Show 1 NIGHT WORKERS Iii flu HEAR NEBRASKAN hi 4 At 3 in the Morning Mr 1 1 0 Bryan Addresses Enor Enormous Enormous i Crowd I j i I f MEETING RATHER RA HER UNIQUE F fi I RED FIRE AND ENTHUSIASM IN INI 4 i CITY HALL PARK I j New ew Tork York Oct 27 For the first time 1 I I Ji their th r history at such an hour the p pray gray walls walla of or the old city han hall were lighted Ight d up ap by red I fire firt at 3 this f ij morning when William J Bryan bare smiling was as Introduced from d the step tepa of or the building to a big crowd of Q lt workers gathered there to greet 1 Mm him m nr 1 car him hin h ap aak ak on the Issues f if r the campaign re the cheers had bad ceased the red fire tire died out and Mr Mra a limn made his hie address in the dark the few street treet lamps sampe in the park giving hard hardI I Jy jv p enough light for Cor or the listeners to dis distinguish l the form of or the speaker eaker against die the dark walls wails of ot the old Ok building and the muffled forms torms of ot those thosa who accompanied panted him Th The crowd was wae composed I principally of ot of ot the big bg pews news newspaper i paper IMPer offices ortices on Park lark Row the telegraph Offices and the general across t pie he Ie prk while here and there a n yellow 1 I Wlter a listener from one of ot ott oftIe tIe the t 16 big bl markets market l where work does not iI pase lie with darkness A brass braSIl band en entertained enI I the crowd with badly played airs until the arrival of ot Mr Ir Bryan ryan and his party part and a number of ot otI Infer lights lighte In tho the political field spoke but neither the interruptions In nor norl l t e arrival or speech of Mr Ir Bryan Dryan him 4 I elf disturbed the regular patrons of ot the tho park benches scores of ot of whom slept on undisturbed by the unusual activity in Ini i their t sleeping place t Mr Bryan was accompanied by Nation National ti I al t Chairman Norman E MacK dack and by byI I Mrs Bryan and Mrs drs Mack Eulogized Eulogized I f h Mr lr Bryan eulogized the workers of 4 Ii the country and spoke at some length on the various icuss of or the campaign He Heald said Mid that to him the die was one of or 1 the most of ot the campaign i There is not only necessity for labor he declared but there is dignity in la Ia labor labor 1 I bor bar I believe that the time will come when public sentiment will put the badge of or disgrace not upon the men who with brain or muscle contribute to their na nations nai naI i I I welfare but upon the tho man m an who Is isi i i i willing to pend In idleness the the money thoney that some of ot them have made People Can Govern Themselves I He maintained 11 that the government Ii that rested the of or the I people was the strongest possible govern government I ment meat Tho Tto he ho said could govern themselves and he asserted that the progress was as constantly toward a larger participation by b the people In their own I government it r I If It he said amid great cheering I Ij II j t I have gained a place In your confidence 3 it Is III simply Dimply because I have havo taken you i into my confidence It If you are willing willingto I I to t trust me ma it is only because I have I f shown my willingness to trust you I do donot donot donot not say SU that the people will make no mis mistakes mistakes takes What hat I say is that the people 4 I i have a right to make their own mistakes I and nobody y hon has a C Go right to tomake toI tomake I l make them for them I do not mean to 1 say nay that I am not liable to mistakes I Ido III i I I do tiO say sa that I dont know kno of ot any an reason II why I should make a mistake against the theP P people or look at questions except from I the standpoint of ot the people 11 Issues of the Campaign I Mr Bryan then took uj un the issues of ot oti 2 thi campaign car He Ife publicity P of or i contributes s tariff tarIU the I trusts ts the panics etc c And nd as regards I I the tho election of or senators by b direct Vote ote I he ho declared that he ho felt confident that t the people p ople of ot New York by b adopting that S J plan could not make any worse mistakes 4 than their legislature has done In reference to private monopolies he said laid We believe It will never be safe sare to have monopolies until God sends us f angels to take charge of ot them and from our experience with those in charge we weare weare are arc inclined to believe that they come not from above but from below Taking up the labor question he de do detailed deI I tailed the planks or of the Denver platform I and said he be could not understand why j Mr Ir Taft TaCt was so bitter against trial by t 1 L Jury He hoped the time would come j I when employers would not threaten their i 5 when every employer would recognize that the responsibility of ot citi citizenship citizenship r rested upon the as well f I as upon the th employer His only claim 4 upon the suffrage of the people for elec election election 1 tion he said was that If they believed b his election would be good for tor the coun country country count t try and that they the would share In the benefits that that election would bring bringe e I he had a right to expect that they the would stand for tor him on election Iton day da |