Show BOTH WIL WILK FOR SHORT TIME imprisoned cz cl and kansas city man aike in dic until storm CP I 1 a ned led oo 00 down in ili kulil according to a kansas city mail who yues aes ues there frequently there lg Is it a colle ur of curiosities pecullar to the stat HIS line ranges from indian to ti live coyotes in ft fart lie he liani anything that might appeal to the impulses and purses of ens easterners ner iner I this dealers ettore window recently attracted the attention of a portly sti salesman lemMin who was strolling about the company with the kansas C city I 1 ty i iliin in with this obese raiding ann malvo do pause was to sit the only convenient seat inthis in this case was a box bos oatlie sidewalk in front of the store A piece of burlap had been spread over it the portly oe e just settled himself comfortably to ajoy the window display when III ahli companion heard beard a snarling acrea rp within the box bos and almost simultaneously the fat man was seen reen rising high in the air propelled belled by als own sturdy legs A howl from mingled with the falsetto on one e chich emanated from beneath the alap burlap subsequent investigation deyp developed loped that the box bos tas as really a crate containing n a wildcat about to be shipped east eart the animal had find been selwa with an impulse to test its lungs annl d claws at labout the time the salesman placed the posterior part 0 if his anatomy so convenient for claw testing |