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Show !. DE3ER2T HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Encouragement of Horticultural Pursuits. Tho fuliowing has been handed us for publication by tho Corresponding Secretary of lh Dcserct Horticultural Society. The public know our views on the subject : jfThe Deserct Horticultural Society design, by tho aid of their patrons, to encourage the growth of fruits, flowers flow-ers and vegetables, and in order to conaumatc the same, desire to by before tiic public the following: Utah is destined to become one of tho leading Suites of the L'uion, and iu view of this tho members of the Deseret Horticultural Society have an earnest desire for the inhabitants of this Territory to bo second to nono in horticultural puisuit?. Although wc have a kirge variety of fruits in cultivation, wc an; far behind tho States in the public encouragement of horticulture, particularly so in the growing of lowers and making our homes and public grounds places of pleasure and rc-Jort. We aro wr-ll aware of the many drawbacks tbe people have had, but we hope to be free from .such destructive visitations in future. Organizations of thic kind in other places have resulted in much good to the community at large in the development of new fruits, etc., etc., and why should wo, having such good prospects before us as a community, be bacltwanl in such a noble enterprise? In the first place, it is the desire of the Society to gather such in forma-t'on forma-t'on as they can of the varieties of certain fruits adapted to different loealities,so that the people in general can know what varieties to buy, and not be imposed upon by worthless; articles, that would result indisap- pointment and loss. The Society are deairous of encouraging encour-aging the growth f flowers, and to inaugurate such plans us will stimulate stimu-late the people to take a pride in adorning their homes.and placing before be-fore the rising generation such inducements in-ducements as will endear them to their homes, and at the same time give them a larger scope for study, in the examination of the different classes class-es and varieties ot flowers, etc. lt is necessary for us to encourage the growth of early vegetables, they being one of the staple commodities in the market, and in Salt Lake City the demand will be as groat, if not greater, than the supply, hi tho future. fu-ture. The certain profits on tiic cultivation cul-tivation of vegetables would guarantee guaran-tee any one, in embarking in the enterprise en-terprise m an extensive scale. There Li a greaf deal of land lying almost useless in aud about Salt Lake City, tint could be turned to profitable account. ac-count. Tbe Society, having these tilings in view, desire, as far i circumstances will permit, to bold, in S.ilt Lako City, about the first week in July next, exhibitions, aud offer premiums on the best fruits, flowers and vegc-; tallies. It is designed to bold the first j fair at tome central point, and all j who are ih'sirous of encouraging the j Society arc requested to give such aid as will enable them to carry out their , plans in supplying premiums for those who will "produce tbe best, samples of fruit, flowers and vege-' tables. One of the greatest features of the Society will be to give premiums to those who have the finest gardens, adorned with flowers, slirubs, etc. This is intended as a frtimulus to our mechanics, artizans and the laboring ellipses generally, aud the public may rest assured that the suciety will not spare means to properly reward the mo-it enterprising. Awarding committees com-mittees will he selected from the most competent gardeners the country aflords. The precise time of hoi Una the exhibition and list of premiums will soon be published, and those designing de-signing to compete in their gardens will be required to notify the Society at least thirty days prior to the exhibition, ex-hibition, so as to give the awarding committee time to make their cxam-j cxam-j illations. 11 . |