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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Two hundred cases hippo gripp in Milwaukee. B lain all, Democrat, is elected governor gov-ernor of Florida. New York specie report for the week were $443, 992. Republican ratification it St- Joe, Mo., on Friday night. As far as heard from Louisiana, gives Grant a majority of 421. Northern Wisconsin report a visitation visita-tion of the horse disease, Ninety-Bevea counties in Georgia give Greeley 11,476 majority. Bowles Bros., bankers of London and Paris, are ram ore d failed. Arkansas gives Baxter, Republican, over 3,000 majority, as far as heard from. Four hundred epizootic horses in Cincinnati Mules also taking the hippo. Virginia congressional delegation will probably stand five Democrats and four Republicans. Latest reports say Bowles Bro's, of Paris, have suspended for $500,000. The loss will chiefly fall upon American Ameri-can tourists. Texas conceded to Greeley by 20,-000 20,-000 majority. Democrats claims two-thirds two-thirds of the assembly and a majority in the senate. ThePresident with general Porter and lieutenant Grant went to Philadelphia on Sued ay to attend the funeral of general Mead. The king and queen of Saxony have held high carnival upon the occasion of their golden wedding. The emperor and empress of Germany were present. The Levant "Herald," of Constantinople, Constan-tinople, has been suspended for three months for pnb'ishiDg satirical articles upon the deficiency of water in the city. Governor Parker, of New Jersey, issued a circular in regard to General Meade's death, recomn.endiDg the closing of the State departments on tho , day of the funeral. Colonel T. R. Reoleuse shot himself through the head on Friday night, at Fortress Monroe. He was formerly a prominent citizen of Richmond, and oolooel of Form an 'a Black horse oav- - airy. ! Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Porter, Ingalls, Gilmore, Foster, with oom-1 oom-1 modore Steinball, secretary Robeson, I governor Curtin and State militia of-1 of-1 fleers were present at general Meade's funeral yesterday. An ErjgliBh steamer from Malta arrived ar-rived at Constantinople on Saturday 1 with twenty slavt a to be sold there. Very brisk plave trade being carried on between Tripoli and Constantinople , via Malta-Body Malta-Body of Wm. Moitery was on Fri-( Fri-( day found in the rear of a house of ill fame at Kansas city. It is supposed he was murdered for his money having evidently been struck by a slung shot, then strangled. No due to the murderer. mur-derer. The revolters of Ferrol, Spain, are being court tnartialed. One has been sentenced to death, two have been imprisoned for nine years, one for six and four were acquitted. Three hundred hun-dred were transported. The Carlists are destroying telegraphs and railroad?. |