Show CHAS A PROUTY I 1 ARRIVES IN CITY I 1 Comes to Conduct Investigation tion of ofU Union nion Coal Holdings Begins Today oday HEARING IS MADE l ADE PUBLIC TESTIMONY ONY ON PRICE REGULATING ING AND DISCRIMINATING I I Charles A Prouty of the interstate com corn commerce commerce merce commission c who will conduct the Investigation of railroad coal affairs which commences at 10 this morn morning n mornIng orn ornIng ing arrived In Salt Lake yesterday from Omaha Elmer E Thomas associate counsel toJ to J 1 T 1 Marchand attorney for forthe forthe forthe the commission and J J 1 McAuliff of official tidal stenographer arrived yesterday also The hearing will bear almost entirely upon coal coat holdings of the Union Pacific with a n view of investigating price regu lating hating and discriminating Mr Prouty said last evening The hearing will be a continuation of the investigations in just ended at Omaha The Union Pacific Paci ic will be the only on road represented What particular line of In Investigation Investigation Investigation may be adopted by the at attorney attorney attorney torney I cannot say sa nor do I J know just what may ma be expected to develop during the hearing Coal holdings price regu lating and discriminating will be of course the lines to be followed rhe The Till resolution relative to coal carrying railroads and the ownership of I mines provides that at least one member of or the interstate commerce commission go over his territory and conduct hear ings for testimony on these th e matters I Iam Iam am here simply to take the testimony Mr Prouty will sit In the federal build ing lug for the tho hearing The investigation will be conducted publicly The rhe witnesses subpoenaed include W V H Bancroft vice president and general manager of ot the Oregon Short Line J T A Reeves general of the Citizens Coal company compan Robert S Spencer of Evanston Wyo and D J T of 01 the Utah Blah Fuel company Mark Hop kins of Salt Lake has been retained by the commission to render expert testimony as asa asa a mining engineer Other witnesses will willbo be bo called upon to furnish additional testimony mony The investigation will consume two days dars freight agent of the Oregon Short Line in Salt Lake Richard P Morris of 01 the Citizens Coal company and D J Sharp a former coal dealer and anc of the Utah Fuel company compan Other wit witnesses witnEsses nesses will be called upon to furnish ad testimony The investigation will probably consume two or three days Mr Prouty was appointed a member of tho the interstate int commerce commission n from Vermont His headquarters at Washing ton are in the Sun building Text Sf f Resolution Joint resolution instructing the inter interstate interstate Interstate state commerce commission to tp make ex examinations examinations into the subject of railroad discriminations and monopolies in coal and oil and report on oz the same from lr m time to time Resolved by the senate and house of representatives of 01 the United States of America in congress assembled That the interstate commerce commission be he and is hereby authorized and Instructed im immediately Immediately immediately mediately to Inquire investigate and re report report report port to congress or to the president when hen congress Is s not in session from time to time to time as Investigation proceeds First Whether any common carriers by railroad subject to the interstate com corn commerce merce merce act or either of or them own or have any interest in by means of stock owner ownership ownership ownership ship In other corporations or otherwise any of ef If the coal or oil which they or either of them directly or through other companies which they control or In which they have an interest carry carryover over their or any of their tines lines as common carriers or in any manner own control or have h ve veany any interest in coal lands or properties or oil lands or properties Second Whether the officers of any an of the carrier companies aforesaid or any of them or any person or persons charged with the duty of distributing cars or furnishing facilities facUlties to shippers are in interested interested interested either directly or indirectly by means of stock ownership or otherwise In corporations or companies owning operating leasing or otherwise interested interest ell ellin in any coal mines james coal coat properties or coal traffic oil oil properties or oil traffic over the railroads with which they the or any of or them are arc connected or by which they or any of them are employed Third Whether there is any an contract combination in the form of or trust or other otherwise otherwise otherwise wise or conspiracy in restraint of trade or or commerce among the several states in which any common carrier engaged in inthe Inthe inthe the transportation of coal or oil is Inter Interested Interested Interested ested or to which it is a n party and whether any such common carrier mo monopolizes monopolizes or attempts to monopolize or combines or conspires with any other othel carrier company or companies person or persons to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce in coal or oil or trat traffic traffic fic lie therein among the several states or with foreign nations and whether or not and if so to what extent such car carriers carriers or any of them limit or control directly or indirectly the output of or coal coalmines coalmines coalmines mines or the price pric of coal and oil fields or the price of oil Must Report on Facts Fourth Tf the Interstate commerce commission shall shan find that the facts or er crany any of them set forth In the three para paragraphs paragraphs paragraphs graphs above do exist then that it be lie further required to report as to the effect of such relationship ownership or inter interest interest interest est in coal or coal properties and coal traffic or oil oil properties or oil traffic aforesaid or such contracts or combinations combinations in form of or trust or otherwise or conspiracy or such monopoly or attempt to monopolize or Ot o combine or conspire as aforesaid ld upon such person Derson or persons as may ma be engaged en aged independently of any other persons In mining coal or producing oil and shipping the same or other products who may desire to so engage 1 or o r upon the general public as consumers of o r such oil or coal Fifth That said commission be also re required re required e q to investigate and report the s s stern tern t em ern of car supply and distribution in ef of effect effect f upon the several railway lines en engaged aged g fg in the transportation of coal or oil oils as a s aforesaid and whether said systems are a re fair and equitable and whether the thc same ame s are carried out fairly fairl and properly pr and a nd whether said carriers or any of them discriminate d against shippers or parties wishing to become shippers over their sev several several eral ml c lines either in the matter of distribution distribution t tion lon of cars or in furnishing facilities or I Instrumentalities connected with receiving receiving ing i ng forwarding or carrying coal or oil Sixth That said commission be also re ce required t to report as to what remedies It Itcan Itcan itcan can suggest to cure the evils above set forth orth f if they exist Seventh That said commission be also al o required r to report any facts or conclusions conclusions bus s which it may think pertinent to the general inquiry above set et forth Eighth That said commission be re required q to make mal e this investigation at its earliest e possible convenience and to fur furnish furnish II nish n ish the information above required from time ime t to time and as soon as It can be done consistent c tc with the performance of or its p public duty dut Approved March 7 1906 |