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Show Tiie Totvuaeud Case. J udge Scliatfleryiti iday mnraing, rendered decisions in the Townatmd injunction, and Jeuninys tt al. contempt con-tempt cases. The eubalance of the order in tho contempt matter i-: "William Jennings and Benjamin W. E. Jennens are adjudged guilty o! contempt and judgment is entered against them that they p.iy the costs of the contempt proceedings within1 three days afier notice hereof; in default of which tbey shall be confined in the county jail of Salt Lake county for tbe term nf rlauo w u Hooper is adjudged as tot guilty of contempt." This contempt matter crew out of a failure ou the part ot the gentlemen above named to respect the temporary injunction issued by j the court restraining tbem from interfering inter-fering with tbe egress from aud iugrees to tbe Townsend house of Mtb. Elizabeth Eliza-beth Towuaend, pending a heariug' in her annlicatinn fnr a nprmanpul injunction embracing the same privi; leges lor the plaintiff". The order in tbe injunction featone of the caso. which was argued at the same time as the contempt matter, and in which tbe defendant were called upon to show cause why a permanent injunction should not issue, ia that: "Tho injunction is allowed al-lowed substantially as in the amended restraining order, with the proviso that it shall not restrain any proper legal or equitable proceeding or suit for the possession of the property by the defendants; the injunction to issue upon the filing, by tho plaintiff, of a bond or undertaking, in tbe usual form, in the gum of $200, with sureties to ba approved by the clerk of the court. Four days are allowed to tie such bond, and the restraining nrdor tr, rrm a In in lm-o ;n iKa time." The reason assigned for this decision, which is, of course, favorable favor-able to Mrs. Townsend, is that if she proves the facts set forth in her complaint com-plaint she is entitled to protection in the premises until tho termination of the trial lor the recovery of tbe TowoBend bouae property by her. The decisions were brief and oral, and tbe matter will now raat iu its present condition until the ease comes up in its regular oriitr, which, perhaps, per-haps, will not be until soma, time duricg the coming Busmor. |