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Show For the Week uliug April 25 Mattere iu our mines since bur last report hnvo been without any change of a character that calls for notice. There aro about Lhe eamo number of men at work in the respective minca, and about the same amount of ore being extracted. To the two great mining enterprises of the place, the Raymond & Ely and the Meadow Valley, these remarks are especially applicable. In others of leaser note there is perhaps more variation. The Si Ivor Peak, on Thursday, struck a body of ors which looks as if it might prove to be of considerable value and extent. Tho Newark has acquired the title of the Amador Tunnel Co., including ita mill. We understand the superintendent of the Newark intends in-tends to commence shipping ore iu a few days. We loam that steps are being taken to pay oil' the incumbrances incum-brances of the Caroline, and to resume work in a very short time. While we were making our rounds yesterday collecting the data for our mining review, we had the pleasure of meeting Ool. W. H. Raymond, with whom wo hail a long conversation. conversa-tion. In the course of our talk we naturally drifted into a discussion of the prospects of PiocUe. The Colonel expressed himself very hopefully, and is evidently determined to light it out on this line if it takes all Summer, and the Winter too, for the matter of that. Speaking of the present dullness dull-ness of Pioehe, Colonel Raymond reminded re-minded us that last year at this time not less than 200 tons of excellent ore was being extracted daily, and at present there is not probably more than 70 or SO taken out of the ground averaging one day with another. The amount of bullion dispatched the past week by Wells, Fargo &. (Jo. is $Hj,G(7.21, and Pritehard's freight line 7,2H9.30; total, $S2J0U51. - American Flag. The appearance of this mine ?b in cheering eontrnst with the dullness that prevails in some other of the mines of Pioehe. The main shaft is now fifty feet bo-low bo-low the ninth station, making you feet of vertical depth from thesurfaee. Sinking will be continued for additional addi-tional nfty.feet.whicii when obtained, a new station will be opened . Fr om the ninth a winze is being sunk on the ledge, which is forty-twu feet in depth. The vein is larger than tlrj full width of the winzc.ior it does not reach the hauging uaK The ledge is all ore, and is being taken out and shipped to the mill without any assorting. as-sorting. Above the ninth level a orce of thirty-five men are at work sloping out tho ledge. Suflicieut ore iB being taken out and shipped to keep the mill running at its full capacity ca-pacity say twenty-two tOiis per day. The ore is being very successfully suc-cessfully worked. The silver being taken out to within eighty per cent of tt full assay value. On the dump at the mill there arc fully 100 tons of ore, and no less than fifty at the mine. Altogether matters look woll,and atlbrds another proof that at the lowest depths tho veins of this district are highly productive. pro-ductive. Meadow Valley. Shaft No. 3 On the 1,200-foot level a station is being opened and is now in about eight feet. This level is calculated to . connect with the lowest level of the IJaymond & Ely, and will have about 1 00 feet to reach the dividing line between be-tween that company and the Meadow Valley. At the 1.100 foot station the ! west drift is in 174 teet. The drift is following the ledge, which shows a strong vein but very little ore. The cast drift on the same level is in 100 feet, looks promising, but, like the west drift on the same level, has but little ore. The west winze on the tenth level, which is being sunk 200 feet west of the Bhaft.is down seventy-seven seventy-seven feet. So far it has shown nothing noth-ing important. The east drift on the ninth level is in 730 feet, and shows about tho sumo as last reported, Nhaft No. 5 is down l,0-'ii feet and being sunk as rapidly as possible. The ore breasts in tho stops of No. o are looking well and continue to yield about as much ore as heretofore. Aflairs at the mill are moving along smoothly, and everything is in good order as regards working appliance. both iu mill and mine. Washington and Ckeole. Since last report 140 tons of excellent ore have been shipped to the Newark (late the Amatlor) mill, from which, iso far, $o,300 have been received and shipped. M. Tarpey, the Superintendent, Superinten-dent, expects to make another shipment ship-ment about the middle of next week. At tho mine the sinking of the Ma-zeppa Ma-zeppa shaft is being rapidly proceeded proceed-ed with. At present they are making four feet iu tho l!-t hours, as tht ground is very solt. It is expected that the shaft wiil reach tho lowesl level about the middle of June. Then are about seven tons of ore raised pel day. When the shaft is down to tht lower level so as to do away with tht slow and tiresome method of raising the ore through the winze, which is ai present a necessity, then the Wash' mgton and Creole will add a large ad ditioiml quota to the shipment of Pi oohe bulhou. The ore brensL an looking llnely and a fiord a large quan tity of ore that yields handsomely. Kaymond & hi.v. As ve observed in our introduction, there is but little change to report. The drill towar ls the led go, on the 1,'JOO-foot level, in now about lid feet in length. Sinking Sink-ing has not been resumed on the shaft. In the upper levels sloping is going ou, and about the same quantity quanti-ty ofore extracted as usual. On the tenth level the ledge is being followed. It contains ore, but is thin. The work of prospecting is proceeding steadily and systematically, and will no doubt bo ultimately rewarded by discoveries of a character similar to those whiuh have already made the Raymond & lily mine so celebrated. Chief Uast. iir. Yule, Liio recently re-cently appointed Superintendent, has gone to work in good earnest. He is now running a drift east from the shaft, on the ledge, and is taking out some very good ore. The drift is in thirty-live or fcrty feet. Thoro are about fifty ton's of'cxccllent ore on tho dump. Piociie. Little orLO change save in the depth of the shaft and length of the drift, which of course are both increased, Captain Nelson expects that the drift will reach the ledge in two weeks. Cauoline. As soon as the liabilities liabili-ties of this mine are cleared oil', and there is every prospect of that being done very shortly, work on this mine will bo resumed lorthwith. Sua Jiit Peak. As we noticed yesterday yes-terday at the bottom of the incline, at a depth of ! feet, a largo body of good ore has been struck. The ledge is four feet iu width and is all ore-Some ore-Some assays have been had which runs as high as 141. A station id being opened and a drift woll opened on the ledge. So far as the opening has extended the ledge looks extremely extreme-ly well. Newark. Ore is being raised from this mine and will soon be shipped to the Company's mill. We understand that the new hoisting works are to bo placed over tho Amador shaft. Condor. No change of any consequence conse-quence to report. Pioehe Record. |