Show LIMIT TO USE OF MOLASSES hect made by department of ef Agri agrical cul ture in operation cooperation co with alabama station prepared by br the united states department ot of agriculture there Is to the that n U 1 to 1 of blackstrap molasses which can be added with economy to it a ration of 54 pounds of cottonseed meal and 40 46 pounds of corn silage for fattening yearling steers was shown in a test made by the united states department of agriculture in co operation with the louisiana experiment station two lots of nine 7 pound a steers were ted fed for days for forty ty six pounds of silage per steer per day was practically the llos llo S of their capacity lot I 1 wax wan fed pounds of 0 molasses sp per r rn t d dally 11 while lille lot 2 yoo was ted fed p 0 of f molasses lasses per steer dally daily A ilot lot I 1 gained pounds per sq sally while lot 2 gained only pounds per steer dally daily it Is evident thit that pounds of molasses was wasted dally daily per steer in ot 2 the results in lot 0 2 might havi hav been more favorable to the use of so much molasses had the cotton wi W ie f T i tea te 0 WM s i ami t 1 k A v P grazing on Pas pasture in south teed seed meal ration been reduced to 35 or 4 pounds in the test lot I 1 consumed 1830 pounds of silage pounds ot of cottonseed meal and pounds of molasses per pounds gain while lot 2 required 2 per cent more silage 3 per cent more cottonseed meal and 54 per cent more molasses to produce pounds of gain |