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Show TELEGRAPHIC I11E I'OITKK COMMITTEE. UiKU-r v.ill Give H IO yn-IfrluiiM yn-IfrluiiM t'elfcrtiuiM. Washington, 22 The Potter com-Bi com-Bi nice held a session thia morning, i ut; de'iiioeMts nrum: hi up tho qued-L-jn whether til. Mmtm bhould be cull, d aa a wittier by the republicans ! i.r be dief.harijed. .Siioliaharger, in iK'holt ol deeretary Hliennau, pre-Sl'HU'.i pre-Sl'HU'.i : letter- iu which, ufier crit.-liiHiUL' crit.-liiHiUL' the cuuree of the fuiiiuiiilee in nut recalling St. Martin un their own iuuii.,1, lie uaked tnal S: Martin t'o n called fjr lurther croia examination on his testimony fcivtu iu jew Or-loaud, Or-loaud, and o'n the altidavit which he rtrvnlly filed with ihe cuinmitleo. The Hubject w.is laid uver until tu-nurrow, tu-nurrow, 1 he quusliuu tbfrii was wuuther the t:u:miiiiteo should cull wilnetaea in regard lo the cipher li leg rams iu ii.lvai.ee nl the passage by the oenale ol tne buusu bill making the appro-piiiition appro-piiiition lor the expenses ot the in-vewligaiion, in-vewligaiion, the (untls being wholly exhausted. The quojtion went over until to-morrow. A member neked: Where are those dispatches that were published iu the New York TnOiau? 11 iscock, thereupon expressed the tieliot that General Hutler had them. Tho general then made statement that certain dispatches had coijah into lua possession early la.it spring. Ho found them upon bin private table, but lias no knowledge 'if bow they came- there. Ihesu dispatches, it wns sain, were part ol mut-o printed in thu Tribune, Il so he had nulhing to do wit it their publication. They had been (uruished to Ihe Tribune beforo thoy caiuo into bio hands. During the summer they were missed lor nevorul wut-ks and oubaequeully they wi-ru found again, when he bad i them numbered and stamped, and pu'. in a plaoj ul safely. Ho was willing to placii them at ihe service of the conimittee. In doing so he contended that they should to printed and made public or placed within the power of any member of the committee to make public. At the same timo be protested pro-tested against tho whole system ul investigating the dispatches, and iu-aisted iu-aisted that it would lie wiaar lor both parties not to inquire luto them, Howevn-, upon proper receipts being given, ihe comnntiee could have the dispatched that were in his possession. A diccuesion followed as lo whether it would be advisable to print the dispatches dis-patches at once in pamphlet form, but that questiuu uljo went over. Adjourned till to-morrow. Potter sayB a eub-committeo will be sent to New York to take testimony testi-mony in the cipher dispatches investigation. in-vestigation. The number of cipher telegrams iu the possession of lieu. Butler is 010. Chicago, 22. Times' New York: Mr. Tdi leu's friends nav hp. desires to avoid the especial conspicuity which a visit to Washington lo lodlily in the cipher investigation would give him. He prefers to remain in New York and receive at. his residence, Gram-mercy Gram-mercy park, a delegation ol the Potter Pot-ter committee to woom he will make his statement. It is said here that very little interest will attach to Tilden's testimony, as his bUtcuients will be quite general iu their nature, and will include little or nothing whtcb did not appear in his letter on this subject, last fall. It ib stated that Potter and all democratic members of the committee com-mittee hn.ve already absented to his examination in this city, and he feels confident that his wishes in the matter mat-ter will prevail in spile of any objections objec-tions the republican members cau mise. Republicans of the committee will insist lhatTiideu be rubpamed to go to Washington, and that he be treated like any other witness. |