Show S TAfT HAS fUll POWER l J L TO SETTLE r Secretary Considers It the Duty of the United States to Give Cubans Another Chance Gem of the Antilles Will Not Be Annexed This Time Some Disappointment Felt Havana Sept 23 All classes are ars arsnow arenow arenow now awaiting for the conditions under which tranquillity will likely be restored in Cuba and keen disappointment is expected on every side because of the likelihood of o peace being brought about without armed American intervention That the differences of the opposing factions could be reconciled was not generally believed to be possible until today when it was announced that the liberals and the insurgents had em empowered empowered empowered powered a committee to represent them before the American mediators It is evident that the business Inter Interests interests interests ests of the island have no confidence in inthe inthe inthe the ability of the Cubans to rule them themselves themselves themselves selves and now when it appears too toolate toolate toolate late they are openly favoring forcible intervention and possibly annexation One More Chance Secretary of War Taft is cognizant of this general opinion that peace cannot last unless It is enforced by an Amer American Am Amerlean r lean ican army but he considers that it is the duty of the United States to give the republic another chance and be believes believes believes that it would be bad policy polley for forthe forthe forthe the United States to keep a force in Cuba longer than was required to su Sn supervise supervise the laying down of arms He said today that if the liberals and mod moderates moderates moderates harmonize their differences the United States must regard the com corn compact compact pact as made in good faith That peace will come as the thc result of the mediation of the United States is isnow isnow isnow now believed by Cubans regardless of party affiliation but whether it will be beon beon beon on terms that will insure permanent tranquillity is questioned Spent Quiet Sunday Secretary Taft and Assistant Secre Secretary Secretary Secretary tary of State Bacon spent Sunday quietly receiving few persons Representatives of the veterans and of the dl diplomatic corps cori made brief visits Senator na Or Alfredo Zayas later met the mediators at the American legation and arranged for far f r their th lr first meeting with the insurgents and ana liberals committee tomorrow morning All conferences hereafter will be held at the legation on account of its accessibility since the most of the visitors to Taft and Bacon reside reide in Havana When the diplomatic representatives of foreign powers cowers visited Mr DIr Morgans ans villa at today Mr Dir Taft sig significantly significantly stated that he could give them no definite assurances of peace for the reason that terms had not been put forward This statement was in response to an expression from Cay tan tande de Ayala the Spanish minister that the world expected the United States to settle the turmoil on such generous but firm conditions as to maintain the integrity of the republic Diplomats Call Callon Callan on Taft The members of the diplomatic corps were also received by Mr Bacon who sought their views on ott the situation All of them asserted that their govern governments governments ments month desired the conflict to be ended with all possible dispatch in order to save commercial relations and credit between the th island and their countries from ruin Among other callers at were Generals Menocal and Agra Agramonte Agramonte Agramonte monte who congratulated Taft and Bacon on their success in bringing the moderate and liberal leaders to a realization of the necessity of each making some concessions The veter veterans veterans veterans ans evidenced sympathy with many of the principles for which the insurgents I took up arms They suggested that the first basis of the negotiations should be for the th revision of the Cuban constitution alleging that it confers too much power and too little ity upon the members of the cabinet Cubans are too to be given given given en unlimited powers said General Menocal He declared that the present trouble resulted from the tion of the present and former secre taxies of the he interior Crowds Visit Insurgents The insurgent camp near La Lisa just west of Mariano was visited today by great crowds of Ha vanese Encouraged Encouraged Encouraged aged by the reports that peace was im Irn imminent imminent the people for the first time dared to gratify their curiosity and to I show their great sympathy with the revolutionary cause Although it was raining this afternoon this did not dampen the ardor of those who wished to visit the insurgents Many l extra cars were in operation and every kind of conveyance was used by the crowd but these were insufficient and many persons walked the twelve miles mUes from Havana to the camp It is feared that the tho effect of this enthusiasm may be bad in the event the peace terms re ye require require quire the to make decided con concessions concessions cessions In the rebal camps are thou thousands thousands thousands sands of negroes to whom revolution revolutionary ary life is easy and Interesting as com corn compared compared pared with the labor laboi on plantations Some of the more refined of the ofil eels cers however howeye admit that they will not be sorry to return to their homes Clash Avoided Despite the armistice which is now in effect a clash between government t troops and Pino Guerras force was wa threatened today General Avalos with duO cavalry and infantry arrived at at noon having come by train I from irom Pinar del Rio to pre prepared prepared prepared pared to proceed to Camp Columbia near Havana This meant passi r passing through h the rebel camps General Guer Guerra ra sent a n message to lO General Avalos that this th might lead to an encounter and that th f he would not be for the outcome General Avalos de declared declared dared his intention to continue the march but General Rodriguez z by di gl direction direction r of ot o Secretary Taft TaUt ordered him tI to take his force t Mariano which will willbe willbe willbe be done tomorrow There was considerable comment to today today today day over the fact that a salute of nine nineteen nineteen nineteen teen guns was given Secretary Taft when he visited the warships war Pre Previously Previously Previously he had been given the usual seventeen guns to which the secretary of war is entitled The two extra guns means that he is recognized as an am ambassador bassa Jr extraordinary on a special mission with I plenary powers pc from President Roosevelt It is known that he has hac ha now nov been authorized to exercise his own judgment in all aU matters per pertaining pertaining taming to negotiations and that the squadron with its entire force is under his immediate control Marines Not Landed Concerning the reported preparations Saturday night for the transportation of marines and an by rail ran to Camp Columbia Secretary Taft said today The United States forces are under my orders I have given no orders for them thim to land and not a i 1 man shall land until I give such an order it H now appears that Acting Secretary of the Interior Montalvo ordered or ered the trains prepared in anticipation of the possible landing of a y of quartermasters quartermasters quartermasters stores at the tho wharf The captain of the port gave color to the re report report report port that hey they had been beet placed laced there therein in readiness for the landing of men menThe The rhe store consisted d of tent floorings poles pegs water barrels and rounds of ammunition Captain Cou Con Couden Conden Couden den commander of the squadron today explained that the stores were hur hurriedly hurriedly hurriedly placed aboard the cruiser r New Newark Newark Newark ark when she sailed for Cuba and that they so en red her deck as to in interfere interfere interfere with ventilation and that it was necessary to hire space ashore where they might be stored Captain Couden Conden also said that if no occasion arose for forthe forthe forthe the use Ue of ol these th e stores they would be placed lib ar the supply ship Celtic when she he Fortifications Examined Lieutenant nant Commander in command comman l of a brigade of today toda completed a thorough examina examination examination examination tion of the fortifications of Havana and reported that in the event of a future occupation of the island the city could be fully protected President Palma Palms spent the tha quietest day he has passed since the outbreak of the revolution remaining with his family in the residence portion of the palace nearly the entire day clay Among he flood of rumors current was one that hat t the family of ot President Palma Falma had embarked on a vessel bound for tor New Nev NewYork York Tork which is s untrue Nothing noteworthy took Ilace in government circles today All the of officials officials officials are awaiting the outcome of the peace negotiations There still are oc occasional occasional desertions of ot government troops to the rebel ranks |