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Show For SALEFour fine ilulei with Kood lUw Hiid at;on, haif block e,tof L. C. Depot on "rth Temple ftxeu J- V- Youao. n!7 Evnry mother nhould tach her obil-d-n tobruth thie teeth daily and use fiito. .Snow el, KcaTanjrer for the City. . ol ' Tux rroitTiTKA'ni who have broken thuir u.irror -ju get new glaues put in at If. lin woody". nolO " flRRATi is Receiving Goods and Reducing Pricey ' - r ; . i. li. Tut pi- will open hia third term F School in the IHb, Ward, Monday, November 18. Terras $4 to $G in advance. ad-vance. , - , nolQ Hut the Imperial Oil ISO Are tt, the pnrosL and scleat oil in the markoL no'J , Now is your timn to buy eheap Tur-;' Tur-;' dUuro nil H. in woody 's. He is just receiving thirteen car loads expressly for Clirbtmiu trade, it . - nolO ' '' Kumiss H1030 Bod Loungoi at Turks CAnrKBT Mnkors' wanted by' H. Umwoody; those used to working with macbinury preferred. r nolO Do do krs printed choRpiy and tastefully taste-fully at tho LIb&ald Job OQice. fo-lil Urkss CIiiods in grout variety at the Ualifornia titore. o2l Kvkhy School Book niny bo found at 1 Jurlit' Book .Store, blue and white eifrn, opposite Th outre. nolO' Nkwkbt ArTitXrTionB In Job lrirtt-inR lrirtt-inR t the 11 kkali) (J itico. Doi.li, Ta Hetn, beautiful presents fnr oliililrvii lit Ourtu' B 'ok Store, blue and white siftn, opposite Theatre. notO NOTARIES PUBLIC. GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. IArxwowxiiDfjiMisTS taken for ih several States a iBaaiToaiaa. 1 'ran. 9 a. k., to 9 p. n. Ho N. 5 u. li. Alley's taraouB All and XX FAMILY FLO UK for sale at Z.C.M.I. , Prodaca Department, first door-uorth ot . Bank of De&ereU my'l i IIIkkrt Diswoodit is agent for Peard's Patont School Desk. Call and see the sample. oc3 Call and see H.Dinwoodey's assortment assort-ment of Mirrors. He oilers them chofip.. oc3 A Very Superior Brand ofj Flour and Corn Meal, as well as Oft la, Corn, Barley, etc., by Gordon & Murray, half a block south of railroad depot, Salt Lake City. - ,- f o'2Z JOB PRINTINO all BIZM find ttylofc ione promptly , una cheaply .r.t the liKRALD Othco. sel& I Bills, Cards, and Circular, in latest ityler, printod at tko Herald Office. eel6 T date Reduced my Prices. uC U. 11. Barratt, No. 40. Political conspiracies are tho source of party corruption, but tho SAUCB of P. O. CODK & CO., of San Francisco, Francis-co, preserves hoalth by stimulating tho ippulilo. 14 Barratt's Stock Is next to Post Office. o2 Complete assortment of CLOTHING-. Just opened at L. Cohn's California Califor-nia Storo. J Immense stock of Furniture at Barratt Bar-ratt 6 "2 "We Kill' constantly in gtock a full ftjsortmont of all grades of Waltham Watches in gold and silver cases, Itoth koy and stem winding, and cheerfully rocoinroend thorn to our customers and tho public as thoroughly reliable tinie-pioces. tinie-pioces. Carl C. Asmuskn. 'A. C. M. 1. Kast Temple street, opposite oppo-site tho PtMtoilioe, no Caotion. All persons ans cautioned against negotiating (or a due bill, dnted SopL ltd, li72, favor of George Vos-burgh, Vos-burgh, signed I. Morris & Co., Lewis-ton, Lewis-ton, as the same has been paid. n7 Minks for Sale. Dr. Paul Gregory, Grego-ry, in an advertisement in tho H krald this morning, offers some valuable . minos for sale, located in tho neighbor- j hood of Parley's Park. For partial- j lara see the advertisement. I Maoakinks. rampniel. Periodicals Music Books, Scrap Book!, etc., etc.! bound Ln all form and stylos at, the Herald Bindery. 6j I Fine line of Marble and Wood Top Tables U Barratt's. n ! Arrived Two cars Furniture and tw-Mity-nev-Mi crates Crockery at Uar-eatt'b. Uar-eatt'b. mi To outfit your house or otBce go to Barrett's. o'i Notice to our Patrons. As we have been unavoidably compelled to sell the Eureka Oil, which we learn baa not given satisfaction to our customer, we will exchange for other oil where the parties purchased of us. no'J K. KEX4E A Co., Pioneer Lamp Store. " Thrzk Cheers Tor Greeley aad Grant" H. Linwoodey has juat received re-ceived two car loads of Chair?, and U prepared to furnish, a grot at the."drop of the hat. oc3 Traveling Public leaving Salt Lake City going eat, will And it to their advantage ad-vantage to take the evening train and come to Ogden. You will avoid getting up at 4 o'clock in the morning. At Ogden Og-den city, half a mile from the depot, you will find on cozy, comfortable Hotel, the Ogden House, where you will have plenty of time to rise at 7, take a 5ood breakfast, and you will always nd a carriage ready to convey yeu to and from the depot, free of charge; 128 JOHN ilAHO-N, Proprietor. Tourists and the thavellku Public Pub-lic going east are respectfully KoLiied that the Utah Hotel, ut Ogden City, is a Uret-clads houee, and by coming to Ogden on tho previous evening, either-by either-by Mail or Freight Train, they avoid the annoyance of rising at 4 o'clock to take the morning train at Salt Lake City. To pleasure seekers Ogden promises much to interest in its excellent Shooting Shoot-ing and Trout fishing, while tho grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpassed by anything of the kind known in tho Unitod States, The Hotel ia provided with Barber Shop and Bath Itooms, and runs its coach free of expense to guests. The proprietors, thankful for past favors, will spare no pains to please gnosta, and will provjdo euut and ammunition, am-munition, with guides and carriages te the shooting or fishing grounds, by jjot-ting jjot-ting timely notice thereof. Eudby & Williams, Propr' B013 NERVOUS OK.BIL.IT T. " With its gloomy attendants, low spirits, depression, involuntary emissions, emis-sions, loss of semen, spermatorrhoea, loss of power, dizxy head, loss of memory, mem-ory, and threatened impotence and imbecility, im-becility, find a sovereign cure in Humphrey's Hum-phrey's Homeopathic Bracinc No. Twkntt-Eiqht. Composed of the mostvaluablo mild and potent Curatives, Cura-tives, they strike at once at tho root of the matter tone up the system, arrest the discharges, and impart vigor and energy, life and vitality to the entire man. They have cured thousands of cases. Price, $5 per package of five boxes and a large $2 vial, which is very important in obstinate or old cases, or $1 per single box. Sold by all Druggists, Drug-gists, and sent by mail on rocoipt of &rice. Address, Humphreys' Specific homeopathic Medicine Co., 662 Broadway, Broad-way, Now York. For Sale at Z. C. M. L and Godbe's Drug Store. a9 MINES FOR SALE. DR. PAUL OREGORY owns four excellent silver mines wiLhin one mile ol" each othor. WikmI and and wntor plentiful on all oflhom. Tho mines aro rich. Ores runninft (row Si" up to S"uo per ton. can bo oliiuiticil from each o! thorn, in paying quantity. I'lio crevice uftholireittfrj' lodo i twontj-sovon foot wiile;a streak of tour feet will run i-rX' per ion. lie inn desirous of Bonding home a nico proven t from Utah, I trill sell an interest in one or all. uracil nil at fair figures. Kacti lodo contains l,.'iOU feet, and tho Greirory lodo is down l'O feet and loviks lino. This lodo is directly ui tho gukh from tho Ontario ono-hnli iniie. and tho samo distance below tho Howland U'do, in Kliio LuiIko Minioc district, WilshnIi County. 1 bavo just nn-vd my camp to llio ild bill cahin. xliore 1 shall bo pleased to shoiv uiy They are each new claims and but little known, anil the jealousy, I recret to ay, oi-iitlnc oi-iitlnc amongist thmo owning claims hero, to a Itrcat citent, have kept tlioso seeking such property from calling on mo. 1 ask eapitalin. to cimottud seo. I will show you j11 1 promise 10 d" PAUL QRRiOltY, M. P. FuurmilaJ from Snyder.-villo. LOST OK STOLEN, nn 11 REK PHOMISPORY NOTES, ILTEH I 1 l.'liicac", November 4ib, IS' 2, iltnoJ : Richard M.L'nn; payable to my order ar.d tin-endorsed tin-endorsed by uie, pas meat of which is sioppod, Note at mi days, Note at four months. $"; Noteat nino montlts, $ I. '. I Twont,v-five dollars will bo paid for thoir return. 1 UKORiiEf. 11ATKS, nov li A" IT Kimball lilkck. I SADDLE ROCK RESTAURANT. Fresh, Shell and Keg Oyster received daily, fresh Fish, Game, Fruits aod Vogetabies from all parts of the World. LADIES SUPPER ROOMS Fitted up ex pros It for ladiep and rntleiaco in a si teuiipjwelled bv ny eetalr luiinient tho OPEN XV I GUT AD BAY. riUVATE EN TRANCE FOR LADIEt, ONE DOOR SOUTH nw WKLL FAR(U A CO t. HEN II V WAUNEIt. l'r,.i:kt.r. COAL AT LEH1- GORDON & MURRAY, KE THE AiSFNTS of the eelel-ratI :V RiVKY Mi.il MU.V O'M.. l h.'i- will furnish by ih,- C.ir L.vi.i. r in -luall liiantiti. to suit, atih? Lowi-t i'scnri". OKPER SOLICITED ERnM ALL ' They ar-i f.vwar.iins larco .f.tar : u ! of Fr.Mcin. .ill -i.--.-7ii-ti.-n-. t- Hr.A'MH. 1'AK IIiT KiCT ar.u i'i'HK. nzi Tkak-stkrs Tkak-stkrs ona rely ui on L-i;tc; L.. j.i.- ; .Will and Ox Teams Xecdcd : ' First National Bank OP UTAH, -ALT LAKE CITY, DKSIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Wiitin nr.'Biv, C. L. DiHLia, President. Vio Priet AxTtfOKT 3ocna. CwtaUr. Anttiorlacl GMpllMt, - - 30 0,0') PAID IP CAPITAL, 1180,000. KAB.XIXOS, - tl 30,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 por cent. Oldrt BTtOring Institutim m Utah. A. Goneral linnking Ftxi! no Transacted. AGRNOI R3 IN COLORADO AND MONTANA. COLLECTIONS' PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, INTBBKST ALLOW JtD ON TIMR DRPOSTTR. fl NOTICE. To the Builders. Painters and Glaziers of Salt Lake, U. T- VK HAVE 'TEVFP TTTF FINEST AP M b-vt a-- rtM .yk ( W:r, of ( i. .1 ir.vire iil I-' luaiino quaiiLy and j-ri.-? b- ri i -.r.-h if;;t -..--t h-ve, a.- e b'-1 oetitr fir.i!' ;'or f.::-.r.c r.r.i-rv t. :n I.-", a.ij ..1. L:;n aav o-c :n :.-. Tf.-n:..rv. !':;.-; 'a., .i-.l ! ;;.y.-Mirrtr. of ar.y !;0;'n.-iiC-V'ar.i V th'c ,',wo v-ri-. i,U.- c.si i'i r. AC.i th . ri.-.y hif fittr 1 wit:-. els . 'h ti? r.;jrr.lM U ;ii i'.-.. r.- tiic Lv-try re-.-civ aroapt C. F. CULMER & CO, VraCTly of PAY A CULMER.) UKUKSUKCK BLOCK, no7 Btad Sou tni tree t. SPECIAL ADTERTISEM.MS LOST, C1M0 LBVY. 'WHO IS MENTALLY AF- fectsd. Ui left tin cily. He U dark cens-ldeed. cens-ldeed. bo-Jt fwt hija ud well jcL " m drwed io blu eaiochilLa ecat and dark pants. Anybody hia will confer s IjJiiar faror on tbe ucdertixxod by in farming tnem of hu whcraabenti, aod uy ou:lv incurred in-curred in mssist ne him io hit homo wjl be mie fully returned. Sol Lktt, ai California Str. , Anaura k Sa..b3 a; Tnpl St. Bait Lake Ciij, Mo r. T, ;87i bIO FOR RENT. A GOOD AND OOXVINrENT H0U!E. eocaicia six too tat, wiih clottra, buttery, but-tery, rwret aad exteJlwt cellar, situated on Second Weft, between North and South Tempi itreU, one blek ea of DowL For further particulari, enquire of J. R. RobbiM. n the premise. D; WASTED. TWO SMALL ROOMS, OKB FURNISHED aa a bed-room and one m a fining-room, or out larre room, funuifaed neatly, in a private family preferred. Addrets K- W. H-, car of Berald OSca. nor 10 BY A TOrKO GKNTLKMAN, A ROOM, with or without board. In a private family fam-ily where me of piuo eaa be had. City reference, Aedren "C," box 73C, P. U. no5 VT ANTED IMH EDIATBL.T t SEVERAL v firtt-claM Boot and Skge maker. Apply Ap-ply to "Big 001," 9P Kal Temple street. FOB SALE. AOOOD SECOND-HAND ORGAN, SUITA ble for a School Heme. Apply to Mr. W. C Dunbar at this emee. f DR. GROVES, 11 OfflM, Beaad Beata Btree. Three doon weatof Great Weatera Hotel, aalf a bloek eait of llephaat Store, Salt Lake Oitj OBI kMlu. H eui ALT LAKE THEATRE Tuesday, November 12, 1872. ENGAGEMENT FOR A LIMITED NUMBER Of KIU1ITS of th. popdir Aetoi . . . . , . Mr. Jas. J. BARTLETT, Who will make hit tecond appearance at-( this Theatre in Walter II. Cooper's. . sensation drama, entitled . i MAGDALEN NEW SCENEKT! APPROPRIATE APPOINTMENTS AMD " ' . NOVEL EFFECTS. . . A The Officer and Member ffot the Grand XyOdRe of A. K. m.nA A. M. are hereby notified that a Communication of tho Grand Lodge will bo held on Tuesday, November VI, at 10 o'clock a-m., sharp. Iluiinois of importance import-ance will bo transacted. M tutor Masons in good standing are cordially invited.. By erdar of the M. W. G. Id. . CaajeropRiiR Dikhi,, nlO Grand 6croUry. 1., .-.t.,,.:. A CARD. To the Ladies. rjtUERE has been lueh an Immonso demand for the JUSTLY ('ELK BRA FED VICTOR SEWING MACHINES, That I am unable, for a few days, to fill the drders which (warm in from different part o the Territory. If my ptrn? will klndlj-wait klndlj-wait one week longer, a rte shipment wjil arfir, (mm which the Ladies can make a selection suited to their tastes. Term, as usual- A specimen is retained and may be seen and lesions taken eery day usual at NO. 5, MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. Next Door to S.Ti'f O.llerr. no. 12 FENCING ACADEMY and Tmirtf, Richards' Buildings, 2d South St. Ven frr the Wiocer S-cn. MONDAY. WElXWbAY. k FRIDAY tVENINiiS. frca 7 :o in. Lsdifs 0-" fnr t'ai-.rthi-rtef from 4 to r. to-Prirato to-Prirato Ix t- if d-.r-d, Fr lorm-airy toS. T. Riccard', ai Tkrior A Cutler's Si-re, or at the Academy. 1111 u Kent. ocift MINERS M INTED. AFF.W mft-e r-d Mi-m ran end c--n-tant iQi-t-yojeni ith px-i wac. l tLe Emma Mis Alro r-od B!--t'n!i:b. Ai-rly to Q wQpefiA Las deal of tho Mm. WISCELLftNEOUS. More Light! 20.000 GALLONS Of the celebrated IMPERIAL OIL, 150 Fire Teet. C IR..O W N, 110 Standard Fin lest, TOR oALK, iir TEE BARREL OR CASE, IX L'jTi TO SUIT. PETROLEUM Xon-Exploslve Fluid, SIXTY CENTS PER -GALLON. LIMPS 1XDLAMP GOOBS; FOR TEE MILLION! . AT THlf ' - " " . Pioneer LampStore Nearly opposite the Market. E. EEESE & CO. GROUND TO RENT. - . - -, , - - TWO HUNDRED FEET FRONT BY twenty-six feet deep, in lots to sail, on the new street lust opened out to Edward Martin's house, opposite the southern wing af tho Townsend House. Enquire otthopremi.M of el8 j . ROBERT: L. CAMPBELL. FAR ; WEST FREIGHT CO: Head tt.uB.rter, St. L-onla, He. DURANT &CUTTING, r ; FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCniNTS . agents " salt lake city, utar. B are prepared te oontraot for ship-M ship-M moDts from ajl pmu of the East, onr Lin having maJo special armngement for the soe and speeUr trannpfirtation of all Freight from New York. Boston, Baltimore. Chioaro, St. Louli and all Eastern Cities, to Salt Lake Uitr. We are offering extra inducement for the shipmont jof Ore and Bullion to all Eastern point. t . Ornc 1KB Wabibudbi: Flrt block onlh of Depot. Salt Ltkt City DURANT A. CUTTUfO- 8MILIA SI3IIL1BC8 CURAXTCR. HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC HI'i;CIFCS, HAVB PROVED, PROM TUB MOST ample eiiiorionce, an entire succois: Simple Sim-ple Prompt Ellk-iont and Reliable. They are the only rai-diuinos i-orfocily adapted to xjpular usoso simi-lo that mistrikos can not bo made in using them: so harmless as to be free from dangor. and so efficient as to be always reliable. Thoy have raised the high-eat high-eat commendation from all, and will always render satisfaction. No. ConU. Cur; 1, 'I Fever. CVin cost ion, Inflammation 2, " Woriiu, WvTm r'erpr, Worm Culic.'JS 3, " C'rylnc-Celicur tceihing of Infsnis. .:lf it IHarrfiota, of Clnldjon tT Adults. ,25 j, " nyarntery. (.iHi-itiK. Bilious Colic.ii S " (.'hejlrra-norbu, Voiniung;..,.,.,,...K 7, ( cugln. Culdi, llrunohit;s ....J2h 8, " Neuralgln, I'ooihache. Kacoache...iS t, " lleailat-ltc, bick licadacho. Vertigo Ti 10, " Dyiitepiia, Billinu Stomach.... 11, " Ruuiirrid, or Painful l'erioas....i Ig, " wlilieti, io Profuo Poriods ZS IS, " ( roup, L'tmsh, Difficult Bronthing 2i H, " Knit Klicuut, Erysipelas, Enirtiona.il 15, " Klitumnl lum, Rheumatic l'ains..26 ltt, " l ever a.iid Ague, Chili I'tvar, Aguo , 50 17, " Pllriti blind or blooaicc ....j0 18, " Oplitlile-mr, andsvro or weak Eye? 7) IP, ' faiRrrh, acutcur chronic ItiQueniaaU 2U, " Whooplng-Cough, violent cvuKhs .) 21, " At hm", opr r"od Breaihing .jo 22, " tar Discharge, iiupairod h paring W 23, " ?4crofUa, enlarcd glands. Swell ing , ...80 4, " General UobiiiLT, physical weak EfcSi W 2S, " Projmy and wnnty Setrotions waO ji, " Sr-Mcknii sirkne-iii frm. riding...'! Ti, " Knlity-l'ae tirarel .W 38, fStrvnui Debility, Seminal i;nimlloni, iorolunlaxj 1),. harge. 100 Five B .xes, with one $2 rial of powder. Terr necessary in serif, ser-if, uf caxes Jf ZJ. " Sore Mooth, Cankur Tf .T, " t rlnary kii(ii, we:; ir.c bed-. 31, " Plnf) Periods, with bt.aaai .12, " Sofferlitg at chacge of l:.e lC 33, " tpllf p-) . fiiasias, St- Vitus' Dar.'e 34, " Islptherla, ul oerated tore throat FAMILY CASfcS Of 35 to 60 Ur vlalu, containing a ipr Iflc for very enlinnry dlttiar a family la enhjrrl to. anil booki of Ulrocllon, ..from (10 to 35 Smaller Family and Traveling Travel-ing oases, with J'j Ui 2b rials, fro a 3 to 1 9F-inc for !! Private Dli j aacs, b.,:h fi.r C urlng ard fr Prevent I vc Lreaune&l. ui rials aid I'ocKet eases S3 to t5 Pond's Extract, Cnrfi Bnrm, Brnl, Lamrnme, Sort nun, horr f li roil , Sprai na, Toot hat hf, l rarht, .rnrleli, Rlif nmnlUni, 1 ,ti m l mjfi. Fllra,nnla, Vlnui, Sore t.yrt, IHrrdlng ot Ihe I. nng, nnr. iimrh, or of Plltsj Corns, I Iccrt, Slid torrt. Prlft, Ooi.. JO cent) Pint, (t.0 ' qoarta, tl.?o. a-r T."we rrr;'"i:iv. cT-'t-t POMi'S EXTRACT. EX-TRACT. ti- ib- r.a-t --r n:.gi aoj. are irr.t to any part r-f 'Le cj ir.try, by ti.ail i-r eipr, f of charge, on rccmpt ui tee price. Address, Ad-dress, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. Off,- and ItepoL No. 'i L''"f.:-" at, .Vn Yea.. FOR SALE BY ALL DKT'iiiJMS, And UZ.CU.L asd (jodbe's ling btora, a CHICAGO TRADE. 'Tlie Old Salamander.'' REMOVAL. VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID ! Wholesale DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, Hare removed ic their Kew Stores, 9 and 0-4 LARE STHJCkCT, ecrnfr Dearbo-o Street, (on tae old site CHICAGO, wnere. with buildings erected expressly for the business, fleam KleTitors. etc. they hart Jipened an immense Slock, njuajrassed n the nertbwert. SpeeiaJ at tan ti on iTm to Terrhoria-' basinea. - yi M D. WELLS & CO, Manafaetarar of and Wholesale Dealer la Boots and Shoes, 611 Wabuh Ara, CblcageW M.D.Weil. H. J. MacfarlaaA B. BenedioL mJ4 6, P. Mclntyre, JOHN V. FARWELL & Co., WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, . AND "W OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts CHICAGO. my 16 PACE, BRO. & Co., -.mportrr and Dairaia LEATHER AM) FINUIN6S 39 ST Month Canal street W. W. Page, Boston, CHK AUO, Orville Page.t p., . ILL. C. E.Page. j Chicago. ; tll9 WHITE LEAD 170 i 172 RANDOLPH STREET. Offer Special inducement to large buyer and the Jobbing Trade of Utah Territory. iyl(l Established l&i5. WJlUams, Miller & Olmstead, (Formerly Pitch, Wllliaais A Oo.,) Wholesale Dealers Ln Hats, Caps, Furs anrl BactGoofls, LS6 and 177 MARKBT STREET, . augll UllCAUu. Damon, Temjle & Co., Importtra, Manofaoturan aad Jobbers of NEOK-TIES And allQoods for GENTS NECK WEAR, LLNBN AND PAPKiC COLLARS AKD CUIT.i. UI uid U3 W.buh At jr8 CIIICAOU, Ilia. HKafllBG'S PATE5T CHAMFIQ1 FIRE and BURGLAR PROOF The Bast late In tha World. HEHRiNQ & CO., 46 State street, and oorocr 14th Btrool and IndUna Atodtio, CHICAGO. ' tnTl7 SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. ESTAJlLTSliED IRA Importers of Teas, Fast India goods and general groceries, 218 ami 2b Front Street, San Francisco. o2d HECHT, BRO'S & Co. BOOTS, SHOES LEATHER X04 Jt 106 sommm HI,, San fYnneivo, And 6 A 12 Pearl St., Uoaton. SUCKlAOUAJIf A II ECU T, Manufactory of the "urn iautt" uuriniA iboti ami ihoci. o'-l Harness Saddlery, Leatlier, J. a JOIiNSON (fe CO., 104 & 100 Front Street. SAN FRANCISCO. Jtffi-r bjf timi(lon Io Mr. 11. B Clatr-von, Clatr-von, upe-itWdii of Uvr, z. C. M. J. olb 8. L. StanUy, C. C, Chapman, John Spruano. Spruance, Stanley A. Co., Saooeuor t H. WbW A Co. ui i. k 3. aprnano. Importer and Dealers in WINES AND LIQUORS, .10 tio rRoxr STKrrr. Lindenberger & Burke. COMMISSION IIPOSTDiG MERCHANTS, SOLE AGEMS or 1HT. Willamette Woolen Mills of Salem, Oregon, Saa. an A. 30 NtKDITE "TRMT. HAS Fitx im O, A I REDUC ED PRICE LIST. V,'r sr n-'W prrir"d u famih to th frd. at gr":;T rvi'.i j 'ifij 1. :tii r- -d raA bj it. W iJlamt: M:li. f.f ,-l-:n, Oret. Muik'U. a;) grds 'irl v ,'-t-; F!r.o'U, all r.-.r. red.;,i;c srey i Ca'iriiT". k'.l mr' i3 sij'iO; Ilrsry M l' t-y l;i-. ar,d rrT T. F. A Itstt, Iti-rircm- hry i lar.nl Ovr'tiri1; lris :r'L'a-.'i r.-ey r'lar.r.nl r, iTr.t.irt; a i irdrrs f'.r s'l Vir. l of (iuvds"oliei;jd. For sal- I.w h7 LiM-:.M:t.K'.irK k BUKK.L. No, Uf ii vUIUh Mr l, 6li ilAj i B3ziy, Ga UTAH NORTHERN On and after Oct. 28th, Trains will run BEX l EE X BRIGHAM JUNCTION with C. P. R. R. HAMPTON'S 7or MONTANA. Dn- SOI NO ?Omi Ip.v. Fare Pis- U01XU XOKTH I a. m. ' ,VkT Lear Hampton' at 12:46 1-eare Urigham at j $:! 1 ! j ;: " Dewejrille " ' W " Box Kldtt : h j U Hnej-Till " ! il:35 ,; 75 HH " Calls Fort " j Pfll , il ; - ' I ' 13( " Calls Fort " j j l:.'. 11 ' Iloneyville " 3:10 jTS S Box Elder ' i 2:15 I S IS " Peweyrille" i ?: : . 35 Arrirt at Erirham i 2:30 1 :3 1 Arrire at lUluplon' U: , ; I 1 w - SPKCIAL RATES TO KXCl'KSIOX PARTIES. Pasaenirera will please parch aso thoir tiakcts at tho Cotnpaav's Offioes or 50 oeota additional will be cWffcd whon th Fare is eollrctod od the train. ArraBfiO merit have been made with die Central Pacific asd Utah Oootrl Railroad Companies whereby pa-ymors puroha-se Tickots at the U. 0, Office in Sa3t 1-ake City or C. p. Otrie at Of,'doQ lor Box Klder or Hampton'l on the U. N. R. R., and from Hampton's or Box Klder to Ogdon or Salt Iaks City at greatly rcduocd rates. Through Connection as follows: OOIN'O SOUTIt 'P.M. OOrM) XORH1. ' ! ' .." M Lar Hampton's at l?:k I.eavoSait Lake Cit.v- VCRK., al 3.-vJ Arrire at Brtgham, U. N. B. R 2:30 Arrire at Ogden, " iW Lear Brigham. C P. R. R. at . 2: Lear Ogden, C. 1 B, IL, t 7;IS Arrire atOgdn, C. P. K B. 3:J0 Arriw at Brigham, " S:W " Leare Ogden, TJ. C. R. R, 5:.V Leave Brigham, U. N. K. R., at S:lj Arrire at Salt Lake City Tt3b Arrira al Hamntoa" " 10: I TUB TIME TABLES ARB CALCULATED OX SALT L.KE TIME. M FARES, Hampton's to Orden - . ti W j UaltXake Citx to Box Klder. - .iii. S.i to Salt Lake City, 4 M 1 " " ' UamKon's ,,4 Box KIdor to " it i' Ogden to Hampton1!, - " W Ogden, 1 24 " " Box Klder - 1 Si H. G-. Miller k Go's Express leaves Hampton's every morning for JvORan on arriTal ot the 10 a.m. train, and tri-Wtfekiy, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for principal settlements in Cache oounty, roturniug daily from Lojran to ooDneot wiih the 12:45 p.m. tr.in, and Howe's Exprow ovurp Tuesday Tues-day norniog from Franklin to Soda Springs, returning thoretrotu every Friday Fri-day morning. ju JOHN W. YOCNQ, Gen'l Snpt. Jxxlixxs Bauer cfe? Oo., MANUFACTURERS OF TUK IMniOVKD BAUER ORG-AKTS AND IVt BLiODE O PJ" 8. Every Instrnment FULLY lARRiHTffl) for FIVE YEARS. Upward of 26,000 now in use. CATALOGUES seot FREE to nny n.Wresa uwa. appUKition . AI.S0 IMPORTERS AND HEALERS IN - PIANOS and ALL KINDS of EUSICAL MERCHANDISE. JTLIUS 137VTJli;Tl & CO., 650 Broadway, 390, 392, 394 & 396 Wabash Ave NEW YORK. CHICAGO, ULItiOIS. J.DAYNES&SON Agents for Utah, 1st South St., ' jylS TWO DOORS EAST 01' UODBK'S DKUO BTORE. DUNFORD & SONS. MAMMOTH BOOT, SHOE AND HAT STORE. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Orders Solicited from Town nn.l Country, anil promptly mid cnrcfully II 1 1.-. I nl Hie very niHllet posHihle nini Klii over cost. ID 17 s )V III EVER BROUGHT 1(1 UTAH. JIAVINO JI'BT RETURNED FROM THE EASTERN BTATES whera I loleded with greK rc .nd . knowMiro of the rcjoirfsmeuu of thifl rcjnon, u imroeoK block of Kunmurc, I .id oow preuared Ut offor ooafiukl indiuemcDtA to jmrchwcrB id tho following .rticlo. ; BEDROOM RETS TN GREAT VARIETY, I'ARLOR BETS LATZ PATENT RED LOUNGES, TURKISH HI'RINO RACK UUAHW, B1DEUOARDH, HUREAtlH, HA1K I'ULU .nd SI'RINfJ MATTRESSES' PATENT RED-SRR1N08. Tt. bMt Mock latrwl.o ia tkl, m.rkL I ub .).t vrtptrM u m.k. SHADES, VALANCES, DEAPERIES, an 4 LAY CARI'ETS AT TEN CENTS PER YARD. I ba a emlL Una ol OlMTS 1ASSKLS,REfS,TERRY CLOTUH & DROCATELLES Wbleb I will sell in quantities It mil porebaaerf, Xt Call and examine ray Slork brfore purchasing elsewhere. " J. 31. JOELSOA. Orowbooi'i Buiidkg Utia Btroe ja. |