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Show Fnou tub San Francisco Call, we lcaru, in regard to tho ouo hundred i Eushsh and Scotch immigrants re cently arrivoi there, via Panama, under labor contract, that tho party 1 consisted of seven dairymen, twenty farmers, live grooms, ten gardeners, ! ' two butlers, ten cooks, ten laundresses ! and about thirty-fivo general houso porvants. One half were women. The Scotch aro from tho north and west i of Scotland aud the English aro from tho middle and southern counties, and aro all youug and in full vigor. Owiug to rough weather the eteamer was eighteen days making the trip from Liverpool to Now York. One huu Ired more families are already f engaged to sail In the spring, to lease lauds, and it is expected that from two to three hundred sorvants will bo brought with them. Such emigration as this will materially aid the region to which they come; and Britain can well spans a lew thousands. |