Show I GOLDFIELD MINES OUTPUT MAKES FINE SHOWING The e production of at the past week wa w tons estimated value l production is pure guesswork a as aJ either the company nor the ore handler handier give out figures The entire camf to be awaiting the completion 01 or he mills says sas the Goldfield News New Tons Combination mill 53 mill mill 41 Western Veste Ore Purchasing company s 5 Nevada Sevada Reduction company 63 Gr Total n Estimated value Nevada Neada Goldfield Reduction company Combination Fraction 18 tons t ls Dab Bab I II Florence Florenle 80 SO tons Consolidated Red Top tons tone Daisy 40 1 tons Velvet 7 tons Consolidated Florence 7 tons Florence Annex 21 tons Little Florence SO 80 tons Engineers lease 33 tons Begole tons Total tons Average value 30 jO O total value Combination mill tons daily dally total 59 tons average 33 35 total value 2085 KInkead mill tons average value total value Chlorination mill Two o hundred tons average value 30 total value Western Vestern Ore Purchasing company Florence 11 tons Engineers lease 37 tons Florence Consolidated tons Daisy Daly Da y ISO tons ton total s tons av average average average value total value |