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Show SILVER REEF. News Notes from the Sonny South. Silver Reef, Utah, May 12th, lS7ti. Editors JJeruld: The May sun-ihiue begins to warm up the hills aud rock, and causes Uborerj to desire rather to burrow in the mines than be the "top sawyer." We hve not before seen so much Vegetation growiug on thane desert lauds since we migrated hither. The range for Btuck is abundant and rich, and hill, vale, dell, moun'ain and plain all look verdant and cheerful, and in many a nook aud favored spot tho floral gems so paint the soil and sand that their hiu-a ot yellow, red aud purple may often be 6een at a Ioiik range of visiou. Boqueta of many new, rare aud beautiful flowers, na'.ive here, ure daily brought to delight, de-light, beautify and perfume our dwelliugs and business places. To day the ice wagon was visible on . our streets, and the tooting horn told of ice cream iu all its perfumed delicacy. deli-cacy. Soda fountains are in vogue and summer stems fairly ioaugu rated. Ou the 14th commences the spring races here under the auspices ot the Silver Reef Jockey club. It ia expected ex-pected that the strife iu speed ol horses will be kept up for ihree or four daya and a large attendance is anticipated. Booths and restaurants are being erected aud things look business-like and bustling. This morning bills were distributed for an entertainment by the Sawtelle troupe, io be given on Monday evening even-ing next, and the erection of a theatre 25x50 feet commenced at the Bame time. It is up and covered this even ing. Tickets $1, and $1.25 for ro served seats. Rice'B slone block is so far finished that Liddell & Bros, have moved in aud are doing a dashing business. Jordan & Wolf have moved into their 00m mondious new brick store. Clamcy's big stone building is to be opened to morrow; a first-class saloon, more buildings and other improvements improve-ments aro constantly going up an on. Pive crushing mills are turning out tons of silver bullion monthly and the leacherB are successful and wear a emile of satisfaction. In the settlements settle-ments generally the fruit crop is uninjured un-injured and promises superior and abundant yields. Already mulberries are ripe and June will bring the golden apricot and early apples, pears and first ripe peaches. The first hay crop is heavy and being cut and cured, and already some of the new crop has found its way into the market. Health is good, truds steady and all generally aerene and jubilant, especially since wo hear the railroad is soon to march towards us. j The Grand Gulch cooper mines are now looking up; the present leasee has err ec ted a Jurnace and made a successful run of a ton of bullion. Great preparation is now being mado for errecting" extensive furnaces, stores, buildings (or boarding, etc., as it is anticipated that very B03n a 1,000 workmen and teamsters wdl be required. One human skeleton and one body have ben fjund in the mountains near, supposed to be Buicides. J. |