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Show ST. LOUIS TRADE. EAYBEN.mSONS&ALLffl Manufacturers and Deal" in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, " BENT STOCK, LEATHER, Etc., ' Ha. SIM orlla Js.ln .(retl, m,l ST. LOUIS. MO. If yon want tho best, bay Buck's Brilliant It U the most Perfect Baker- It is the most Durable. It barns the least Wood. It always firee Satisfaction. More of Buck's Stoves have been sold and are in use than any (tore ever made. Ever Stove is warrants. BUCK'S Guarantee, Tor Ceal and Wood, has only been in use tvo yean- It is now the leading; Coal Coek Steye, Why. it is a Perfect Baker. It is a ?ueJ Saver; it is made with our PATENT CHILLED IRON. Fire Linings which will last lonier than Five Sets of oommoi Lining Lin-ing It wiU draw in any food flu and ii the only Coal Cooking Stove that fives entire Satisfaction. BUCK & WRIGHT, TSO and 744 H. Main Street, Saint Lottie.. Manufacturers of all varieties of OOOKINQ and HEATING STOVES. Sun-pis Sun-pis Cards and Price Lists famished on application. mylS $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. " Legalized by Stile Authority and llrawii in Public iu St. Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50.000 NUMBERS. Glass L, to be Drawn Sot. 30, 1873. 6,880 Frizes, Amounting to $300,000. (priu of $30,000' SOOprizMofS 100 Unit ol 13.450! OpriiMof 1,000 lprie or lO.uOO! 0 prizes of 500 prize of 3,aOU Oprit-of 300 4 prize ot 5.000 1 O pn of 35 0 4 rriM of ,300l 36prizMof UU OpriKWPt 1. 000 36prize8of 130 0 prized of 500 ; ISO prizes ot 1 00 tO pniM of 0 5,00pnio-of 10 Tickets, 910. Half Tickets, S5. Uuarters. 1,50. t Our lotteries are chartered by the Btate, are aiwaj" drawn at the tinio named, and all drawings mre nntlr Ujt nperrnlon af sworn ro ni in Irai oners. The pfficial drawing will tt published in the St. Lonis papers, and a copy f drawing 'tot to pore timers of ticket. I We will draw a similar scheme the last : dav of every month during the j'ear ISTi a Bemit at our risk by POST OFFICE : MO-NKY ORDERS, REGISTERED LETTiSB, I DRAin, or EXPRESS Send for a circular. Ad-dree Ad-dree MtRKAY, MILLER . Co., poet Office Box a-8. ST. LOUIS. 41 o. i iot17; MISCELLANEOUS. THIS WELL KNOWN BKAXD op JAPAN TEAS - FOR SALE AT -X. . Grocery Department. al H. B. CLAWSON, Snpt. NOTICE. IUKREBY warn all persons not to buy or otherwise Di-ffotiato for .the Property known as the Miami Mine, situated on frnow Morui liill, Dry Canyon, Ophir District, as tboy aro now working on tho Cad at Mincrsl wiihuut liconjo or .(yul claim, and tbo party that buys tho Miami Mine will buv a Iawuit. nol T. K- MILLER. BOILER MAKING ASD REPAIRING. JOHN SLOAN, PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER. Will repair, on the shortest notice, all kinds of portable, lUtiunary or uj-riglit boilers. R cirri, by periuij.OD, to Messrs. 11. Jacobs Jt Co. etr Orders by telerarh or mail, adiirefi'cd care of "IIekalu" Oihco, will be promptly attended at-tended lo. o31 JOHN SLOA.V IHT. -A.. KEED, Auction & Commission Merchant IK. 1ST SOUTH BTXIX1IIT, West of Kimball fe Lawrence's, SALT L&UE CITY. Liberal ce.-h advancos made on cunisTi menu. aol Pure Bread! Pure Candy! fyUS ESTATE of RICHARD 00LK1HTLT JI bet; to inform the Public, ihit they till carry on the business of Bakers and Confectioners, At the old stand of TjtLo "QLOBU," KAST TIJ1PLK STREET, Adjolaln the Co-operatire Qrwrery Departs ment, where can be found everything in their linoof baJinep-.an'l they hop", b y itrict atiaDttcn to the wanu of their con torn era, lo continue their ratio Qt and support-. Pare Ilome-uiarle Candles .Specialty. ORDERS FILLED WITU DltiPATuH el 6 Dissolution of Co-partnership, '" 'THE PARTNKKSIlll' HEKK'D IFORK JZ?''"? hl""a T. W. Dini. or.,1 L. "L ti T 'T lh, 1,;",K1 rd l-ntjr7 b.wincss U till dny J .1 vsj by in ut n U r -n-"llt t. w. n uns. TRAVEL. GILMER i SALISBURY'S - DAILAr STAGE LINES THROUGH ' Utah, .South - cast iXevjuSa & JMon-I JMon-I ana, Leaving Salt Lake City Dally, raining rai-ning SouUi to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sovier, St. Gcorce, Utah ; and Piooho, .Nevada ; Panlng through Provo, Sprinerille, Spanish Fork,Pay-eon, Fork,Pay-eon, Salt Creek, Chiokon Creok, Round Valley, Fillmoro.Corn I Crock, Beaver, Miners- ! ville, and AU the principal townt and mining camp t in southern Utah and touth-tast Nevada. Alao leave Corlnne, Utan, dally, rnnnlng nsrtb to Virarinia City, Helena, Fort Benten, Deer Lodge, Gedar Creek mines, and passing through all the principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Mon-, Mon-, tana. PRINCIPAL OFFICE) : Wells, Frgo 4 Co. Building' I Jnn4 Salt Lake City Len Wines. . fl. P. SanbalU SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express LINE, RUNN1AQ DAILY ' FROM 8ALV lake city, via lake tows, TOOELK CITY, STOCKTON ' AMD OPHIR TO TINTIC. The route has been re-itooked with splendid splen-did Concord Coaches, fine Stock, caieful and attentive Driver, and every attention is paid to the oomfort anl oouvenienoe of paeaen-ier. paeaen-ier. Good accommodation on the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OflUe at Willi, Fargo , Co.'i, Salt Lake Cityj WINES & KIMBALL, ! apH Proprieton. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Jam ytfiJgy On aud after September 3d, 1874 MIXED TRALNS WILL RTJ3ST DAILY. Going South. Leave the Utah Central R.R, Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.20 g.m. Sandy, (nearest point to Little ottonwood Canon,) at 8.10 a. m. and 3.30 p.m., arrive at Lehi at 9.10 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Ool ii g 'orth. Leave Lehi at 9.30 a.m. and 4.50 p.m.; Sandy at 10.50 a.m: and 6.10 p.mj arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. Bait Lake to Cottonwood Station. &Ootl Sandy ' 1.00 " " Draper " Lift " " Point " " 1.75 ' ' Lebi " "2 25 Passengers will please purchase tickets at the olii coll. co-ll. II. DAVIS, Gen. Freiiht acd Ticket AcenL FKRAIHORZ LITTLB SUP HUNT IN DINT. UTAH CENTRAL IIAILROAI). PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Ua and after Monday, July IT, 1IT1 lally Trains Leave Bait Lake City at 6 a m. and 2:45 p.m Arrive at Ogdeo 7 a. as, and t-H p. m. Leave Ucden atfla.m. and b: JO p. m. Anive at Salt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7 JO p. a In addition to the above TRAIN WLU run DALLY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leavlni Salt Lake City at 5.30 p.m., and Oiden at 5a.m. aiiairi will pleaaa Parebaae tfaelr Tlekata at tna Offleaa. fifty Cents additional will be charred when li e fare Is oollecuil en the traiu. Toi all InformatloB eoneemlns freiiht oi pasiaie, api'Ly lo n. II. DA V IB, General Freiiht and Ticket Ai't JOHK SHAEP, aDFUUHTIItDllIT . i RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Just Received A. OHOIOB LOT OF CLOTH TALMAS, FUR TRIMMED; ELEGANTLY ASSORTED OTTOMAN SHAWLS; SILK VELOURS, A Very Fashionable Trimming; FRENCH BLACK. AND COLORED VELVETS, Ball Dresses, In Silks, TissuesjIVToire Antiques, And other Desirable Styles, all of which we r . ; T oiler at LOW FIGUKES. " m29 ' Hi B. CLAWSON, SuperiDtendent BLANK HOOKS. STATIONERY, SEWING MACMNES, CALDER & SEARS. P i A ir o s, We ar ' Ascnts for the ARION, STEINWAY & SONS, CHICKERING & SONS, DECKER & BARNS nd other leading maker and respectlully invite our Patrons and tho Pnblio to oall and examine our stock of the abovo named instruments. We are also General Agents for the MASON & HAMLIN world-renowned CABINET ORGANS, Which we have proved beyond all doubt to be tho best and most suitable organs for this climate; and have also the WOODS, ESTEY, SMITH and other ORGANS in stock. We have the Largest Stock west of Chicago of Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES, and everything required by Amateurs, Tcaohers and Musicians. MUSI GAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stook consists in part of riAXOS, ACroRHEOSS, CONCERTINAS, not'Rir nasena V!oiAis' r,VVu,,A2SSi' vioi-pKLiAoN, k?areEdb1"JI?' BA.YJOS, KLCTISAS, 1-1COI.OS, rT"' vfoAifl MUSICAL MEECHANDI8E. ""'" P"P"' UI,,E ' Book. i cJfJi, R"it JIu.lc, Iiutructlon Boolu lor .11 lmiiuuuu, Etc., JSto." We aavo !Mnred th services of Professor Cerelo'J, so lonn and fsroriW known in thh con-mmutr, con-mmutr, Ihal our patrons may have tb. benett of his professional sirrices ii "mZSai Uoir solecaon of instruments ud musical merchandise. BOOKS -A.aST3D STATIONERY. Our Stock consisu in part of rmSnHn! m.VA"1"?:1"? J"?1 Mlec.llaneana and Snb- li t. Vl00f1,,U deicrlptlane, Ink.i.nd., Writing " "te1 reus, In Brtal variety, Pen Iloldrra Fnrll. .,,m.k Poclset lissl.e. .ud Scissor., Osnn'i ..,., 'V1Z, 'iL f llook., an uuallUes and weUhu of uoiuxssstar'xc . a . "I".' L'fter',c"P' Bill, Leg.l, rial c.p, Foil. Post, French Ifole, Inill.l Aote, tnv.loe.., .11 sli...d q-allife., t ,rd B.ri, i, ,.I"rmli" Tls.ue t.pcr,U colors, Drawing p.p.r, Di.wu., Book." SCUOOl. FUBHKUIaiGB Or EVERT JD E l H. I P T I O N SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. li?.V? vir" 4"''M"' H""rtd ' o? Cards and Books ftom the l.rae Publishin, House o( I. ..b.sib, uich olor at their regular Wholes.!, and ltetail prices. L. PRANG & CO'S PUBLICATIONS. miuoe. from our stock of choice selection, at the Publisher, ifaolJal. ad Retail Snoef THE WILSON ' SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. We respectfully invito the Publio to oall and examine our Sewing Machines before purchasing elsewhere, whioh wo claim to bo the best, oheapost, and most durable in tho market. Wo guarantoo every Machine we sell to give entiro Batisfaotion. All aro warranted to sew, with pcrfcot caso, Beaver Ducking, Ticking, Denims, Domostio, Cambric, Linen, Muslin, Laoe, io and will Tuck, Horn, Foil, Braid, Bind, Cord, Gather, in fact will do all kinds of work. A Five Xciti guarantee given with each machine. Instructions free by an expert on the premises. .3 GROCERY DEP'l Z. C. IMI. 1. WHOLESALE AND HETA1L Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Ntoves. Crockery Glassware, Tinware, 3Iiners' Supplies. We do not throw out aiiy Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices. ALL OUR GOODS -A. RE OMEAPl DKALER3 LN TI1K SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL AND ENUU1RK PRICES BEFORK PURCHASING. 31 U. B. CI, AW SUM, ap.rlat..d.si MISCELLANEOUS. SNOW! SNOW! SNOW! FALL & WINTER SEASON, 1872. Goods Suitable at Teasdel &- Co's. Rubbers i Cioth Overshoes at Teasdel & Co's. Flannels,Linseys& Blankets at Teasdel, & Co's. Ladies & Children's Furs at Teasdel & Go's. BREAKFAST SHAWLS, NUBIAS AND HOODS AT Teasdel & Co's. SHAWLS, DOUBLE AND SINGLE, SIN-GLE, AND SCARFS AT ' Teasdel & Go's. GENTS' OVERCOATS, OVER-SACKS OVER-SACKS AND TRAVELING SHAWLS, AT TEASDEL & CO'S. AFULLAKD COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL CLASSES OF GENE-. GENE-. RAL MERCHANDISE AT TEASDEL & CO'S. AT PRICES TO ENSURE SATISFACTION. SAT-ISFACTION. ; .. THE BLEES Sewing Machine -AT- TEASDEL & CO S, EAGLE HOUSE, OPPOSITE SALT LAKE 110USE. Z. C. M. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SIUN OF THE g l G - OPT GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, ' GENTS' SHOES, ' LADIKS' SHOES, . .. CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS'-SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS,' CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For fine wnathor or stormy wpDlbor; for walk-irifc, walk-irifc, dancinj;, working, BPARlviNO, climb ins, riding, liatimg, mining, otc, oic A largo and chuice nwriinont of. Uio.i.bvo, onr own mu-ko nntl iinportod, ut tho most reasonable rea-sonable iticoj. We make to order any etylo end quality dcelrcd nud Insure aitlsfactlon. OLD BOOTS iMado as good as now almoet SELLING OFF - Oil li OLD STOCK - BELOW COST! Sole Leather! Upper Leather! Harness Leather! Imported Calf Skioi, American Calf Skios, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, "KIT" OF ALL KINDS!! HORSE COLLAltS! llorso Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Ordera by Mull rcrrlvn apcul.l and pron,j,t .Mention. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT. H. B. CLAWSON, Bup't, RAILROADS. OX AXD AFTER SEPTEMBER 16th, 1R7. TKAIXS WILL LEAVE OC9IEX DAILY AS FOLLOWS FOL-LOWS 1 Overland Tiuspniter Train for Tonno, Carlia, inncinuccn, Vndsworth, Keoo, aieryaviUe, KoddinR for Ororon), Siicraiiienta, Stockton, Laiarup, Urcod (for Yosemite), Tij-ton (for Los Angole), San Jwso and Sua Francisco, - 5.20 r.M. Ovorlund FrpiKht and Accoramoda-tion Accoramoda-tion I'rain for San Francisco, - - 6.25 r.Ji. T.I..000DMAN-. A-N'TU0ii., GEa":'HSE"'dIiCk'"AW"U Aor-sr, Salt I.ako City, ,.t L udico wilh ilarsh&ll k Carter, Over Vi .Y. & Co"s Bank. jO) THE CHICAGO & NORTH- ; WESTERN RAILWAY Is tho PIOXEEK KOUTE betweon OMAHA and CHICAGO, completed . four years no, since wh;ch timo the i Company havo Bp&rod neither pains nor expense m perfecting its read bed and track, and equipping it with rolling tock.of the most modorn improvemoata; this, togothor with tho fact of its being the Shortest Zi;i, oflers to the Traveling Travel-ing Public a route unsurpassed in this country for speed, comfort, safety and suro connections. PAimcULAR CAUTION should be takon by passengers in selecting their rout, and not bo deceived by false advertisements and representations by interested parties of competing lines in regard to time, distances, rates, etc. This popular route requires no lse statements, relying on its true merits, it needs only to be known by the traveling travel-ing public to be appreciated. TIMJS: San Francisco to Omaha, four days and seven hours. Via Chicago and North "Western Railway, Omaha to Chicago, twenty-three twenty-three hours. Omahatc Now York, sixty hours. Omaha to Boston, Bixty-four hours. Pullman's rlMi, Hotel, and Bleep 1a S Colts Are run on all through trains from Omaha to Chicago. How to Secure Stooping Berths Before Be-fore Beaching Omaha; Fassongers desirous of securing Sleep-i Sleep-i ing Bur .16, Sections or State Booms in the Sloeping Car from Omaha East, can . do so by telegraphing from any of the stations on the Union Pacific Railroad, to VV. A. Carpeater. General Agent, C. ' & N . W. Bail way, Omaha, stating what they want. This is all they need to do until they reach the C. & N. W. Bail-way Bail-way Depot on the east side of the Missouri Mis-souri Biver, then go to the Sleeping Car Conductor, give nim their names, as per telegram, and thoy will find that he has their berths ieserved for them. Passengers going East will consult their own interest by securing Through Tickets via CHIAOO A NORTH I WESTERN RAILWAY, which can be procured at all principal ticket offices in California and the West, and at railroad offices to San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Omaha and Council Bluffs. ! JNO. 0. GAULT, e General Sup't Chicago. H. P. STANWOOi), General Ticket Agent, Chicage. P ON SsILJES, LOW FOR CASH. 400 Bushels Choice ONIONS. 600 POTATOES. 25,000 Pounds Choice BARLEY! 70,000 OATS. rtW.OOO CORN. 20,000 Corn MEAL. 22,000 Cracked CORN. 300 Saoks Choice FLOUR. A1SO BRAN, SHORTS, 11AMS, GROCERIES, Etc., etc. "WANTED, 2,000 BUSHELS WHEAT, Delivorod at Allen's, Miller's, or City Creek Mills. Highest Prlc. Paid Iss Cash, DRIED PEACHES 'WANTED, GEORGE H, KNOWLDEN, Grain Dealer, West Bide Main Street, Opposite Wells, Fargo k Co's Office, TOYS I TOYS 11 THE FINEST STOCK Ever Brought to this City, H be found m D. GRENIG'S BAKERY ATD Grocery Store. At WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AUo tho Finoit Stuck of Groceries, Spices, Nuts, Candies, Canned Coods, Etc., Etc., j At as LOW FIGURES AS lu any House Iu the City. CALL FI1IST ON, AN1I YOU'LL BE TO LUY 01', DAXIEL GltEMU, EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE STREET.? Abos. Sacoad Sootli street autM Pure Manilla Rope. WE HAVE been arpolnted hTTusbs k Co attenta forthessU f their rope, lomioeri it is nirtioularlr recommended eemg alt pure Mtnlll und not mUod with oisal or other inferior material. (Special price given to the Trade. STURTEVANT BLOWERS. Several Mies on hand. Siiea not In Slock ordered or-dered at loirwt rates bjr the axenta. IM OTT, DI N HAM . CO. Golden City Fire Brick. A Stock of Area and S.juare Brick now on hand. SCOTT, DUN 111 H CO SAN FRANCISCO TRADp ut PARKER, WATTSON & ay (Suooesson to Well k Co.,) ts Importer and Btanaraotnreri iq. TOBACCO AND CICARr 221. 223 and 22S Front st, eor. Saor&mentp a5 BAN FKAHCI8CO. GRAND IIOTF Oa Market, Hew Montgomerr and Seoond Streets. aw mAjfcisco, cO, a JOHNSON & Co., PaoPRinv E. A. FARGO &Co'f Importers and Jobbers of ' Brandies, Wines aii Lipli1 1 SIO Frosst St., eor. Commarol.ID a T. i25 PAN FRANClfi J. baum & co., ; Iraporten and Uaniifactnrera of L MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHINaT aa Itniomt It., San Fruoiioo. NolBWairenSU New York. IV BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOR WHOLESALE TRADE, Weaver & Taylor, U Front Street, San Fr¬soo, California, a!2 1. OHIltrOniJB. WA1TBE BOOI. H E. UnHT. a.OHmiiovioH oo., lmportere and wboleeale dealen In riHK W INKS L. i q. U OR. s, soli ao uts roa IESSE, MOORE A CO'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND Hit WHISKIES. l101 HOI tODHTULl, XT. 801 Front 8l. SAN FRANCISCO. aM EsUblishedinlS5L G VENARD, Manufaoturer of the Original Chartres Coffee, And all kinds of Spices and California Mustard, 625 and 627 Front Street, between Jaokion and Pacific SAN FRAH. CLSCO. a5 A. J. GRIFFITH, Iler In kelC:?A all kinds of PZOKIiBD dtt BUOKUD SALMON AND HERRINGS, 1S1 WaabiHgtea Street All klndj of Dried, Bmoked and Pickled rtab oaitutl j on hand. j4 L. A, Sendenon, I. L. Horn, SANDERSON & HORN, .Importers and Job ben of CIGARS ID TOBACCO. (Prop ri-ton La Epnola Cigar Factory,) Sole manufacturers of the celebrcit 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front Street, Retwecn Waeblngtoii omd Clajr, SAN FRANCISCO. ap4 E. MARTIN & CO. Wnolesale Lipor Dealers, OI rromt Street, Sam Frajaeleco. Proprietors of HILLsCR'S EITKA OLD BOUEBOI And sole agents for , r. CUHER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Conjtantlr on hand, a foil assortment of all the araHFiuidi orw&likli Flue Braadl FerelfB Bjtd DomtiUt Wines, B5 Blttere, CordlaJe, MURPHY,GRANT&CO. Importers of Ajnsric&n and uropftn Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS. CAJiIFORJf lA. Oall the attention of the Trade to their larct and complete stock of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Which they are now receiving direct from European Manufacturers, oonn-rising in part Frvaeh Her I bo Wool Battues, Wool Plaids, French and German, Irish avmd Franc h Popllat, kCmpi-aaa Clothe, Tamisv, black and colored, Velreteans, Alpaaas, black and oolered, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. 4LsSO GLOVES, Kid, Book. Berlin (Ladies', Hisses', asatsl Gents' Underwear And all kinds of , Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hoilers-, eorupleta) in all Its brsnohea White Goods. Handh.crcl.lcfa, Shirting Lilians. iallt, white and colored," I Damasks, brown loom and blMched. Towels, Unca, Diajw. TurkUh, Xapklna aud DojrUea, fc-te- tU., Kla. ' Special Notice. CARD TO THE TRADE. THE Mission & Pacific Woolen Mills, Depot, Nos. 51T A 010 Mnrkrt St., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.t Offer to the trade a I. ante and Well-eolected Assortment of Woolen Goods, Manufaotnred at their oelobrated Mills, Cons Ijt lop of BLANKETS ef every description; HOKSF BLANKKTR nd Bl-00 V hUllKS; HOKtSl and fLUlCli filaokelinss, various width, and qualitlos; CLOI11S. CASSIMURKS and TWEEDS of every description: OEM'S', LADIES', MINES' and UlilLlKKN'i SHAWLS in axoal varioty ; Ol'EUA nmj FANCY FLANNEUS ; Sill It T I N a FL A N N E hS ; TWEED. C ASSlMEltb and FLAN N E 1. Sill U T S nil UNDKKWEAlt. WATER i'KUOl'S and HE-PKLLAN HE-PKLLAN TS. various !li.lwi nnd stylos. KaiT All-Wool and Moriuo I'dkkwkvk and UoBiKnr for uipn. wumon and children, us-ricriii.LV us-ricriii.LV aiiaptid for tlio lHkoiiK CuasL Woolen Yarn in all ulnulca by tho pnoknes. All Ooods in our lino manufactured "tc osiikh" Brt abort notice, and at the lowkhi murk t iiricw. l'rico Lists a on tun npiiliculinii, MISSION ami I'ACll'lO WOUEE.N MILLS Pepot, os. 017 A 010 Uarkct Nl., SAN F1UNC1SC0, CAL, U7T TOYS ! nmter Notice! The Largest ai Ever brouttht to Salt Lake East To winter Goods. ? - Oo- door north of Campbe WHOLESALE 3VH. Hm novf v DEPARTMENT, HAVE BOUGHT A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHING FURNISH-ING GOODS, SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON AND WHICH IS NOW OPEN FOR 1 1ST S P E C T I O 1ST . French, English and American Nullinc, dMllngs mid Cassinieres in great varlefy anrt lnlet jlr. Men's and Boys suits of tlie lutr.st. fashion., from 1 he llrst Houses in New York, Boston, Chicage and San Francisco. A FULL STOCK OF HOME MADE CASSIMERES AND JBANS, TO WHICH WE INVITE INSPECTION. MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, HOSIERY. GLOVES, UMBRELL48, COLLARS AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS, Trunks. Valises, Rugs, Blankets, Capes and Overcoats. MEN'S AND BOYS BOOTS AND SHOES, , EASTERN AND HOME MADE. GRANT, GREELEY, AND ALL THE NEW158T styles OF HATS AND CAP8. WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. s sssssssssassssssssssssssssssssisssssssssssssssss sasass ssssssa The great sucoess which has attended Our Merchant Tailoring Department Has induced ua to make Large Purchases for our Fall and Winter Trade. So that gentlemen may choose from the meet Tar ted and Kztettolv- Stock we hare ever offered. Tailors' Notions and -Trimmings of the beat quality always on hand. H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. siktgejb: Sewing1 Machine. yy K respectfully invite the Publio to call and see our excellent TartefT Sewing Machines, 121 FIain,I!eautifuI and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AXD GREATLY IHPROVEB WITH THB FANTON CJ.A.S T O US. The Total Saia of the SINGER MACHINE an turn THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, 2. S 1 , 22 O An eridonce that it is fast winning supreme faror ia the htmishold. The Sing br Company sold over the other Companies, $2,734. Hir The Chicago Relief Coaimitteo furnished sufferers by the Rre to March 18, 1S72, 3,9-14; 3.151 Singer Alachiaes, all other makes, 793. Applicants made their selection, with same discount oa all. OUR SALK3 LN UTAH EXOKED AN If OTHER HOUSE IN THR tiKWlNQ MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. Weoourtootulr Invite the Ladies to see our i I3xa.loxrcica.or-y" Attaolimont It attracts reoeraJ atteatlon and aimiratloB. We also desire yon to see our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS. SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OP SHUTTUi SKWINO JiACBlNEii WE ai'ARANTKK EVKRY MACIUNK WE CELL TO OIVB ENTIRE 9iTtft&Q tien, as eBk-h one ii Ih.TOUKhljr aifuslM. tried sad tested by siporisafsd Meeaaale and all are warranted to sew with eajo all kinds of a-ci-d?. frem the iar?st t- ths On est. IvRte, Jlultnt CaiubriCf luiueBtic Deniitts Ticfc.inf UuckiuK, Beaver, Buck okla and leather. atIoflructioD ptTon Irco of charge by competent attendants, and 1 ef sale to suit all oircumstanooa. ' OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE REA-SONABLE TERMS. We cittfod a cordial inriutioa to all to COME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether tlW wish to purnha or Kf' IT TUB SIXGHR SEU'LC M.1CHLB DENRTMBNT. Z. C. M. I. General Agents. Two doon Kuth, 0 Eale Kmfonius, Sau liiu OiTT. |