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Show NulurdHjT'M Haying About Luropeuu AlTulrs. Continued Crowding Toward Coiitauliiiote DEMA.ND1KO TOO MUCH; liOadon, IS. A correspondBiit at Constantinople says: "lam iufuruied, good authority, tbat Todlebeo etnt a uoto to tbe porto yestcrdity, saying that lie was compelled, by the ncea-aity ncea-aity of the military situation, to make the followiug demauda, aod requesting request-ing tbe Turkish government to accede ac-cede to them as soon aa poaaible: Firat The evacuation of Shumla, Varna and Batonm. Second Tbe removal of tbe Turkish camp at Malak; and, thirdly, permission to occupy Buyukdere. - No answer baa yet been given by tbe Turkish government, gov-ernment, but there was a council of in; n is tern and generals held last night, over which the sultan presided, pre-sided, and there is to be another tb a afternoon, to discuss the subject. It is considered alraoBt certain that tbe Turks will decide to fight rather than yield. COS3AOKS CROWDING. A telegram dated Canatautinoplrt nays: A regiment of Coaaacka advanced to tbe Turkish lines near Belgrade yesterday, and Bummoned tbe Turks to withdraw toward Buyukdere. Tbe Turkish officer replied that be must atjply to the porte for instructions before dm UR so. Ibe porte a loo received re-ceived advices that the Russians lire advancing nearly to Gallipnli, but ths Russians insist that all thene moves are muds for hygienic reaBOua. BOSNIAN EXCESSES. A Vienna dispatch says: Alarming reports cornel from Agrom, Ragusii, Berojeva and Antivari, of num rous criminal excesses on the part of Bosnian Bos-nian refugees. EOOMANIA STILL DISSATISFIED. Russia- bas replied to tbe last Rou manian circular that the Iroopa returning re-turning from Bulgaria will only halt in Rou mania temporarily, and tbat tbe occupation of Bessnrabia is merely a strategic measure againBt the enemy landing on theBlaokeea ooaat. Rou-mania Rou-mania is dissatisfied and baa protested again, WHY TALK EESIQNED. Berlin, 18. Dr. Falk reaigued in consequence, it is aaid, of tbe orthodox ortho-dox appointments in and by tbe supreme camiatory of tbe established Protestant church of the kingdom, the supreme conaiatory being controlled con-trolled by tbe king, no! in hia royal capacity, but at a summits rpiscopu. It is Baid tbe appointmtxU ure constitutionally con-stitutionally those uf the minister whn, however, is Buppoaed to au'viac and secure the prevalence of identical principles in hia department, and the supreme ecclesiastical board. It ap pnare the liberal views adopted by thir .Protestant consistory wbeo the ht:itf negan to legislate against the Cuiiuhc eatabliabment are gradually being relinquished, tbe growth of Atheism among tbe laboring classes being thought to demand an immediate return to stricter principles. EXCITEMENT AND ALARM IN CONSTANTINOPLE. CONSTANTI-NOPLE. There is great excitement and alarm in Constantinople, but the idea of a forcible attack on the city or tbe occupation of tbe shores of the Boa-pborus Boa-pborus ia discredited, from tbe fact that the RuBeiaa ambassador will have an interview with tbe Bultan, to present bid credentials to-day and has an appointment to meflt tbe British embassador on Tuesday. AND A RESULT OF IT. Tbe rumor tbat tbe Russians bave demanded the porta to enforce the withdrawal of tbe British fleet and permit tbe Russians to occupy both aides of tho Boepborus is a clear result of tbe panic. DEAR WAR. Tbe Times says the war has already cost Russia about 100,000,000. THE ULTIMATUM. London, 18. The following U tbe text of the cotton masters' resolution at Manobeater yesterday. "This committee, having carefully considered tbe proposal made by Alderman Pickop, on behalf of the operatives, resolve to arrange for the mi He being reopened immediately. Weavers, winders, wrapera, dyers, loomers, etc., connected with tbe weaving department, and spinner and card room hands throughout the strike district agree to return to work at a reduction ol 10 per cent., and thiH committee will be prepared to meet tbe operatives in three montha, or at any other time, in conformity with the usual mode ol procedure." The papers carefully point out that it is the operatives, not tbe masters wbo surrender, and that tbe meaning of the resolution it, that if tbe operatives return to work at the reduction now, they will receive better wages aa soon as the employers feel that the trado can afford it, and not sooner. |