Show PROGRAM BAIJ IS 1 I ISSUED Relief Belief Society Will Meet Thursday Oct 4 in Assembly Hall Hail Mrs Bathsheba W Smith president of the he Relief society issued yesterday esterday the program for the semiannual meeting to be held in Assembly hall Thursday morning Oct 4 The meeting will be called at SO iO Mrs Smith Is 85 years old and has presided oyer o er similar meetings for years The program follows Hymn Come Let Us Anew Opening prayer General Secretary Emmeline B Boo Wells Hymn Guide Us 0 O Thou Great Je Jo hovah Greeting General President Bathsheba W Smith Response Ellen EBen L S Udall of or St Johns stake Report General Treasurer Clarissa S Williams Presentation of general officers Practical Education Counsellor Ida Smoot Dusenberry Soprano solo My Western Home Evan Stephens Lizzie LizzIo Thomas rhomas Edwards The subject The Home will be led by Emily A Holbrook of Utah stake Home Amusements Emily S Richard Prayer er in the Home HOIne U Arvilda H Dixon Big Horn Harmony Susan Grant of Davis stake Thoughts on the Home Relations vv President Prudent B W r Smith Hymn Lord Dismiss Prayer Minnie H James At 2 p m in Hymn Come Come Ye Saints Prayer Dr M C Roberts Hymn Praise to the Man lIan ManThe ManThe The Companionship of or President John Taylor and The TIie Prophet Counselor Annie onnie Taylor Hyde The uThe Seer John Taylor Professor Charles Cherles Kent The subject Relief Society will wIn be led by bv General Treasurer Clarissa Smith Williams Best Methods of or Disbursing Relief Funds Discussed by Armeda Snow Young of f Granite stake and Henrietta Wright of Sevier The Teacher Young Youn Pack Summit The uThe Member Sarah Jenne Cannon The Missionary Hattie Bennion Harker The Meeting Carrie S Thomas The Lord Is Mindful of His Own Mrs H M ir Dinwoodey Benediction h H Larsen Jordan Testimony meeting Monday Oct 8 place to be announced later Opening testimony Jane S Richards and Julia P M Farnsworth Reception to representatives from stakes Thursday evening place to be an announced announced later Addresses Add B Wells and Priscilla P Jennings Officers meeting Assembly hall halI Oct 5 p m |