Show u I IS S SAID ID TO BE FINE FINEGood I 1 Good News for Kidney and Bladder t d Sufferers i H New Drug Maizene Now Obtainable i f in This City I I I II I i Since ince lis r ts discovery a few months ago aso agort i rt the new drug for Kidney and j Bladder Ji adder Trouble Troubles has hilI exceeded the most i sanguine hopes hones of the manufacturers 4 Ever er since Its Introduction In Salt Lake I 1 the Horne lorne Drug company F C CI I Schramm Sf the F J Hill Drug company 5 I tilt and other first class drug stores have I been en kept busy supplying the demand Maizene alzene acts directly upon the tire the tissues of the Kidneys 8 giving them i Iii fr strength to filter the poisonous matter 5 i from the Impure blood Dont let your yourt youri i It t backache develop Into kidney e trouble but get liet a bottle of Maizene and make up a aI I t I I j pint of medicine at home horn Maizene can 1 bo be had hall from torn any drug store or by send sending Ins ing SOc direct to the laboratories of the l Cooper company East EastLake II 1 f I take Lake street Chicago Ill We Weve IT ve r Demonstrated Io ro hundreds of our customers that our credit system is a benefit to those who are not able to pay cash for their Wearing Apparel the logic of dressing poorly when our CREDIT SYSTEM en enables enables 5 ables MEN itEN and WOMEN to dress in the best clothes obtainable at atS 1 a Week or 4 a Month S This week we are exhibiting an exceptionally fine line of Furs Well be De glad to show you i The Western Outfitting Co COe OUTFITTERS FOR MEN AND WOMEN I State Street Opposite the Knutsford WARNING Do not be deceived by other credit houses us IS we have no nc connection with any other store in Salt Lake Lakei LakeL f f L LOA COOP MONEY We collected some money mone for the Loa Coop of Wayne rayne county coun some time ago which had been owing to them for tor about thirteen or fourteen cn years ears Their manager was exceedingly sur surprised surp t p when we tie told him we had the money mone 5 I Eleven years ago In tho the dead of or win winter wint t ter he chased the defendant over oyer two ranges of mountains trying to catch J hint him The man got go away uway We e located S i I him In another state and collected the money mone Red lIed Streaks of oC Honesty Honest Exist in inS S i I Everybody Turn In your our claims We Ve 4 wilt collect coned for tor you ou if Ie you OU wish i I Christmas is coming j Merchants Protective Association i I t Scientific Collectors of Honest Debts t Eight Rooms Commercial National Bank Building Salt Sail Lake City elt Utah Francis G Luke General Manager Some People Dont Like Us t r ra rC rC a C C Mrs Winslows Soothing Syrup I has been used for tor YEARS by b MILLIONS of MOTHERS for tor their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING with PERFECT SUCCESS It SOOTHES the CHILD 1 I SOFTENS the GUMS ALLAYS all I I PAIN CURES WIND COLIC and Is the best remedy for tor DIARRHOEA Sold by byj b j t Druggists In every part of the world Be I sure and ask for Mrs Winslows Sooth Soothing SoothIng Soothing I ing Syrup and take tako no other kind 1 cents a bottle GUARAN f TEED UNDER THE FOOD rOOD AND DRUG DRU DRUt t ACT JUNE JO 16 SERIAL NUMBER I I Ires The Meat to Eat j Are You Y 00 Particular I II I I About Meats jI j jI I I Do you ou care enough about the I meat you ou eat to investigate a lit little littie tie tle I It If take tale the trouble to toI I look for tor the government inspection i tion stamp and buy the meat that shows it you can make sure that the meat you eat is pure and wholesome clean and sweets sweet Your Tour dealer has bas our products I i f Intermountain i Packing yG Co The only plant in Salt Lake ke kewith with government inspection Ir I Its a little earls earl but thinking of Thanksgiving reminds a man that Its It Thanksgiving every day I Ii if he has lias i HUStERS FLOUR fLOURI I I I II A Beautiful Picture Book There is nothing like Jt It In Amer America AmerIca America ica the Theatre Magazine Of course the prints it Now is the best time to plant Hya Hyacinths Hyacinths Tulips Crocus and Daffodils Seed store Pleasant Reading Beading for the Tat Fat 1 What a simple and inexpensive solving solving oh ing of or the fat rat womans problem the Prescription Tablets provide She takes one of these harmless pleas pleasant pleasant pleasant ant little tablets after each meal meat and at bedtime and loses lobes from 12 to 16 Hi ounces of fat each day and yet et suffers no harm creates no disturbances In Inwardly Inwardly inwardly and produces no wrinkles This elegant preparation made exactly in accordance with the famous Prescription has rendered exercising and dieting for the reduction of excess flesh as superfluous as a fifth wheel A further recommendation Is that It is the least expensive fat reducer on the market a large lare case cast costing costin only 75 cents from any druggist or by mail from the Company Com pan Detroit Mich containing a quantity of tab tablets tablets tablets lets large enough to give very decided results in most every case Assessment No 34 WABASH MINING COMPANY PRIN PRINcipal PRINcipal cipal place of or business Salt Lake City Utah Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors h ld on th day of October 1908 DOS an assess assessment assessment ment meat of eight 8 S cents per share was levied on the capital stock of the corpo corporation corporation corporation ration payable on or before the day of November N vember DOS to W V Mont Ferry secretary at room Atlas block West Vest Second South street Salt Lake City Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the day of or November 1008 1908 will be 00 delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment Is made before will be besold besold besold sold on tle Ue day of December 1908 19 to pay the delinquent assessment ass together with all cost of 01 0 advertising and ard ar d expense of sale W MONT FERRY Secretary Location of offices Atlas Block Salt Lak Laki City CIt Utah Assessment No 16 NEW YORK BONANZA MINING CO Principal place of business No 12 1 East Second South street Salt Lake City Utah Notice Is hereby given that at a meet meetIng meetIng meetIng Ing of the board of or directors of the New NewYork NewYork I York Bonanza Mining Ce Cc held on the I zd day of October 1905 1008 an assessment of I two 2 cents per share was levied and assessed on the capital stock of elf f said cor corporation corporation payable at the office No 12 1 East Second South street Salt Lake City Utah to J H Deming secretary on or before Nov 5 1908 Any stock upon which said sad assessment shall shan remain unpaid on the said day of November 1908 1005 will be delinquent ent and advertised for sale sal at public auction and unless payment Is made before will wilt be besold besold besold sold on Nov 23 25 2 1908 1905 at 1 p m of said day to pay the said delinquent assessment thereon together with the costs of ot advertising and expenses of sale n J 3 H II DEMING Secretary No 12 East Second South street Salt Lake City Utah NEVADA MINING COMPANY COIPA Y PRIN PRINcipal PRINcipal cipal office room Dooly Dool block Salt Lake City Utah Notice Is hereby given that at A meeting of or the directors held heldon on the day da of October 1908 1205 an assess assessment assessment assessment ment of 13 cent per share being assess assessment assessment assessment ment No 9 was levied upon the capital stock of the th corporation payable Immedi Immediately Immediately immediately to A Reeves secretary of the corn com company com compan pany pan at his office Dooly Doob block Salt Lake City Cit Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on Monday Nov 30 0 DOS 1803 will be delinquent and advertised for tor sale sae at public auction and unless pay payment pa payment ment is made before so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary necessary necessary essary will be sold on the lith day of ot De Dc December December cember 1908 1905 at p m in of said day da to pay the delinquent assessment thereon together with the cost of adver ader advertising Using and expense of sale saleA A REEVES Secretary lG Dooly block Salt Lake City Utah First publication Oct 27 1908 1905 Notice of Assessment No 14 IMLAY MINING COMPANY PRINCIpal pal place of business Salt Lake City Utah Location of mines Humboldt county Nevada Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting of ot the board of directors tors tom of the Imlay Mining company held heldon heldon on the day of or October DOS 1908 assess assessment assessment assessment ment No 14 of 1 cent per share was levied on the capital stock of the corpo corporation corporation corporation ration issued and outstanding payable Immediately to the secretary at 1st Main Maln street Salt Lake City Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on Wednesday the nth day oi of November 1908 will be delinquent and ad advertised advertised advertised for sale at public auction and unless payment is made will be sold on Saturday the day of November DOS 1508 at 2 p m at Main uaIn street to te pay the delinquent assessment thereon together with the cost of or advertising and anc expenses of or sale saleR saleR saleH R H H Secretary Main aln street Salt Lake City Utah Utan Notice of Assessment No 2 CENTRAL MAMMOTH MINING CO principal place of business Salt Lake City Utah U b NoUe Is hereby given tha at a meeting of the board of ot directors o of the Central Mammoth ammoth Mining company compan held on the lUh day of October 1908 a an assessment of or 4 14 cent per share was oas levied on the capital stock o of If the corporation payable immediately U to William B Hughes Hughe secretary of the com corn company company pany at his office Commercial C Clu Club building Salt Lake City Utah Any thy stock upon which this assessment mav may remain unpaid on Thursday November 26 6 1905 will be delinquent and advertise for sale at public auction and anil unless pay pa ment meat Is made before will be sold on the day of December 1908 19 at 10 a am am am m at the office of the company room Commercial Club building Salt Lake City Utah to pay the delinquent assessment thereon together with the cost of adver and expense ex ense of sale WM B HUGHES Secretary 21 Club Bide I Salt Lake ke City Utah Ct h I 1 T OO 1 w ARCHITECTS W S r ct anden and Ind md Ben Bell 1 1337 neer See Sec it Trust GEORGE WITHINGTON ELDREDGE architect Dooly Block Ind In phone 2261 Bell 1155 21 Architect A i J 3 HAMILTON Dooly Dool Block Bell phone located In D DF Dr J C CRAIG architect F r W wim P INTERIOR THE J P PAULSON CO West Second South Sout St Both phones P O 0 Box Manufacturers of or bank office haT bar ar and ana tore store fixtures also show case cases wall wan cases desks etc etc Agents Arents for the company billiard and pool poo tables and supplies Our fixtures are practical and of v desIgn Wf We W are carrying the largest Jn stock of or pool tables and supplies In the west Sep See our show how rooms warehouse and fac forY ory We are lire also t o manufacturing and ha everything pertaining to soda sod fountains carbonates etc ftc I pHIt i CONTRACTORS HAMLIN HA LIN PAINTS incorporated F P Keate manager Painting from A to Z Phones 2021 MILLER JENSEN contractors Arch Architectural and en rine works wOrk Phones Bell 1331 Ind md Sharon Bide LET US build you a horn hom on your our lot let letor or o ours urs Enterprise Realty Inv un Co 53 55 W d South SouthA ASHTON A PROS contractors M Cb 0 ir T Tn 1 A HONE BUILDING 1 MODERN HOME HOfE BUILDING CO D I r lv block Bell Mall Main BLUE PRINTING 55 BLUE PRINTING Fresh papers p pert operators operator new plant Breeden Office Co BO ro o West wt Second SPOnd South LUMBER DEALERS BURTON COAL LUMBER CO Both phones SOS Manufacturers Manufacturer of Tarred Felt Roofing Pitch Creosote PAINTS AND GLASS I EVERYTHING THAT G GOES S SA ON WITh AVITH WIThA A BRUSH BRUSIL Acme Acm Quality kind Paints Paint OJ varnishes enamels A Ml supplies Culmer 1 Pant PaInt Gla Oo I 0 30 II fl K E 1 J 1 let t Se It v Phone Phones alt SI 51 1 5 1 7 FIXTURES T UTAH TAH BUILDING G IA ING CO Inc 21 W So Sa Temple Both C phones Cabinet work show how cases J I counters shelving etc Manufacturers of Bank Bar nfl md Office Fixtures Milton Ridges s TILES AND MANTELS I w ALL kinds of tile work wood and tile mantels new and complete te stock Letch Letchfield Letchfield Letchfield field Barstow The Tile and Mantel Men Mn 46 b South State tate street streetS CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENTs S G 0 SHAW CO Structural Ste I Contractors Supplies Concrete Reinforcing ReinforcIng ing Railway Supplies Concrete Com rete Mixers Mixer Portland Cement etc Harris Bros Rep Hen 1 Atlas Atla block Both phones POOL TABLES POOL TABLES Large stock secor hand tables cheap Also show case cases Tid drug fixtures Headquarters for billiard supplies W V L Wetherbee 18 US and aud West Vest 1st South street Ind md IndmON IRON mON WORKS SILVER BROS IRON WORKS fO CO 0 Both phones 5 0 W South Stu turl tural steel cast east Iron columns etc CARPENTERS suns G 64 Richards Richard S t solicit odd Jobs of all Sill kinds al atou ou TI 11 l 4 T or cm fn n o n T Irl K Tt HI 0 BUILDER w IF YOU are goIng to build a home see 1 me M 11 M King Kins SI 21 Constitution B Bo Bd BoBell Bell md Ind 1 R CUT STONE GL GLENCOE N STONE from Wyo Wyc a superior sandstone for all kind of cut stone work samples submitted Ashton Whyte fo re Salt Sait Lck Lak a Ken 13 Office and yard 23 22 to 34 74 4 X N West W t St Phones Bell 2 Ind md 1196 m OO I ASSA ASSAYERS BETTLES MATHEZ COA Co A F Bard Bardwell Bardwell Bardwell well manager assay and chemical labora labors laboratory laboratory tory So W Temple Both phones J 1 W CURRIE 70 West 1 South St Salt Lake Cake City Samples by mall or ex express express express press receive prompt attention CRISMON fk NICHOLS assayers ami an chemists South West Temple street Salt Lake City W H IL TREMAYNE assayer over Main street Salt Lake City Utah Mall Mail I samples sample receive prompt attention W A A HODGES SONS assayers and chemists W 20 South Salt Lake City R B H OFFICER CO assayers South West Temple St Silt Salt Lake Lak City STOCK W WB B ANDREW CO l D 13 F Walk Walker er Block Stocks Sto ks and bonds bought and sold on commission Phones Phon Bell In Independent Independent Independent dependent WM WlL H ALEXANDER Atlas block Mining stocks bought bou ht and sold on com corn comE comE E B M 11 WEST CO stocks D F P Walker Elk Dik Both phone phones office and res r s GEOLOGIST R B FORRESTER examines s and reports on mining and mineral mineraI properties Rooms Brooks Arcade Both phones MOVING N LARGE padded vans careful men Red Redman Redman Redman man Van ti Storage Co So W Tem Tern Tempi pi ph Pho s 5 DRUGLESS SPEC ST STiR CHRONIC iR N ana anti nervous diseases spinal IP troubles female complaints Dr P E Eo Erickson chiropractor Constitution SCAVENGERS UTAH SCAVENGER CO Bell Ind md Manure removed Assessment Notice l SILVER KING CONSOLIDATED MIN lUN MINIng lUNIng Ing company compan of Utah place of or business Salt Lake City Utah Notice Is hereby given that at a mit mt Ing of or the directors held en cn Oct d LbS 1108 an assessment of or five 5 cents per ilia sTare re was on all the issued and outstanding outstandIng outstanding ing shares of the capital stock of ot said cor corporation corporation or payable on November ISO 1305 1 to G W V Browning secretary of the com corn company company pany at rooms and 40 Atlas block West Vest Second South street str et Salt Lake City Utah or to Sprite Voll Co n Trac Traction Traction tion lion building Cincinnati Ohio Any stock ck upon which this assessment may remain unpaid at the close of or business on Novem Noem November ber 1903 will be delinquent and ad advertised advertised advertised for vie le at public auction and unless Is II made before will be besold besold besold sold on November 1908 to pay pa the delinquent assessment together with the I cost coat of |