Show sure relief FOR indigestion it C E jt 6 BE ILLAN ILL AN S hot water Sure Relief a aa ML E EUANS 25 end and packages everywhere earth has but few sorrows that an ad entertaining book cant make us forget temporarily KILL RATS TODAY ely using STEARNS ELECTRIC PASTE tt rt ai aim kuig km alc opher gophers prairie dot 07 tj wolye vm cockroaches 6 water tur bug knafl el A ito box contains enough to kill 51 to 10 rau or mice att it from roar true or contract store lor dealer today leaby FOR USE BETTER THAN TRAPS 14 stop laxatives which only aggravate Aty avate constipation HUM is a lubricant not a medicine or laxative laan tive so cannot gripe when yon yoa are constipated not enough of natures lubricating liquid is produced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and doctors prescribe bujol because it acta like t this h I 1 a natural lubricant and a n d thus replaces reil laces it try it today I 1 i aA A NOT NOTA A LAXATIVE important to mothers examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA that famous old rem remedy edy for infants infanta and children and see that it bears the signature of i zv in use for over 30 years bears children cry for F fletcherr letchers Flet let chera chers custom Cuti cura soothes baby rathe rashes that itch and burn by hot baths of Cuti cura soap followed by gentle anoint ings of Cuti cura ointment nothing better purer sweeter especially if a little of the fragrant cuti cure cura talcum Is dusted on at the finish ze each advertisement for economical transportation 4 4 the lowest priced QUALITY roadster b flint mich the Ch chevrolet charolet rolet roadster is a car that can be used purely for business purely fo fa personal service or in an ideal combination of both it is intensely practical as a business car for salesmen it will serve splendidly t multiply earning power making possible the covering of a much larger territory and ana more calls in a given time it blithe fine appearance that carries prestige which is another point in its if favor as a business car and then it is the cheapest in price of any car in ia america quality and equipment considered ano and because it is 13 the car of lowest operating cost it becomes the cheapest la ial cost per yc year of service ervice li of any car in the world comparisons sell chevrolet consider what chevrolet equipment pressure gauge lighting and starting means switch and choke pull standard rear axle constructor construction standard cf type of carburetor strong ofal of al q quiet uio t spiral bevel gears with exhaust heater one reason why you get most miles per gallon of gasoline standard transmission three with a chevrolet ep forward and one reverse e powerful valve in motor stand standard d braking S system foot the same type as used in successful er ice frice brake hd hand emergency brake much cars selling nt at hig higher her prices standard electrical S system rims with extra starter storage battery remy ignition rim many other which will standard cooling system pump be noticed on inspection comparison d circulation larze large honeycomb honey comb radiator sad and demonstration and fan st standard instrument boa board rd containing investigate the difference ammeter oil before you buy chevrolet motor company detroit michigan division of general motors corporation PRICES F FOB 0 B touring 5 sedan alu PUNT TT VC MICHIGAN lUGAN 4 passenger ce coupe ve e light commercial chum ls wortle lom aru manufacturer r of there are re chevrolet che rolat atler deal e r S G tn 1 QUALITY automobile service throughout ali V 0 t ad dealers and parts depots wanted in all territory not adequately covered address chevrolet motor company 1833 bazee street denver colorado M 0 gives old capes glow of mew U W putnam fadeless dyes dyes or tints as a you wish |