Show 1 Tintic Mining Notes Eureka Reporter The machine men at the Grand Central Centra and Victoria mines have been granted an increase of 25 cents per day malt mak making malting malting ing their wages A short time ago the Mammoth company voluntarily raised raise the wages of or machine men to am and the men at the neighboring mines then asked for a raise The McKInley company is figuring upon purchasing the machinery from the old Picnic mine at Silver City With this ma mn machinery chinery the company could put the work workIngs workings Ings down to a great depth and many o othe or of orthe the shareholders believe that this is al all that will be required to place the prop property erty crt in the list of producers The Trie shaft at the West Mammoth prop property property erty has reached a depth of ot about feet below the tunnel level and Captain Hugo who Is superintending th the work will wilt soon commence drifting The Th indications lead those who have visited I the property properly to believe that but little drifting will be required to demonstrate the value of the property The Copper Jack company of or the ErIck ErIckson Erickson son district is preparing for an active campaign of development work now that tha the machinery is in place at the mine C C Griggs one of ot the heaviest share shareholders shareholders shareholders holders In the company says that all th the indebtedness has hns been wiped out and that tha the company has about in th the treasury with which to carry carryon on work The Indebtedness of the company compan which was paid up In full amounted to about abou 54 and the stockholders are highly pleased with the bright outlook |