Show COERCION OF PENSIONERS Veterans of the civil and other wars warsIn warsIn warsin In Pennsylvania who are on the pen pension pensIon pension sion list were astounded the other day when they opened envelopes containing their vouchers to find Republican lit literature literature literature enclosed Arguments against Bryan and in favor of Taft were thus sent out and the government defrauded of ot postage and the law of If the land fla tIa flagrantly grantly and outrageously violated Some of the aged and Infirm old heroes construed the documents to mean that if It they did not Vote ote for tor Taft they would lose ose their pensions Others who fought their battles in the days of or doubt and danger exploded in wrath over the insult of or the attempted coer coercion coercion cion con conOf Of Ot course an appeal to Washington would do no good as the administration tion is stooping to the worst possible methods in the mad endeavor to elect Taft Another proof of the desperate condition of the Republican party |