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Show GLOOM V Itl V14 Gvtllus Kipe fur Kevolutiou. rit. retereburB, 1. A feeliug of gloom prevniid. Tho rigoroua police regulatiotia respect log the watching ol houges, aud viitd, and soarcttea by uiht, are to be made Bliil more etriugent. Alter 9 in the evening no botly will be at liberty t j dhow hunaelf on the street without a cartiLicate, uuou whifh muKt be wiitten sod at-ttiid at-ttiid the pUce frum which the bearer cornea aud to .vbiuh he ia HOiLig. General Gourko, governor general, planned tbia ordinance, doon it will not be necessary to light a c&udle before ball-past nine, yet at nine every one uiUBt be in dourn and after tun, in b.rracE9, eery liht mutit be cut. Notwithetatidiug the umecurily in St. Feleraburg increanea and every day grenadta areexphided in the i-treet. Ttie intention ol uimliats is believed to be to keep the police in a state of constant excitemuut tire them out or lull them to alfep with the idea that the danger bus been ex-a'iieiattd. ex-a'iieiattd. 'I hey also reckon on hurah measures and arrests producing discontent among many people, who, when the tune cornea for a grand attack on ilia government, would join the revoiuti.ini.-ils. One night recently at'dilious placard were stuck up in the vicinity of the theatres and at the corners of the busiest btreets, and although the city police and detectivi s at oqch hurried up and tore dowD the marjilest04 they i;everltielena appeared anew lu this ot:e niL-ht upivarU of 160 pi;rsous were arreattiti and among all tUotid the police failed to find a scrap of paper, which appeared ap-peared to have anlbing to do with the proclamation. The uecret bill slicker, on the other hand, went on with bis work. Police were unable to discover him. The aUrm at last becami) so great thai two companies, under OjI. Uebtirg, were posted at the entrance Li a number ot houses, and in the Birt-et, but when tlin guard bad its attention called lo the right, bills were ported on the left, and alter they had been lorn down on the loft they reappeared. Since the attempt on the life ol the Czir troops have beau held iu readiness day and night. In every regiment two companies in m trcbiog order tquipped with ball cartridge are kept constantly under arms. Bit-teneH Bit-teneH atand ready horned and mounted in tho h:irrnrk van). A eouadron of every cavalry regiment stands in constant con-stant readiness to mount, and day and night divisions of Cossacks patrol the Blr83lB. |