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Show MEDICAL. Lj.P.P.VANDEMM, From 1'ruvila, the o mi -A. rr W O IFL TVI EXTERMINATOR, Lata of San Franciwo, CaL Remarkable Caret T iThis ! to certify that my wife. HuMa Par):, baj been afJictvd for tho U't ciht years with chronic Dysentery, with fain in her omneh, back, tide:), and sovoro headache: in fact rha was naver free from j-ain and miseries. ha doctored a groat dual with the- beat doctors we could hoar uf. and I am rorry to lay without any reliof. Wo heard of many cure which Dr. J. 1'. '. VanbcnborKh had performed in and about Salt Lake City, which induced u to consult bim; and th Doctor at nnco told us that all hor coniplainU and ini.orio4 wore caused by worm. So ho cummoncoti taking his luodicLno en tho 17lb of August, and lince that time all pains and cic&ssivo Chronic Dysentery arc cured, and in fact a ho considers herself a well woman onco mora. X1KJ.MAK II. PARK. His X mark. Cestrbtillk W.isn, Utah, Soptoinbor 3d. 1872. Over 1,000 Worms Expelled from Mr., llliby, My gratitude comiioL? ma to make tho fol-loninB fol-loninB statetm nt : I had been aillicted for many years with a complaint in my stwuiach. Thinkini; I was troubled wih worn. .4, I consulted con-sulted Dr. J. V. P. Van Donbor(a. Ho confirmed con-firmed my bolioT, and, stranKO to say, ho gave mo only fivoofhis Worm Powders and in live hours I was relieved of over I.maj peculiar looking norms, and indeed X fool like another woman onco more. MATILDA M. BISIJY. Salt Lako City, Sept. iM, 1672. Wo, tho undorsiitnod, will testify that wo wore present dor ma iiotiuie tho above worms passed. MAKY BOOTH, Mrs. K. L. TSHAKDMAN, Ii. A. EEKUUSON. Five Hundred Wormi Expelled from a ClUld only two year old by Ir. J. V. 1. Van Uenbergli'a Worm Hyruii. I think it ruyduty tostato tho following facti; My child, only tivonly umoths old, had boon sick for some time nnd waited away to a more skeleton, trying many remudios without any relief. Thinking the child had worms led mo to buy a boltio of Dr. J. P. P. Van Donbergb's Worm Svmp, nnd after piving tbo Syrup, over SW worms parsed away from tho child. Since then thoChmnio Dinrrh.i-n and thoothor complaints com-plaints aro curod. Thank licavonl my dear child is woll onco more. Mrs. M. A. O'FARRELL, Second South Stroot, half-a-block rrom Ztha Court ilouse, Salt Lake City, U. 1. Letter lrom W. E. Horner, Hebcr City, Wasatch, Utah, September 0, 181. Da- J. P. P. Vas Dhsbkroh: I think it to bo a public bonofit and pratl-tudo pratl-tudo towards you compels mo to mako tho lol-lowins lol-lowins statomunt: 1 bnvo been sutForinft for many years with a constant growing rain and a 'iuivoring sensation in my chosl and he-art; my food would not digest, and a constant nasty, tough and ropy phlogm in my mouth and throat. I was bo nervous that with dilli-oulty dilli-oulty 1 could got around: in fact, from the con-Ctant con-Ctant pain and misery 1 bad wasted away to a more skeleton. I bad boon doctoring a groat deal without any bonolit. and boliored that death only could relcaso mo from all my suQor-Ings. suQor-Ings. Seeing somo friends who had rocoivod groat bonolit from Ur. J. P. P. Van bonbergh's medical treatmont, induced mo to consulthiin. He stated that I was troubled with worms, and said I wm curable. I took his mcdicino for a month, and 1 must say all my pains and miserios have loft mo. My bowels aro regular regu-lar and 1 fool onco more as U I oould live twonty or thirty years longor in tho onjoyniont of tho greatest of bloisings, which is ood health. I would further say my ago is siity-flve siity-flve jean. Wh. K. HuKNKrUji Card from Judge Frier, of Polls County. Dr. J. P. P- Vim Deaukhuh: Dkr SiRi t tako ploasnro In thanking veu publicly fur tho restoration or my health alter nineteen years of groat suffering mentally men-tally and bodily. I doclorod a groat doal; was ufllictod with almost evory liuaninublo pain and dospairod of sooins a woll day ana in. Whon 1 cumo to soo you atSalom, you laid you would rowovo the causo of ninotoon years' Buffering in five hours. I could hardly boliovo it, but aftor taking tho five tastoloss powdors you guvo wo, about IWO worms tiossod from mo, and now, fourtoon days afterwards, I feel liko anothor man. and am ablo to follow my business without pain or inconvooioiico. I romain, Yours rwspoccfully, A. II. FRIER. Uethol, Polk county. Octobor 1U, 1B71.. oeUH ' NEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage," For the Debilitated M ervoua Syatem. DtL JOItDAN. of the Anatomical Mnseiim, 818 MonlKtiniury street, (uor California,) HAN PKANOIdOO, CaliforDla, U... r""''1 fro'u most miwrlnut aJ Instnicilfo Lectures, iu a uw Tolaoie. for those who cauoot .nU tho Lectures t tho Musoiim. Krcry oniuarrled aud uiarriwl men nhoiild read d """ thr," lml,ortLUt Loc tnrwi for the iroo1 of hlmsolf and offsri"''K' , , lTrlDVther.Ur, of the Anatomical MusVum, Ban Francisco, and enclosing Twout J-n J-n Cents in potgo stamp to ly lwP. t,le Book will be forwarded W uy part ol tho Btates Orrjr.rjordar?can be consulted by letter. d7 A. 13. DUNFORD, Dentist, HAS 0PKSKH AN OFFICE AT HIS rosidonco, Third South -treot, north sido, FAR fEST FREIGHT COi Head I4uartera, 8t. Lonlif Mo. DUUANT&CUTTIXG, FORWARDIA'U AFO COMMISSION ME11CII 1NTS AGENTS AI.T LAKBOITY, l'TAH. WS .ro propftrod to coptraot for ,hip-. ,hip-. u J. .11 Pru or Ih. ht. our Llo.h.iinn m.ao.pool"! .rr.ns.monu f, r tho l.f. .nJ .oc;i.J lr.n".orulio of JU t-r.iht from No Vo;k. BjMon. lljltiijorj. B.lt b.ko Clt;; ihlpmontofOro irno Bullion to U hulorn Ortio. Waimnr1"1 lock lo.lh of D.o(, Blt l.ko city. DtlUASI CUTTISU- LUMBERYARD. All Kilitts tf l.mnlit'r DOORS, WINDOWS BUNDS. MOUUHNOS. siilngu;s, L.vriis, Bir-blook tootli o( U. 0. D.pjI. NOTARIES PUBLIC, WM. V. OILLISPIE. W. WOODS GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, AND SEARCHERS QF RECORDS. Acknowledheiiints taken for the serera. Statu and ittRiiiToriiES. Office hour-, 9 v.. to 9 p. U. Hto Nt. 5 ever First Njtionai Uank. calt Lake City, Utah Territory. s3 J as. VT. StainDurn. Chas. A. Gould. STAINBURN & GOULD, NOTARIESPUELIC, Searchers of Records, AHD cosnnssiosEns oe" deeds for New York. Massachusetts. Ponn'ylTania, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Wyom-ing, Montana, Nevada. California, Oregon. Texas, Colorado, District gl Columbia and other States and Territories. - Applications for Patents, Mining Deeds, Agreements and Bonds tsr Deeds, Moruased, Powers of Attorney, Leases. Contracts and other instruments of writing drawn with aenraev and dispatch. mining and other Companlea orporated dar the Liri of L1 tab. Abstracts of Titles to Mining and other proocrty made in the mon omp'eio form, Mining property examined aud re- P0ryVicaOAT REID3 BUILDING, EAST TKilPLE ST., SALT LAKE CITY, U. T. A Notary Public always in the Office from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Transcripts furnished from the first Mining Records in the County of Salt Lake, to wit; thoso of tho Mountain Luko Mining District (now BiB and Littie Cottonwood Distrieu), and from there of tho Bid Cottonwood Mining Min-ing DistrtoL mylil chas. w. HXA"vrrsiu:i2,, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and commissioned by the Qovrnor. Offico 1st door south of Sarago'a Photograph Gallery, tiait Lako City. HEW YORK TRADE. DIVORCES. ABSOLUTE DIVORCES LEO ALLY 0B-tuintd 0B-tuintd in ditierent Stated. Le-al everywhere every-where dwertion, general uiiconauct, etc., sulliciont caujo: no i-ubliuity rciuired. no chartfo until divorce grunted; advico free, tall on or addrefd JOHN FULTON, Xo. ISO EK.0ADU Al', .NEW YUitK CIVY. do L. M. BATES & CO., Ml . J Broadway, A'ttlV VUUK, larsiisat t jobdij tit Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIElir, WHITS GO0IJ8, WOOLENS, SIIAAVLS, YANKEE KOI JONS, dec. J. U. B ULOKlt. JPl Cochran, McLean & Co. Importers and Jobbers of DRY GOODS, Wliltc Goods, Hosiery, Notions, Woolens, Linons, Embroideries and Laces, 402, m and 4oti BROADWAY, S. B. c. WaiGUT. A'KW lORK. . juy Jl JEHiAL READ & Co., Manufaotorors and WholesaleDoalers In FUR AND WOOL HATS, Straw Goods, Umbrella, ttc, No. 408, Broadway, NEW YOKK. Jo. Jim Ilnnr. Ja BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 138 Grand St., Wew York, Corner Crosby, one blook east of Broodwa dU . TKOS. fl ARGALL &. Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' ond Children's OX.OT KIXO-, AT WH0LK8ALB, 313 M. 311 Broadway, New Vork. J. . COWL88. HOWLAND & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. -Willailvan.ee lli,erally on con.lga-moiit. con.lga-moiit. or Or, ami Bullion. Dtitllon purcla.e,l at lillL.t marUet rate. Z MOKE ARRIVALS. rfj jr DiJTerent Sizes and X2r Styles of X5 O ORS- Difforout Sizes ot VV I N D O VV S. The most comiiklc Stock ever Urou.-lit to llali.J A T LAT1MEB.T11L0R SCO'S LUMBERYARD, SASH and DOOR FACTORY, One block west of the raberiiaole. -,v. ii. r.v..m T.I.tTTMl-.t. . U,;NSY. .i r.vt. . ; THE K3T HOLIDAY GIFT. .'f ';;.;';it ;. ' '"i ' V ril;V.'--" " '.v i !' -ll i "t rio--, i'u-.;'; ; ;,i.KV;- Jr-W ,-;.;r,:i.i.- ctc.i hi "H ' iubiCiil'Uva. H0TEL8, ETC. TAYLORHOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIIiST-CLiSS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. myll New CQimcial IMn Rooms, 45, Commercial St., Salt Lake City. 0. W. TAPPAN, Proprietor. OPEN ALL NIGHT. i Spring Beds, 35, 31 'A and SO cti. per MlgUti l.0toti.00 pr Wok. Single Rooms, 50 and 75c. per Klgbt) J. 00 to ii.50 per Week. Double Rooms, 91.00 to f 1,50 per BlgkU c-15 GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ON THE KUKOPBAH PL AS. . Bitnated In business part of the oity. with aoaommodation for UfO iuobls. J FIRST-CLAPS accommodation for families and Travelers. Uoomt, 50c, 75c, 91.00 and 91-50 Dining Hall and Restaurant under the management of M. H- Beardsler, late of the Morrison House, Urn ha, and Tichnor House. Lincoln, N eb. Board per weak, 97 Oleala, 50c FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Stages leave daily for the mines. Laundxj connected with the hotol. SMITH B1GAZK, my 17 Pronrietors. AMERICAN HOTEL, WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Terms ta.50 per daji Weekly Board nil Kooin; 913,00 to 915. Ouj Table Board, S 00. A fow First Class families can find pleasant quarters. bait Lake City, November 23, 1S72. J. 0. LITTLE, no21 I'roprietor. WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, XT T A. H 1I1IS HOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND best appointed House in Utah Territory, and has accommodation lor throe hundred and lilty Huoits. Street cars and curriayea connected connect-ed with theWhito Sulphur Baths. Reading Rooms, containing iia.mrs from all poinu, Baths, Bar, Telegraph, Haws and Cigar otond attached to thollousa. 11. S. GREELEY, & CO.. nov2l Rropriotorj. fOWNSENDHODSE, SALT LAKE CITY. IllE LBADISB HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSENO PROPRIETOR. i This House Is centrally and pleasantly lo-aated, lo-aated, well furnished, and has aocommoda-l aocommoda-l tioasfor ! gueeta. THE PROPRIETOR iM now preparing c build largo additions to his Hotel, whUb whenflnlBhed, wUlren'-eT Itthe Mott Complete Eittihliihmtnt In tho , ROCKT 3I01NTAIN REGION mil . Washington House a-'Iiird. fcSoutli (street, 18 ALT LAKK CITY Board and Lodging, per Week 1000 Board and Lodging, per day, 1 00 Uy Hoard, per week, 50 Single French Spring Beds, per week, - A 50 Beds, per Night - & liiOJN & COAL, BED ROCKS OF NATIONAL WEALTH. Iron and Coal. Capitalists coll on mo, 1 own it. 1 will divide Address, S. M. BLAUl, 819 X'.O. Box 180, Salt Lake CUy. WANTED. 52,000 CASH, FOR ONE Year. Will divido the Gnedt mining intore.t in Utah for the uso of tho money. Address, S- M. BLAIR, Salt Lako Uty,.P. 0. Box lSd. W1Y1. LANAHAN & SON, DISTILLERS AND JOBOEOS OP RYEi WHISKEYS, Warehouse Wo. aO Light Street, BAbTlMOHU. Q. A. MCCONNELL& CO. AGENTS FOR TUE rURCUASK AND SALE OF MINES. MINES SURVEYED AND EXAMINED Mai's and ftororts prei ared, and genera mininii In'oruinlion furnished. Ut'u-o Six 1'oors Last ot l'erct ational Bank, Salt Lako City. Bos 4--S. ds MINES FOR SALE. DR pArLHREiJOBTowinronr esotllert silver mTnoa wnbin on. mil. 01 co.-li .,, - J n,l ui,tw.t.rpl,nl.fiil on all oflnoni. Tho iu.no.. iro neb. Uro running t-om nt' lo S ror ton. can bo obtain; ,..,; ftb.tlroiron lodo ii ionlj-soron foot irokk o( lour foot mil run ,r ton. Io,n.-"io.irou3 ot .ondins home moo rrccnt roiu Vlah. 1 will soli an uiiorjit in on. or all. ill .11 at fair fipir Each lod. contain 1-.. i toot, and thotiicrj- lode is dui.a H.i lootar.J looks l.J Tb.slodo d.roclly uj iho culoh lrom tbo Ontario one-ball mile, ana in"aiiidi-tanoobel.m o Holland lode, in llluo l-od.-o Mmini : distnet. asatob J . onty I have io-t mored my camp to th. M ild bill cabin, wborol shall b pieuod to iho mi miriwy ar oacb new elaire! and but little knonn. and the jealousy. I recrei to say. ox-WM ox-WM amontJltho.. ..ninrcl.im. here, o a cre.it Client. hao ken tbo.o sookirf siuh i rvnerty from callici: on mo. 1 ask oai nai:...-!o nai:...-!o eouio and soo. i will show you ill I irouisc ,odo' rAVLORBJORT. M. T.. trour railM lrom Sasdersvill u.li.TatK. i,Ji-ra Bunaistu. TRUE, BURKS & MARTIN, Rtal Estste and Mining Ati i-'.n i s- loan- ximotiate ;t ox.k::ai. i:v.ti't: r.irti-iii,ir a-.rcr-.i.T. r. l t-' It Jytnc: ar-d REAL ESTATE ANG MIKES. UlTH'l'.-.Nf. '..' KiMDAl.L I'.L'XK. Salt lko Cltfi ltal. tUl NOTICE. To the Builders, Painters and Glaziers of Salt Lake, U.T- TE HAVE OPENED TTTE FINEST AND T boat aru-d etuck of Window Glass of all flies, that ha overcome to this Territory, and invito all to eia:aico quality and price; beft,ro urchasiniT el;o where, as we have Deuer facilities for liliins orders, both lorpe and small, than any utacr huuia in the Territory. I'lato (Jlajs and 1'late UiiiS Mirrors, of any site, framed and refrained, furciiaed on the shortest notice and at the lowei prices. iilass cut to any size, and iahesof any shape fitted wuh glajii, which wo guarantee to giro satii:actioo. No ch-irso for cuttins. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention. C. F. CULMER & CO, (Formerly of DAY CLUilER.) GUUKSllECK BLOCK, B07 Second Sontli Street. I - 3 "I " t 1 Q 2 2 - bud p W I 3 g H-n H-n -a I 3 i-i 2 S - g J i P "HI " I U il ' m i FURS WANTED Kighast Cash Pica Paid for Furs. ALSO Havana Cigars Wholesale and Rotail. TlInr as hahtfti. At Siegol Rro's, undor Salt Lako House. n27 JLT COST! IT" O It CHRISTMAS SEW YEAR PRESENTS, THE MOST DESIRABLE OPPORTUNITY OP-PORTUNITY ! CARL C-ASMUSSEN trtt,L SEI-t. j-'Ok-Oa-'' cSLffi'Tf And wishoa to cull Bpociftl attontioo to hi boautirtil assortment of lino ladies' Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelets, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS KINGS, CHAINS, LOCKETS and CHARMS. Also a groat variety of tho boat selected GOLD NECLACES, BROOCHES, BROOCH-ES, EAR RINGS AND FULL SETS " A couinloto assortment of tho best grades of A 31 ERIC AX WATCHES tho most sttilablo for Railroad Travelers. Parmer,, and Minor. For xtrontrth and good C.iinc thoy aro unsurpassed, nnd will koor lungor than any other wuleh. ALL GOODS ARE SOLD UPON HONOR AND WARRANTED. H'fho public ore cordially invltod to inspoot- CARL C. ASMUSSEN, JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER, OPi'osrm post office, s. l. city. dim ASSAY APPARATUS FOR SALE, SEW AND COMPLETE, COST S 1 -1 3, IN lHIILADELPHIA, FOB8WO. J NO. W. SNELL, .23 IBAHO STORE. BATAV1A & HORN, HIRKCT Hll'ORTKRS or HUMAN HAIB. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Sell chearcr than the chearcft Wo ini)iifa.-t:iw onr mn work. Do not send to San JVranci.-co tor our workmen. t rTATT TIF.ATT.RS aurrliM at 1ownt rl N-China hair sold. Bo-rare ui this tt;-Ic td lmi-ition. NEATEST BAKBER SHOP in ton. lUir Urn-hed hv Etc.im. at D-.ike '. l're..ir;.. n. birst-cla-s ar- ll, u. easy chairs, clean t-.wel,. !r.M Pcrtumc Call and sJii-iy vou.-so.f. I ii Second South St., 01'1'OiITE WALKIS BROS. ;di:; TRIUNE BAKERYj M. it, SaK Uhi -tlj. Wo hic;,o" re.-ei.-el -v;r CRACKER MACHINE V- I ;t 1 :-.N i t-r '"'"'gaLLACHER S. SDKS. MISCELLANEOUS. TULS WELL KNOWN BRAND OF JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT 2Ka CC iVK M Grocery Department. H LB. CLAWSON.Supt. wood: wood:: VE keep conLaiitly-on hand Eeaf onod, cord acd stove wood, RED PIXE, MAPLE, QUAKER ASP, A"D COTTONWOOD, For fate cheaper than tho chearest. Office and wood yard near U. C- 1L K. depot, just wet oi samiilinj work?. Special rates to pur-chaier.-oi car lots- H'ootl delivorod in anj-part anj-part of tho city on short notice. Wo will ront a part of our office on liberal term. oc-l NEWMAN CO.. Box 11. Mi IF ffl BLOCKADE i HOLIDAY NOTICE. II. WALLACE, First South Street, Has tho best land mo5t com pie to etock of TOY CAXD1KS. ALSO, I'talu njicl Fancy Candle st CMn Bulls, Prize Candy and Chewing G urn, over offered to tho people of this citj. II. WALLACE, CONFECTION ER, Salt Lake City. Mince Pies Fresh every Day. a23 o ! f- ; ft r-3 t ' - -Cl Q m 8- s IRON & STEEL. SCOTT, DIJMIU & CO. DEALERS IN WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, - AND ALL KINDS OF R?iyi!C TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PirEttAiL KIMIH t.F FITTISOH JOK FLKNACES & SIIL.LS. HAKDWABE, BUKDEN'S nOH.SK & MULE SHOES, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS. RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, i Al.l. LOW 1"0H CASH. WATCHES a JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON. B7'. Uj ir,r'rm nwid'T' of i-!t Llf .1 - t. .t . i ; - -.- . T : '-r-. ia i-' 'I " OYSTERS! OYSTERS! OBEY oc Co. -j,vtt y rrii ; :r. --t ' v. t, o-V.- A--- L.a L-i 'ii'-1 'ii'-1 sl KISCELLANEGIIS. A.P.H0TAL1NG&C0., Jackson Sut, San Francisco. (E.tabll.Ucd 15'.I IMPORTERS of fine ITaes ac,l Liiti,,.! ugar lo uio trad., in btnd or dti l-d. J. H. MAR TELLE, BO-NOITFKEEES, SAZlRAC, and OTARD, DUPU1" i Co's, BRANDIES, HOLLAND GIN, JAMAICA RUM, SHERRY and . PORT WINES, SCOTCH, IRISH, and KENTUCKY WHISKIES. Sole apents for the Pacific Coast for tbo oelebratcd J. H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY! Walker Bro's & Co., Solo Agents for Utah. A. P. Hotaling & Co. dis W.T.REYNOLDS A CO., K. B. ZARRISKIK, Ban Fxanoiaoe, Salt Liio City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAV FOE SALE A FINE LINE uimco swn i immoe To which thoy call tho attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE AUENTS FORI "IIOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST 33 Jk. IN THE CITY OONNIOTED WnO TUB HOUSK. 64 MAIN STREET' Twoitonn loath of Wei la, Fargo Go's Biitk. mfi ST. LOUIS TRADE. MORE VE BEEN SOLD,. THEY UAVE GIVEN GREATER SATISFACTION THEY HAVLJDOIN'E MORE & BETTER WORK ARE MOKE EASILY SOLD, PAYING BtntR PMFir TO THEO ALtH. asto CHEAPER TO USE THAN ANY COOKING STOVE NOW IN THE MARKET. I gold by EXCELSIOR MalSTACTIEISB CP. SAINT LOUIS, WholMtilB Delen in alt kind of TINNERS' STOCK, And by &U LIVE STOVE DEALERS. 30000! mSSQURI STATE LOTTERY. liizt& by Slate Authority anil Driwo in Public iu St, Louis. Brand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. Oiui H, Drwn IX c. 31, lh19. 5 Prwt AtatmnUng to I .'iJ0, 0J. 1 rrr'T cf tso.nfo 5tn:-:i 1 "i ! i t- 1 ' " 4 ! 1 rA 1 1 1 x ... nf 7.S ( : - .'-;-,.. ..! 'i V ; f ( I. , ".'." --( ' I '-"f ' - "f -" lfc" - j . t -- '.T m ITickau, Hir 1 ". . Ua-.rttr 4.6l. Or- -T " 'l p - - ' V ... , ' t-nr -t - ' 1 " Tr . y - . (.;.-1 -:- i.r i.i... ' i.i:i.n. -.i..f:e '"- '- - j r, !I I RHAt.KILI.KK o.. MISCELLANEOUS. THE DESERET RESTAURANT IS DECIDEDLY the place: TO CALL roa YOVK BREAKFAST, DINNER, SlUTER, on LUNCH. Booth's Fresh Oysters By the Can or anv vat wirh to have them. EVERY DAINTY thk MARKET AFFORDS Dished up by skiKull Cook-, on Short Notice ia tho IS us o ui iy it. DANIEL GRENIG Proprietor. THE "HAND IN HAND" BAKERY Grocery Store, Is &Uq well filltiJ with a full J-inc of Goods usually kopi oo hand Kvry-thing Kvry-thing fmm a Loaf of liroad to a Uauari' Liird. The l'laco &$ everybody knows is od EAST SIDE EAST TEMl'LS STREET, Abova Second Sooth StrcoU D.IMEL GllEXIC. auiul TIME TABLE. BURLLNGTOT ROUTE. ru I HE LAST. NORTH AND SOUTHEAST, no. 3. STATIONS. ilrKwl.1" MAIL. Leave SALT LAKE SOO a.m. p.in. " OMAHA 6:30 p.m. 5:30 a.m. Airive JJUKLIKGTON 6:00a.m. S;i..m. " OalwhurstC B.AQ-) T;(X).u. 10:50 P.m. Monaota " lL15a.m. re CUiofteo " l:15p.n). T-00.ro. Tooria - - y:(-Ja.n.. liMlaro. " Ind'pliaU.B.iW. 6:1Sp.ib. g.i'ia.m, Cincinnati - - 11- 0 p.m. i: 15p.n. " LotanFpnrt Mp n tfclpia.m. T. V. A W.i Columhuo a-n.tti. S.V'i. in. '.lThrouich Cars from Mijuourt Klvor te ChirFii-ii, ntliiiiini"'1iii. CiDcilumti, I.osnna-pori&nd I.osnna-pori&nd Colnuibun.i I'onnooiioni m iroib polnii with line lemliak'io Iho Fan, .mh nn-J South rhisi. thf'i 4'r(it, Un liii ft nil Chiicat Itonl. lo not bp 'loociToti, Uui ohmfn Tirhelo Tla tho DarlinBton A Miiiouri River Railroad. 4.R.T0UZALIN. 0. E. PERK INS; Han'l Pim: AiDt Un'lSup't. 130 C.H.BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kind! of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron rind IS I eel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLI, Agrlaltrkl Intpltmiali Astl JHIalaf Voali, A.t Lewill Hjataa. IIPPOKlTk HALT LAHI I1O0KB UissoiDiion ol uo partnersliip. ALEX. HKV1MM nnrl T. V. Mullv, rl..inB l,im- iirxi.-nhf. firm nsiii--,) i..n)nuii A Miilloy. liftv. lln .t- dM.hcd c. .(.rlr..T-- .(.rlr..T-- 1 1 bv nnitiml r..ri-.'iil All lialu In i Hi" firtn ttf'nnl T V. MtilL.vA r.,.. 1, W,U cdll'i-i nil on Lst and inn del-' - I - it" 1t m. iCiKiiodi Al,l.. HKVIU.M, T V. MI'l.I.MV. Halt Lako Citjr- V. T-. Doc. 17th, 17 i T. V. Mulb.y. J. II. Ely, B. B. Itubort. T. F. MI'LLOY k CO. ll.vinr .tir.-lml Ihi l'-k n-rl Bo-..l-will Il.-nlmin A Mhll-.v. ill .-.ndu.-l 111" 1., ,..ry jin'l 'I riirrkr h .'in.-.K ( , y .-'I A 111,1'. -in Src.,,,1 -.n, St. 1 l,o i-n! n,fiiifc-r tilth.. Mlbllf i tuM-UCIIlllv -Mir Itf.l. ,-ll l.-i-'i ' it v, 1. t. MLLL'JV A rn. JJec. 17th, 1--7 2. dl" More Light! 20,000 (;alloas Of tho eekbrlwj IMPERIAL OIL, ):,) Fire T-:bl1 CZtt OWN, 1 lu Stari'lard Tiie T-jkI, ' in sale, t.r tiil i;ai:i'.i:l or case, IX L'is 10 fcl'II. PETROLEUM Jion-E.iillve Fluid, SIXTY CENTS I'ER GAL1JN. iL.iVii,s..Di,nu,(ioons ' j FOR THE MILLION I PioneerLampSiore r ! Nearly op;ji:'c ihi' Markf't. "i E. REESE & CO. BANKERS. WELLS, FARGO & CO., BaiiktTsautl ltalriiii Kxrliaiifte Draruon Ear.- pa. 'uwr-e-.n vVilKviiom ICiat Tempi tri. ti v'Kt, First National Bi;:k of Uiah' SALT LAKE CITY. .S.vs-. -ftvr.-i-f "will Thtr SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK. fciivlt lalto C'iiy. X"tk Tw Authorized Capital - $500,000 8c nJ. M. UuKtll, t-rnaent. Hufttt While, Chlr. HturOTun A Riitririici, Attorooya. CORRESPON D ENTfi I S KW YORK - S ' ' L.l.'A Vo. S A S P.AN0lv.'.' t',4.i . o, L0NDv...S-Jv ..A. Ai,Vc.'..oa to. A. W. WHITE & CO. ' B A N K E B 3 KASV TKMl'Lk STUKIlT, Dcalcra in GOLD DUST, COIN AND BULLION, iavn.i;i.ijf fl nil f.e JV;,ii)M. (Wui of the L'miCii Stwln n-ui .'uriij'i. Particular attention sim-u to Colloolionl au4 i-rooc-.l, ronam-.i it t'urrt-iil i ale ol Eioaaimo uti .lay ol pajuiaoU GEO. K. WUJTNtvV, Allortioy COtt KKiil'U.N I-S i H lUnkofClilornia . . - Ran Ktn.iro Ui a WniiiT - 'k OimL i'..tiiiu Nmi.mal bunk - ilo.p) Utv-koU lUilk M l- tiUle Bank Oi N.-Uriwka - Omutia liyl National Bank or SALT .LAKE .CITY UTAH. Paid up Ciiidlal, - S'200,000. Authoriacd Capital, 11,000,000. I1K It J 1 1 A M ViTN.:. I'T.-i.l.-tit.l ll. t-.i,ii;i-:i'. lt-o i'k- t. i H M. H llMUfllk, I a. J . I .ti.-, I Diroctors-; JtHlN MIAiU', H'.k..mui, i,: r i" i.i-:. I L. b.HLLl..-., i-aM.it i, J : in. . i, m t.iH.n DIM', t .MN, ( IIAM.1',, l.A. It S A It It V I N, "' '.-l.l.t.L '.-l.l.t.L .til', iv. Uollootioau miido and projui'tly rc-luiltcd, rc-luiltcd, FOREIGN EX-HANGE f 08 SALE. 1 N TERES I' PAID UN 8nvl - t ) o ionl1nkt. LtiiAL, P. U. VII.LIAMH, LB TUUKS WILLIAMS & YOUNG, A T ) UKNKV8-A 'V li A W , (Jflio. tmlf a-blook touiti of Thoutra, rSull i -.i U e Jliy. JU C. E. WHITNEY, A T T U U N M V - A T - L A W , Ollieo over Diinlnnl A Snjn' M'HO, MAIN M'KKi:i. fAl.l l.Alt.1. i I V. THOMAS FITCH, ATTO K N K 1 A T - L A W , U1U (i fStrnl, MnnliliiHIuii, 11. '. Eei'ocial ulti'iiti'jn .-i ') to ohl.nn .nil I'lituiita to .MllK'S. BATES & OR M B BEE, ATtthHtYS ANJ CutfiStlU'.S Al lArV, Ac-1 it lor liin linRr mid ISnli- of ,tl I urn k l.nmlH, IJkcj.C. liA-nn, I tj.h.hi.L. Ait..ni-v, N.l( lulu- ll j, Chahi.).m . Ummm.i i:, J - "' Warnar Karl). F. M. bwilh. KAHI.I, S. SMI I II, A T T O 11 N K Y H AT LAW, I ALT Ll I OITT, Flrit H'-ulh r-'tmai. Kui- 11 and IX No JA.MC-S .U. UIM'liK, ATTOILNKV- AT -LAW, UllK-n(-l l.t Nlll II.Llik, ocim i. -1 i niri.i ,-mi-it. r. TI1.H.HI1. B. A- MM". TILFORD &. MANN ATTOUNtVH. A I - I. A, Ao. UD I im N'miIIi HifH. A J. ii. K.i-l.-.ftiith, S. A. Ali.mlt Rosburuugh & ftlurritt, ATTUKNKY H A T LAW, Nnlt H , I lalt. diri'T, )t ontli i-tri.t-1, DjM buihlinr "! Dwoiet liiit.k criMjt. "fl.t 'M. HATIXJ5. I,. - OlI.t.UlllBl. J J A V DON A: (jILUIUtlh'I', A IT 0 K Nl! Y H A T LAW ALT IAHK tITV. Office oT'.r ll .N-ui-i.nl Lxi.k of I ott. tij C.H Hemxtti'l, M . K irk Patrick, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Atlornrya-Ml-I.BW. Main fUrL, oppui' Well'. YttQ A Co B.I.T Uli'lIT, alO JjKSKKLT BTKAM CKACKKll FACTORY, ilJ'.'iL-JiL'.K-S JJL'A'K- an ii,jLi,'.f',jrit.r a Kt'ft varoty vt CRACK KUS SUPERIOR QUALITY, V. ).rl, mi t.f.t Bt If tMli.l.lt. I'rl.'t. W )t..l Bit IHl il, It. II. M'-f hH-.:- ur i ;it 1 "i fi 11 m.'J CTninino Kirtl'jy & Pitt. r. 1 j, r,;x ; Salt Lal.a City I"'jT. IUu, li LOT 16 |