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Show (Jkntisk Ksultii Gin &l Morton's; oM "City Liquor Store, fl Deep Snow. A di.-pateh from Alia say the udow is twelve feet deep. How is that for depth oa the 3rd of Februarj? F"RSmk. T'ip Union Seed, in laree or Mi. nil q'.ifuitiuei; aiply to Anon Call, Uvunufui. janl'J Ak yocr grocor for Ghirardelli'B CHUCOLATE and COUOA. do i O'Rkii.i.t Ss Co. keep the celebrated STAK riillKf. dll II. Dinwoodky is doing a lively buiineB in furniture, and guarantees satisfaction in prices and quality to all tliat buy of bim. bIO LIGHT, Light, Litht. Live no longer in tiia dark. lO.UOO gallons of BKST OIL just received at KKESE & CVs. dlo Bate ma : & Bukl rto receiving Coal from tho Celebrated Si'KItiGS MINE, which tluiy oiler in IoU to suit. Office over Mrs. 'nlebroufc's. A! ain strecL Lock Box W. 1 Belding, City Agent. j8 Coal, Coal, Coal, by the Ton or single hundred weight, delivered, or at tho Yard, 37 Commercial Street, and at tho Knilnmd Depot. UOOi'EK, HAWKINS & Co. ;7 Ik tiik epizoot ' has Attacked your burse-?, ost no timo in culling on Wm. Showoll, Pimer stables, 2ud South street, and save money. jan'Jl )' K p. iu.r Co. soil HEAVY. Kl.AN EL S111UTS and underclothing dll Out riREN CRT for McLain's Candied Castor Oil and Candied Vermifuge Bonbon. Bon-bon. Thoy Are delicious medicines, and warranted harmless. Price 'Jo els For title by L. C. At. I. and all other DruKKifts. dl L10HT for tho World. 10.1W gal- ' Ions of i'LL'lU Arrived at Kkbsk & Co s. d 1 5 KcKLsroR Coal, from Koclc Sprines Bitter Crock. Little waste; strong heat, vory small trnco of sulphur. Leave orders with J. W. SN ELL, Idaho Storo. jal7 Boy the Imperial Oil 150 Are test, the purest and scfest oil in tile market. no9 Oil is selling At retail at tho Pioneer Lamp Stores n follows: Common brands 60c per gallon. Crown standard 70e. per gallon. Imperial 160 tire test 75c. per gallon. no'J PUULU' K KADI NO. KoOM Mid FfOO Circulating LiUrAry of the Ladies' Li-I Li-I brary Association is open every day from 6 to 10 p. m., and on Sundays from 1 to o p.m., at room No. !, over l-'irbL national tfank. d'JO Keller's "Wives and Brandies, at 1 itorton's; old "City Liquor Store.''1 I fl Tex Well packed rooms of furniture for sale, by H. JJinwoodey, nlO GniBABDELLi's EAGLE CHOCOLATE CHOCO-LATE is superior to any imported. 6 Sure Cure for tub Epizootic. Call on M. Embody, at J. D. Lamb & Co's Drug Store, from 10 a,m. to 4 n m. ja"U3 Kmtty Barbells for sale At -Morton's; old "City Liquor Storo." fl t Fob thk Stavf of Life. aUo cakes buns, crackers, and pure home made eandv. wholesale, and retail, go to the GLOBE BAKEKY. jai I Epizootic. Linwoodey s mules nave got it, but his oxen have not ; therefore he still delivers furniture free of charge. nlO Eight huxdbf.d LS-dneads, and 5.000 Chairs, at JoeUon's, Groeabeck's building. build-ing. n2S Gzo. Showel, ticavanger for the City. o'2 For Brdboom setts of all style?, call at JoeUon's; he deiies competition in prices. n23 "Wasted, q good girl to do general housework. Apply at this oilice. i&'-l Camion to tlic Traveling Public: Upon your arrival at Ogden City Utah Territory, thojunetion of tho Union Un-ion Pacific and Central Pncitic railroads, you should know where a tirst-class hotel can be found, and where tho bustlo and poise of the engines may bo avoided; avoid-ed; also a comfortable bouse where the danger of lire, which is apt at anytime to occur at tbo depots, is averted. The town of Ogden is ha f a mile frem the depots, and in the business part of tho town and its principal street, travelers will find one of the most comfortable hotels in Utah, the Oodkn House. It is well known throughout America and Europe, to be ono of tho coziest and cleanest hotels in Utah. The Ogden House keeps earringes which are in attendance at-tendance upon the arrival and departure depar-ture of alt trains, 10 convey pnisciiers to and from the depots, free of charge. It is a two-Ftory brick building, and built expressly for tho accommodation of guests. The Odon House employs no runners, but employs a porter to assist as-sist its patrons and tako chargo of their baggage. All visiting Salt Lake City will rjnd it to their .advance on re-turjing re-turjing to tako the evening train and come to Ogden, thus saving the annoyance annoy-ance of rising at 4 o'clock in tho morning. morn-ing. ja24. "'lOuillSTS AND TUB "1 RAVELING PUBLIC PUB-LIC going past a o respectfully notified thaftho Utah Hotel, r: Ogden City, ia A tirst-class house, and by coming to Ogden on the previous evening, either by Alail or freight Train, they avoid ilia annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to Like the morning train at Salt Lake City. To pleasuro seekers Ogden promises much to interest in its excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout ashing, while tho grandeur grand-eur of its canvons is unsurpassed by anything of tho kind known in tho United Slates. The Ilotel is provided with Barber Shop and Bath llivras, and runs its coach free of expense to guf.-ts. Tho proprietors, thankful for past favors, will spare no pains to please gueits, and will provide guns ana ammunition, am-munition, with guides and carriages to the shooting or tilling grounds, by getting get-ting timely notico thereof. Bubs-; & Williams, Propr a13 .ervoiu Debility, "With its gloomy Attendants, low spirits, depression, involuntary eiu missions, loss of semen. fUrmat'Trluva, loss of power, dizzy head, loss of memory, and threatened threat-ened impotence and imbecility, tind a sovereign cure in Humphrey's Homeopathic Homeo-pathic SpeciLio No. Twenty-Eight. Composed of the most valuable, mild and potent Curaiivof, they strike.it once at tho root of tho mailer, tone up the system, arrest tho discbarges, and imparl im-parl vigor and energy, life and vitality to the entire man. They havo cured thousands of c--es. I'neo, j.j por package pack-age of live boxes ar.d a iaree $2 vial, which is very important in obstinate or old cases, or $1 per sir.g'.o box. Sold by all Drugsisls, a;.d seni by mail on receipt re-ceipt ol pricf. Address, Humphrey"! Speeif.e Homeopathic Medicine Co., 5t2 Broadway, New York. For Sale at Z- C. M. L and Godbe's Pme SI.T.-V ai To vvliom it may concern. tbo ar.i'.f 'er.fi. claim cd oti -.vrlvtbjMr.-n..'1! :cci, ir.clu .1 1- Sci. "o ar.i inrcc , . in ibe T.i-ij Ua. ia Licla C: ::: . : ,-.--. , r.. .i;. i -. J :Le later L'j dcci- :r ai or;;1 1 -;'" "K msJ tiave c. mi Uci w.ii ;to 61 l ill-trict ill-trict ir. every rc-1 e -t- A-.d wc -,r--y ,'.i..:irr. rrrrcn rot to trao;-. be- or b:ter :or ifcid cl:x, wiliioal C H. PASSSII.l K hy-z:.'-rrt ol tbo MYISa, I iiim :i"A :liosj Xvini dece-uad. First National Bank I- r LAKE CITY 3 DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THlt UNITED STATES. W.anrs ll-xeiT. President. As Thou t &ODB1, Oaakier. Anthorlifd Unplial, - - $500,060 PAID UP CAPITAL, . tl0,OUO. IlAHSINGS, - 1136, OOO. Dividend in 1871, 50 per cent. Oldrxt Banking Institution in Utaht A General Banking Bixsinea Transacted. -AGENCIES IN COLOR.VIH AND -MONTANA COUtCTlONS promptly attended to. INTESKST A LLOWRD ON TIMB; TJRPOSITS flf UARANTEED PERFECTLY PURl AND OF THE HICHEST GRADE. MANSFIELD & ATCHISON. WHOLESALE AGENTS, SALT . LAKE C1TY. Agents In Utah for Puiet, Castillon& Co's. COG-1ST a. a. Charles IleidsicK's CHAMPAGNE. IIRRAN ft UINF PflMPANV uiiunim iv in l. uuiiii nn i AND DEALERS IX CALIFORNIA WINES, ENGLISH & SCOTCH ALES & PORTER. BAR GLASSWARE, etc. m BOOKBINDING. W are prepared tn Tlind. in a substantial wnd w(r'Kmaiiliko manner, in tho Bindery connected with our establish meDt, B O OK8, PERIODICALS, ;iVIACAZINE8, it-, tt. ?.t;.'.ri-n ,"'b ... 'to Tri-M "indlQn.lity of Wt-rk, HESAT.n PUBLISHING CHICAGO TRADE, M. D. WELLS & CO., Boots and Shoes, eilWibuh At, ChUafn. SI. D. Weill. H.J. Mafarlaad. &. Bnedici aM S. P. Mclnura. PACE, BRO. & Co., - I&portcrt and Dealers la LEATHER AXD FINDINGS "OLD CITY HOTEL CORNER," Comer of Si at e and Late streets, W. W. Pate. Boston. CHICAGO, 'The Old Salamander." RZMOVAX.' VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, WfeoleUa DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Have remoTed to their New Stores, 9' ana 94 LAKK STKKST, corner Dearborr Street, (on toe old site) CHICAGO, wherewith where-with building erected expressly for iht bnsiaess. Steam Klevators, etc. thej hsvt opened hp an immense Stock, aoearpaed in the northwest. Special attention sit en to Territoria' business- ij FIELD, LEITER & CO., IMFOKTEES jLXD JOBBERS OF DRY MODS Affl CARPETS MniClJ 13 Mldlf.T ?TR- FTC CHICA&O. LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED. Special Attention Givm to Orders. dlSJ N. E. PETERSON, GAS FIXTURES. Immense stock; and low prices. 1T State Street, Chicago. 418 F. & E. JAECER, 73 Wabash Avenue, uenr Randolph, CHICAGO. ILL., D1RKCT IKPOKTKBS Ol' Crockery. China, Glassware, Lamps, Lookine Glasses, Cutlorv, Britannift and Silver plated Goods. The largest House in tho West, dl H. CUT SCOTT, S- OVINGTOS. W. H. OYISGTOJf, K- J. OVISGT0.1, Scott & Ovington Bro's, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CROCKERY. CHISi GLASS. PARIAN, BRONZE, PLATED WARE, LAMPS, CUTLER T, MIRRORS, &c.t No. 219 West Madison St., Chicago, 111. Wedding and Holiday Gifts, -Ulaaa anil China Made (o Oi-ilrr. OVINGTON' BROTHERS. Clfi, 2IS, i 2T2 Fulton Street. Brooklyn, N. V. Rue Do Paradis si, 1'nris. South Side Office with Sninptes for Wholesale Whole-sale Only INi Madison Utroot, Corner Firth Avenue Kooma 11. 11. SAVAGE, .Munacer. N. 1MTS0N & CO., Importers and Wholef&lo Dealers in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry ami Silverware, Con MADISOJI fc MOW ROE STS., CHICAGO, ILLS., Opposite Pulmor's Grand Hotel. d.M HERKINQ'S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE and BTRGLAR PROOF S5 37" E SJ ! The Best Safes in the World I HERRING k CO., 46 State street, and corner Hth stroot and Iodiana Avenue, O H I O A. G O. dec7 JOHN V. FARWELL & Co wholesale; NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, -AND W" OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. mrP I, II. lDREl'S & ClC 166, 16S & 1T0 State Street, OpiKwitc PalinoT'i (ir&nd Hotel, CHI C -A. O- O , .Muiafacturcwi.f SCHOOL, CHURCH OFFICE FURNITURE, ol il tiyiee. S-h.-ol O-Jtline .Mi . CharU. etc lTTth:,rp in tho of S-h' -l. "M!ege or Cfc-'.rrt F;itt:re t L'.wpi Ca'b i'ri--fendlfor Ulu5l.-i:J .:'.'. --m fcs'l Price Lit ' A. il. iMfKiWa A CV. 1 AH CHICAGO TRADE. , J.W. BUTLER 5c CO., I Mixotctarerj sd WheIIe . PAPER DEALERS, OFFICE 1XD WEST STPE STORK: 29 4b Si)JSoiith Jrffcrion Street, sorrn site stoke: 345 tfc 393 State Street, CHICAGO. rrist. B?k. E'at Cipv Vi.. SSediam. Depv-j Kaia ad CoK-rd. Pr::is l'prs. Enre!iTec:eTen- decr:p-tiv. decr:p-tiv. C.i.-d Kordj. S-.raw ar.i -"7 I-ers, I-ie -d UAMiL; HALE & CO., WHOLESALE PKALER3 DM' GOODS, i0TI0$, WOOLENS, ANP HOSIERY, colics or MADISOX Jt F RAX KLIN tiTRKETS, CHICAGO. tW TOU DD0TA11ORS AtWATS fOUOWII, el 8500,000 DISTRIBUTIOA' Grandest Scheme of the Age. 10.01 CASH lis fflJQ ! Capital Cift $100,000! SlOO OOO foroniy 810 Ay authority of a Special Act of tlie Legislature Legis-lature ut .March l"th, tho huh m mi mm For tho Ponofit of tho PIUL1C l.IHR ARY OK KEXTlCkY.is he eby annouDced to eoaio off in tho great hall of tho t'ublie Librarj building, at Louisville, Kentucky, on TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1873. At this Concert tho bo?t miuical talent thai can bo procured from till pari oi tho -.uuniiy iviLl bt cuii'loyed, and tho enormous sum oi $500,000 IN CURRENCY ! Will bo distributed by lot among tho tic-Vet-hol.icra in lu.iVJ tiifis, evexy ono of which will be caih. LIST OF GIFTS. OnoGrand Cash Gift JliHAV One Hrand Cahtiiit J'.'- One Grand Lash G.ft S"i,i, One Grunt C.-h Gilt '.'.' Ono Grand Ca.-h Gift lt'.'VO Ono Grand Cash Gilt , n tin LM Cash Gilts of SI, each L'UHi 50Ca?b Gifts of Ml each iS iM S Cmh Gifts of 4iJ each o-'nt 1W Cft.-h Gntj- of ;av oacli 'AKw l.V) Cufh Gilts of LXM each Sut b'.M t'ah Gifts of HO ouch Si'.mni 0,tX!0 Cash Gifts of iu ouch iKf.txo ToUl, 10,000 Girts, all Cash So',iM.l Tho object of this Third Gift Concert is tho cnlareeiuent and endonrnont ot tho 1'ublic Library oi Kentucky, which by the sjuviul act autboriiing tho c- nccrt tor iLs benolit, i to bo loretr irou o all citiiens of c cry mmio. To provide moans for ihin maamci-m and praiseworthy uuJcrtak inn. Urns Hundred Iho i-sand i-sand Ticaeti. and no more, will oo sold at tlio lulloiTing prices: PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets S10, Halve S. anH yunrler $.:0. Eleven Who o iickctj lor SliK'- J in.-Si:Vi; in.-Si:Vi; M fi.r t-XO; IU for n.w, -V. for IJ.'i,: 57"lor S'MW; l.lwi for SlkUVJ; for iJi'Ai'; ana oav lor www rvo ducount, on les ihuo SKxi ivurth ol ticket at a ti j,e, Ihis Thira Uilt Concert will bo coduetol HLc itio hrt and second heretofore liiten, and full particulars ol tbo mode dram, v' tho gifts and raying tlioiu and ev or tlnnc no-ee?ary no-ee?ary to a ihurousli under-tandniK of i lie ncliumc, fioiu beginnitig to end, aro now published pub-lished in tho form of a circular, wliicli will -o furnished, froo of ccit, to any ono who wauls iL Tho entire m 'nncement of this undertaking has boon committed bviiio Tnisieo to lld.N. THUS E. LKA.YlLhi'iE, lato Governor ol Kentucky, to whom H cumiiuiincatKii for-taiumj; for-taiumj; to tho Gilt Concert should be addressed. ad-dressed. R. T. DL'RKETT, Pro-idont P. L K. JOHN S. CaIN. Secretary 1'. L. i. For further information (n uiiro at Zabris-kie's Zabris-kie's Saloon, Sal: L:ie Cm, rr to R- 11. IHO.M I'SUN, J22 Virginia. Nevada. "HTM FIRE-BRICK CO," W. II. CHrSllOLM. I C W. DENNETT. President I d cas. A Sec y. Wm. T. .MATHEWS, Supon tendont. Capital lotU, 530,000. We manufacture at Salt Lake City and Lehi. Make Firo-lirick, Firo-Comonl, Front thaod-jiroj-od) Building Brick, Stove Drick, Cruciblas, Rotort. Ac , Arc Itttw materinl not surpassed in any part of thonorld. WoueLehi, Bingham and otlior ctuvs. W T. Ma;hcws tho Snpciiatondcnt bos had over thirty j ears csi erionce Place oi work' in alt Lao Citv. near .'"hn-son'n .'"hn-son'n Samiding Work utliro iSo. w, .Main Stroet- iC. W. Bennett' othco.) Wn wi 1 f..rni h Kirn- Uriel: ,.n,l nil firn ,a. terialcheaper than tboy can bo imported, and of better quality. Wo in ito all furna.-e men to call. f'lro-Uricks made to plan. Drifts, solicited fcbl ?iiTHi. Dins & so:;s' IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY NOW IN OrEBATION. All tindj of Caatin ST Done to order on tho shortest douco. Time puarantecd. ALSO AG E X TS EUR THE GRIFFITH & WEDGE VERTICAL STEAM ENGINES SAW MILLS, Ji 9 Shingle and Heading Machinos Highest Prico Paid for Old Drafs, Copper, and Cat Iron-FIRST Iron-FIRST WEST STREET. NV.Ml NOHTII TEMPLE Sl'KliET. jail GET. Feed yolk Horses "WARM Bran Mash, 40,0110 LBS. OF I)R1 Jut received and for sale KNOWLDEU'S. Cct a Fiirn1? when you can nd all will he O. K. GEO. 11. KN0WLDEX, Grain Dealer, WEST EIDB MAIN STREET. MlSCELUNtUUS, Birrrains ! Bargains ! Bariains! hliddellTbroo , iinejuK receired a .conMjrctnect efj G EXT '' CLOT HI X G , ra pry;goops. ELi..NlCT3 an! NOTION'S, Which tie? ti-. ir'im.-:icaj to el.-w out REGARDLESS OF COST- They hire also receird a Ejleadid Ua of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES L PROVISIONS, Whiob they are eHins CHEAPER lhan the CHEAPEST. Pon't f-ret the rl"e. A FEW DOOKS NORTH of the Po?TOFF'CB BOTH A 1J1XT TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. SUF-FICIENT. Will vou pay 1 75 for an Organ when you can get one as gooil in every particular tor ami three months' lessons free, by Jos. J.Datnes, Tabernacle Orsanist. which is alone worth 20.00. Buv a PklntI' and save 70. " We also sell a 7-Stop Organ, Or-gan, with Sub-Bass for Churches, Chur-ches, Schools, Halls, etc., for 6150. Call and sec and hear them and you will be convinced that what we say is true. We sell on monthly instalments instal-ments if desired. Remember that Frince & Co. arc the oldest and largest Org.m Builders in America. J. DAYNES & SON, d2 2 door- cast of Godbo'a Drug Store. Fresh Mince Pies EVKRR 1AY at WALLACE'S. FRESH CREAM CAKES Every Day at WALLACE S, FRESH MARRANC8 Every day at Wallace'!. FRESH rOUXD CAKES Kvery day at WALLACE'S. FRESH BUNS Every (lav, at Wallace's. LICORICE LOZENCES, Ttie Item Th I lift fir C'nuglis nMtl 4'ltl', for Sale only ot WALLACE'S FIRST sim'H STRIFT, - s-IT LAKE CITV, CHEAP BOOTS CO IU Taylor & Cutler's asthevahl; CLOSING out tiigir W1.ME11..-TOIK VEUV LOW. CHARTER OAK COOKING STOVES CIIF.AI'ERTIIAN A.NYOIIIEK U01SE IX TOIVX. A FULL STOCK OF r a 1 1 lev nui;cv canno W'llICHTHKV AHliOl FiailNlt .Sl'LCIAT. INUl'CEMIiXTS OX. Groceries AS L'jn IN PHICf AS TIIK LOWEST. 2 lli Cutis I'rch PEAKS and PLUMS 35 ocntfl. TAYLOR & CUTLER, EA8T TEMPLE 8TREET, Under Taylor's Uolcl. wm & wm n. r. flie Uiii- Kim-rinit lien Iu tha Weil, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI; Nw Short Route from I Kansas City to Chicago, Without Change I Via Wt. Liu!", KurFM rilj and Nirthero H.ilr'.,H-N. cr..-ui the M i. imi i.i.i m l.r.n-Mo., l.r.n-Mo., nr. 1 tii"ine tbr.u(i JaekibD-Till. JaekibD-Till. uleuiuiimUiQ and Juliet- Tha Shortest and Bfsl Uoute (o (h j Eat, via Chicago! EL EG ANT LAY GARS pnnvii rsT ire qt rriKd ?m Ron tbriiKh fr.-.m Krtt-m pitr ' BL L'j u ii lo Chic. mitioul eliacie I pil'jo mii mm Bra ma SMCKINS CARS On all diilf train : ih rnly;iint ruDuie tli of e cart from KtiiM Clly and t.L.Oiili loClilt No Liae niake3 as Good Time, SWi.TnUt'T.'i ,iWiw ,iDO. U ftluD IlBI'OL K.uiM oiu. JAP. IIAF1I.TON, (Jfner.l Pwi,ti,r -nd lick.t Af.t. C. A A- A- 11- t iiio.o. J. MiMULLIX, i' n. bupt., 0. k A-R. K.. Cbiouo. FRANK lllr.ll, Tr.v.llm Aitoi.0. 1A.B H, Lkuu oiu, Mo. 112 |