died 0 of acute blood poisoning at london french scientists have found that the death of many tine fine trees on streets where automobile traffic is ii heady beady Is due to fumes from the motors canada Is experiencing a building boom fig figures area lor for the first six months of the year show a volume of 0 construction st unequaled in any year since 1914 sixty carloads of foodstuffs from new jersey on the food ship saugus baugus which sailed from new york on june jun 20 has arrived at the americal Amerl Ameri cai orphan city at where the near east relief Is maintaining armenian children |