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Show SPRImG OPENING SA.'li. lljl n; . iU.IMM ;jiji;liiIN(JS l'i:l KTM, I. AT 1 1 I: !.!) ODD, SHU All PINK, tjuji kki-;, i j1; k.i-d i or U ! Li, CMATERAL IN HJLL ST'JCIC AT LftTliViER, TAYLOn & CO.'S H'-vi.h;; ; i.u and liuok y AC I' ; i . :; t i-: iL o! UlOt. TO TIIH TIA-X5E. Jfii fis&il.-;3iiyIicliiriiiiC8.. J. RUSSELL & CO., O-tt tiJJANj 11 VJJK WOKKS, Vor!-:-t ant Wm. li-.-K-M. ' ; :t. i'.,;'s F 1 ,r .s, .Mask., MuDufarLuro tlw li n L and lartjuit varioly TABLE CUTLERY In tho W.rM. Tluir il'iml' ciin nmv lio Tound upon tho LllU ul'illl A 1 Jold.illK U'.ll.HU. Ofrice n ml .Siiiiipln itoomi Kfi Cltairi-licn Cltairi-licn Slinl, .NK W VOItK. Jiiu. KtisseU Jl'f's Co. JaJiL'J : GO(W)NEWS AS EASYWAVTOOISTA P.'iJ;';CE PATENT ernes-am. Wo will Rent our Organa by : tho Vf,ctHli ii'i'l whiiti tlio pricii is puid in Jl.;:)i, t'l" Or cm will become ( the H'M"'riv uf 1 ho Hunter. 'Xiw.i i.s not only iho oaaiost way to obtain iv:i Ui'i;:i, but you will have tho Gesi Instrument made which J. II. KIDGKS, Organ Uaildcr, C. J. THOMAS, Conductor of Theatre Thea-tre 0 relic-tra, Anl in inv oili'TH will Uglily. .Mr. J, J. DAV NIvS will ivo thrso uimiih'n lt-Hum L'KKK to any portion liMitim; our Ornans, aa well an those vlo r,iy ilioi'tiM ivici down. No dis-tiutjliou. dis-tiutjliou. tv.iil for iliiistutoJ oiroular and jiiicc ii.i. KlIOW ltOOMS UP STAHlrf. J. DAY WES & SON. T ib um.y Exclusive Music Store Lit tl o I'ny. " tliws ufl-t ol'i'inUiD'a drug store. -'l-'TY YOKK OF OXEN, O.M-: II UN 1U ED YOKE if Four ami l-'ivo Year I'M e rr 10 K it s , onl: 1 n x j 1 ; i : j skt of second iia. i hai;.l.s. At 1I10 I'iuiicer iuIjIu.h, Sucond South Street. ainvW W u . H I H )Wj,L. KOffi ISLAND, ANli Pacific Railroad. TUB 6 REST ROUTE, NOW Ol'E.X DIRECT TO Chicago and the East. VIA CPS MOINES, DA YEN PORT, AND HOCK ISLAND, Cjnneciing at Doa Moinoa with Des Moines Valley R,R, I'OU KEOKUK AND tsX. LOUIS. At Duvcmtort with DoaU for all points on tho Upper 3Iississiiii, At La Salto with tho ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. KOKT1I AND SOUTH. A iJ ut CkicLi0-u with :i!l tbo fat lined Hut and Trt'C l'AST KXl'KEiS TRAINS i.e-n 0 CoiiiK'il UluBi Daily- im n mm mi Ihi-'ruaJ biinj; tliuruua-bly emiiped witU EUCGAST XKW COACH K3 ( ANil SI.KKl'INi; CAK'jl .111 L.i-t.Tri hnv mn-iuu!lfd l.-r s:M-.;:i). rni ,k L'. AND SAFKTV. T !:!'.. -:!t li 1.1 ihi-i Lino ti. till F.t- tf 1 uit.- i.u-. ;!.., I .it i:,..(.'.IUi .'injf,.i TiL-kot V l'.'.:,:,,: 1 1 U,,-,. Uul I'a- 1 i,- Uuiiiu .a. U-uiK.il LIulT.-, and at Lho JjAl','.;,.Vl!:.!",n:;''Kr" THKnrtin to all i'MMl 1 A L LA - L' KiiN 1'U I N T6. lYvm mli sow isom a:o erass All kicJj of O zn, o ting To or.u-r. a.knts fuk c-:. :!:;! wedge I'Wl.yi- V!',,.i;i.-AL I'OUTABLE -,!3 -i V:is:i5V MILS, n 1 :: .1 H ,-, jng Machines f'M'' . i'l v.i M i iK.VEHY. uiui wi: r ru-r.KT. xvir korto it'J.ii alKEEI I Ikl SALT LAKE IRON CO. CUARLKS nOOMK, President, NEW YORK, II. J. DAVrsON, Vioe-Preaident Md Treasurer, NEW YORK, F. F. JON Li, Secretary, NEW YORK. M ANUFACTU KEltS OF ALL KINDS OF IRON & BRASS CASTINGS We can oiler the be:t inducemen ta to al parties in this country who are interested in M NINO, S MELTING And BUILD INU. We can furnish, at the ahortwt notice. OKE CAES Oft o latest im-jrovomontfl, in either Wood or Iron; ORK iiUCKETS; CAR WHEELS, ofaoy sizo; HOISTING WINDLASSES; OAST IRON TTJYEKS, For Furnaces ; SLAG CARTS and POTS; BOri'OM AND FKONT PLATES; CORNER BINDERS; BULLION MOULDS; LADLES and SKIMMERS; WATER JACKETS; SMOKE STACKS and CHARCOAL WAGONS ; l'ULLMS of all Sizes ; ! I COUPLINGS ; BOXES; HANGERS ; '. SHAFTING ; j PINIONS ; GUDGEONS, and COG WHEELS ; IRON BAILINGS ; ! I COLUMNS : SASH WEIGHTS ; And ORNAMENTAL WORK For BUILDERS. Works :i I ONK BLOCK SOCTU OF DBPOT. L. S. SUTHERLAND, MANAGER. i Po. Box, No. 58. I ma SPRING, 1873. I i FIRST IN THE MARKET. FOR THE LAlilES j Kew and Fashionable GOODS NOW BEING RECEIVED BY TEASDEL Sc CO. Lace Pellerines Iiace Trimmed Barbaa, Li am bur ? Kdgiogs and Insertiont ' Liaoe (Japes and undereleevoe. Lovo aod Black Laoe Veils. Silk Ties,' Silk Fichus, Imitation Applique Collars, A FA.3NTaY GOODS In larpe varitiea. Ottoman Sashes and Scarfs Ot-ontarj Shawls, Mdzauibiouo Shawls, Lucca Wraps. Ladies will do well by calling- on TEASDEL & CO- at;tbi EAGLE HOUSE, Bcforo Purchasingehowbero. Blees SewingMachine? Still oommandin?.a7rapid Poi marrl CLOTHING DEPARTWEHT, NEW ARRIVALS OF SZEPXHNTGr GOODS IN- Men's, Youths', and Boys' Clothing, In all the Newest Fabrics aod Styles. Also all tho popular Styles of SILK, BEAVER, and FELT HATS, irom the most oelobratcd makers. 3IENS AND BOYS' CAPS In great variety. Wo oall special attention to our Stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS -IN- Underclothing, Hosiery, gloves, Collars, Neckties, Neck-ties, Scarfs, Shirt Studs, Umbrellas, Valises, &c, &c. AGENTS FOR THE FAMED BURLOOK DIAMOIVD ' SllliiT. Wo are oponing the most extensive and best assortedlStook of PIECE GOODS We have over offered, consisting of the finest qaaatiea of French, English, German, Scotch and American Suitings, Vesting-s, Cassimeres, &c, Whioh cannot fail in suiting the tastes of all; We have purchased with a view to supply all the requirements of our RAPIDIY INCREASING BUSINESS IN M E R O U A.ISTT TAILORING So that our Patrons oan soleot from the Choicest Stock in Utah. NEW REGULATION MILITARY SUITS Made to order on the shortest notice. Our very heavy Sales of WALL PAPER &. DECORATIONS Have induced ub to make extensive alterations so that this class of Goods oan now bo Been to muoh bolter fdvnntaeo than formerly. A beautiful assortment of GILTS, BRONZE, SATINS, WHITE and BROWN BLANKS, &o , now o'n hand, large assortment of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S TRUNKS, of Our own Manufacture, beautifully got up. MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOEk HOME-MADE AND IMPORTED. Floor Oilcloths and Carpets. H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. DUNFORD & SONS. New Goods, Spring Styles. Immense assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, The largest Stook ever offered to the trade. WHOLESALE ABTD RETAIL DEPARTMENTS. Big Inducements Offered. Fb V E S ; z. G. m. L j Grocery and Hardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a great variety of other COOKING and HEATING STOVES, 00m prising the largest assortment to be found in any stock in Utah; prioee very low, oall and see. 00 20 H. B. CLAWSON, Supt. GROCERY DEF1 WHOLESALE AND KETALL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, h coves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. Wo do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices. AJ-iX. OUR GOODS OMELA-I3 DKALEEd 15 THE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL iND ENQUIRE PItlCES BEFORE PURCHASING. z. c. m.. 1. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, 61QN OF TUB -glQ - OO T GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS. GENTS' SHOES, , LADIES' SHOES, . r CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, ' LADIES' SLIPPERS, ' CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For flno weather or stormy weather; for wnlk-ingj wnlk-ingj dancing, working, spakkihq, climbing, ridinm nfihing, mining, etc. eto. A large and choice assortment of the above, oar own make and imported, at tho most roa-onablo roa-onablo prices. Wa mak to order any tyle and quality desired and lumri altafaotton. j OXiD BOOTS AND SHOES Made as good as now almost. SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sola Leather I Upper Leather! Harness Leather! Imported Calf Skins, American Calf Skins, Moroooo and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, "KIT" OK ALL KINDS I IIORSE COLLARS ! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail I Order. t,y Mall recclv. .pccll and prompt attention. HIDES AND WOPL SOUGHT H. RiCLAWSON. Supt It- -rf-Jr' p fc h K f I v 1 j 1 ( - y Has been beforo the American public without this Linimmit. llio money re- OVER THIRTY years. It Lis never yet funded unless tho Liniment is as repre- , failed to give perfect satisfaction , and h:iH scntotl. Tie pure nnd pot llio penuino justly bccQBtyled the panacea for all ex- MEXICAN M1ISTANU T.1NIMKNT. Sold ternal Wounds, Cuts, Burnt., Swelling, by all Druggists and Country Btyres, at Sprains, BniiseR, &c, &c, for Mini and 2Ac, COc. ord $1.00 per Bcltlc. Notice Beast. Mn fmnilv kIiouM be a simile dav stvle, size ol bottle. &.c HAGAlt'S Magnolia Batoi fet t A FEW APPLICATIONS MAKE A Pure Blooming Complexion. 0tl Purely Vegetable, and its ftporfttton ia Been and felt at olco. It doos away with tho hushed Appcaranco caused by Heat, FaUpno and Eicltement. Healaand romoVeBall Blotcboa and PtoFlei, dlapcUlng dark and nnelghUj cpoti. Drives away Xan, Freckle and Bun-1 Bun-1 tram.andbyitoKonUo but powerlul influence iXi&nUoB tho faded check with, 0 VrOUTHFITL BI00S AND BEAUTY. Sold by aU Drar-Rlritfl and Taney Storei. ."06-'ot, ."06-'ot, 63 Park Placo, uw York THE IMPORTED THOROUGHBRED .'. j ., DEVON BaULL Young Washington, la one of thofinoet brod Dovon Bulls In the country. I'DIGREi Calvod Angnst IB. 1870; Sired by Young WashiDgtoa, 3i7, Amoricon Hord Book ; 2d by General Grant, 220, American Ilord Book; 8d by Cayuga. 602. Enclish Uord Book;. 4th " Tocuinsob, 509, " " " DAM EFT-IE; 2tl by Don Pedro. 200, Auiorloan Hord Book; 2d " JSffio, English Hord Uouk; by Tocum- soh, 56U. Engliah Ilord Hook; 3d " Imported livolino, English Ilord Book, by Earl of Exotor, i, Englisii Jlord Book; 4th" Buby, 1035, English Bord Book, by Favorite, -13, English ilord Book-Half Book-Half breed Devon Cows are splendid milkers. Halt' breed Devon Oson for work and speed are unsurpassed. Those who wish to Imnrove thoir stock can DURANTE CUTTING, CONTRACTORS, Forwarding and Commissou Merchants, SILT LAKE CITY, SANDY STATION GRANITE, AND LKHI, UTAH TERRITORY.' Agents for the Connellsville Coke. Agents for tho MANSFIELD PURE COKE CO. Atrents for tho KANSAS CITT COKECO. Agents for tho - ST. JOSEPH GAS COKE CO. Agents for ADOLPHUS MEIER & CO.'S PURE COKE, St. Louis. .. Agents for the CELEBRATED HINTON COAL Agents for the HOWES' U. S. STANDARD SCALES, Agents for tbo LACLEDE FIRE BRICK MANU-JfAOTURIiNG MANU-JfAOTURIiNG CO. Sr. Louis. Wo aro prepared to Contract for any of the abovo-namod articlos, including the WYOMING HEMATITE IRON ORE, At tho lowest market rates FOB CASIL Wo aro al?o SOLE Aponts forthoCoIobratod COUU1 LLAKD FA KM AND f KEIU11T WAGON, manufneturod osprossly for lha Utah Trado. Agonts for tbo Far West Freight Co. Caah Advances made on Consigamocta o Oro and Bullion. Through Billa of Lading givon to all poiotj in tho United i-itatos and Europe. SAMPLERS OP ORE AND BULLION. Contracts mado for tho Transportation of OKE, BULLION, and MILL MACHINERY to any point in Utah or Nevada. Wo also carry the largest Stock of Grain in Utah which wo Soil Lew for Cash. Gooda Forwarder! to all points in Utah and W evaua with promptness and dispatch. Address ail Communications to DURANT & CUTTING, loo tbis splendid animal at tho stabloa of Mr. Sa.lt JLalte City Utah 11. B- Clawson, north-west corn or of tho Lith mnr o Ward. . , Terms, 84 in advance. Enquire of Mr- ..... smith ..thosubigi ajmL ujy LANAHAN & SON Something Handsome. DISTILLJEKS AND JOBBERS OP WHO wants somothing handsome in thoir K Y K V H I k K R I S houses? Call and soo those lovely Mnr- M M SWftAtUilllWJllJi blo, Iron and Sliite Enamelled Chimney IWarthouM Ia an y ih a Mantles, with Grutos, FeDdors and lioarth I warno o. J0 LlRht Strut, Slabs complote; at MORRIS A EVANS' B ATlSfORK. my2 Noar tho Globo, Main SL r2! Sewing1 Machine. yy E rospeotrutl;inyite thi, Publio to oall and see our owxllent variety o. Sewing Machines, Plain.Bcau.iful and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH THK r-A.3STT03Sr CASTOBS. The lolal Sales of the SINGES MACHINE are mm THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF .LAST YEAR, --i:Oll.,E2 O O An oridono. that It ti fuM warning inpromo tavor in tho houaohold, Tho Sinoee Comoany sold over tho other Companies, 52,734. " 'n' Chicago Rolicf Committee furnished suflcrers by tho Fire to March 18, 1872, 8,944; 3.151 Singer Machines, U other makes, 73. Applicants mado thoir selootion, with samo discount on all. Ol'R SALES IN UTAH EXCEED ANY OTUElt HOUSE IN TUB, SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS bIDK OF CHICAGO. Wo ooortoonfll invito tho Ladioa to aye our Em tarolcioi-y Attaolimont, It .ttreou gooor.l Hltoation and admiration. We also desiro you to sco our TUCKERS, CO RDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMIV5ER3, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTE R. i, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SitUTTLK SEWINU MACfll.Mii. WE aJIARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFAO Ij.ii. ac5.'",,"!or5ushl,""1""101. triod and Ictod by oirarlt.cod Mechanic, and all ro "id to low with all kind, of pod., from tho ooar.oat to tho Unit, tace, Muslin, Cambric, Douieatig, Ucniuu, Tickiiigs. Ducking, Bearer, Buckskin and Leather. 6?- Instrnotion given frco of ohargo by oompotcnt altcadants, and ujrmi ot salo to suit au oiroumstanooe. OTHER SEWINC MACHINES REPAIRED ON REA 8QMABLE TERMS. Wo extend a oordial invitation to all to COME AND SEE OUR 2IACIIINES Whether they wish to purcliae or not, IT TUB SOGER SEWING J11CIIIXB BEPlRTJiB.VT Z. C. M. I. General Agents, Two doore south of Emtio Emporium, bAU Laki (lirr. RAILROADS. C. P. R- R. On and after Sunday, May 4, XSTd, Trains will leave Ugtlcn a. follow.i 3tl0 p.m., (daily.j PiiaaooKOr Train for Reno (fur Curst.' n ami Virginia) Sacramento, Sacra-mento, Maryavillo, KodtliriK, I lor l'.'rtlatid. 0-,) Stockton, Morcod, ffor Yosomite) Tij'ton (lor Loi Ant'okw.) ian Juso and San Francisoo. 5iOU p.m., daily.l Throu.h Emiirrnnt Train fur SucrnuioiHo and tan Francisco. Fran-cisco. T. II. GOODMAN, (Jon. Pass, and Tiokot AfonU A.N.T0WNK, Gon'l Sup't j GHO. II. RICE, Aqk.it, Salt Lako Oily, Uriico with Marshall Jc Hoylo, Svar W. F. A Go's Bank. f-M uTAH NORTHERi RAILROAD. Trains run between Brisham Junction with CP. R.R., AND 1 LOGAN. On and aftor Fobruary 1st, lb73, Daily Trains, Loavo Brigham Junction aL 7:00 p.m. Loavo Lotan 8:30 a.m. to oonnoct with trains for 0don and Salt Lako, Trains Run on Salt Lake Time. WW Stasos connoct with Trains to and from North orn Sottlomonti in Caohe County tri- WKKK.I,y. FARESi Betwoon Logan and Salt Lako $5 00 ,, Ogdon 8 00 ,i Mendon and Salt Lake 4 75 Ogdon 2 75 rieducoi RatOR to Exouraion Parties, Passengers will plcaso purobaae thoir I'iokete at tho Offioos. For all Information ooncerninf Freight or rauatto, applv tc CHAR. NIBLEY,! General Freight and Ticket Agent :jno. w. tocng, dll (Jon'l Sup'L UTAH CENTRAL RAILROAD. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Ja kdla,ftr Deoeinber 30, .lf a. Dally Trains Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a.m. and 2:46 p.m. -rrivc !. tjjaon i a. m, ana 4:40 p. m. Leave Ogdon at 8 a. m. and 5.-30 p. JB, ArhT at Salt Laico City 10 a.m. and 730 p,n In addition to tho abovo TIl.A.IlJ-a WiU ran DALLY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lake City At 8 a.m. and 6.30 p.m., and Ogden' at 5 a.m. and 5.50 p.m. PM-SMffOM Will pllUI Prll-UM thoir Tlckota t tho Offlooo. rtftr Cents addlHonal will be charged whon tho fare ig oollected on the train, toi all Information oonoerninc freight or pa-sage, apply to JAB. 1SITARP, 4onoraJ Frelg ht and Tiokot Agt JOHN SHABP, TTrplRUTIKDlMT UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD On and after December MOth, 187 DAILY TllAINS i Leave the Utah Central R.R, Depot, Salt Lako City, at 7 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. Arrive at Lohi at 9 a.m, and 4.30 p.m. Leave Lehi at 9.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.30 a. in. and 7 p.m. In addition to tho above MIXED TRAINS Will run daily, Sunday excepted, Leaving the Utah Central R.R. depot, Salt Lake City, at 1 p.m. and Lohi at 6 a.m. Paesongors will please purchase their Pickets at the Offices. J.ul'ty ocnte additional ad-ditional will bo charged when the fare is collected On the train. For all information concerning freight or passage, apply to JAS. SUA UP, Sen. Freight and Tlaket Agent. JOHN S 11 A. IIP, BUT MBI NT INDENT, THIS WELL KNOWN BKAJID OF JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT- x jr. Grocery Department, it ia-j.-oiwaoHiup TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE OU10N LINE BETWEEN New ork, Queenstowu, ana Liverpool. Carrying theUnilod States Mails. I It AIIO. 1.. NEVADA, MINN lisOTA. rf-4-.NEHRAStA M A N 11 A 'IT AN Vjt. LuX V UMlN U? WISCONSIN, hc53ciBi SAILING FROM N RW YORK EVERY WEDNKSDAY. CA1UN I'assnce lYoin Now York $80 u . (Uj gold. Staioroouu qq tho same dock 11 STEKHAflB: tno from Now York; tTOIrea: Livon-tnil or Quoonstown, payablo in ourronoi I'lLwiLgo from or to Uenuiinv, Franoo.Nur way, bodon, oto., at Lowtytt Kate. Roiuillanoodto Ureal liriuin, Ireland and tho Continont, Apj.ly to WILLIAMS A niJON. Brand-way; Brand-way; or U S. KLDRHDUli a m Salt Lako City. GILMER i SALISBURn DAILY STAGE LINES vnuouou Utah, .South - east Nevada & Mon tana. .-ring Bait Lako City Dallr. ra, Ming ttoulh i Tintio, Amonoan Fork, Mount Nebo, Sevior, St. Qoorge, Utah; and Pioohe, Nevada ; Paaalmf ttaroch Provo, Springvillo, Spanish Fork,Py son, Salt Crook, Chiokon Crook Round Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, Boaver, Minora-ville, Minora-ville, and AU the principal towm and turning camps in southern Utah and south-eait Nevada, Also lav OorlnM, Utah, dallr, raaalng aorth to Virginia City, Holena, Fort Benton. Deor Lodge, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the principal towns and mining min-ing aamps in Montana, Mon-tana, pniaciPAi. officii, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building inn Salt Lako Citr -opmR And Tintic Stage and Express KUHM1MO DAlJ-r FKUH IAJ.V LAKK C1TT, via LAHK TOWI, TOOKLE CITY, STOCKTON AD OPIIIA TO Tin TIG. The route has been re-stocked with pita-did pita-did Concord Coaches, fine Stock, careful and attentive Drivers, and every attention ispild to the oo ni fort -,n i convenience of pawea-g'-M. Good accommodations on tkt road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare ami Quick Tine. U at W.llf, Fargo Oo.'e, Salt Lako Oitri LEN WINKS, ! pH Proorletort TIISdlE TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO THE FAST. NflRTH AKin sniiTUficT Ho. 3. STATIONS. ptM MAIL. Leave SALT LAKE 5:00 a.m. 2:45 pja. " OMAHA fl:aOp.m. 6:Wam. Arrive BURLINOTON 5:00 a,m. :0;p,ni. " aalesburgtC.B.AQ.) 7:00 a.m. l(h60.m. " Monaota " 11:36 a.nj. 3-23 a. ra. " Chloago " 3:15 p.m. 7tiCa.ni. " Peoria - 9:00 a.m. lfc6C.m. " Ind'plUU.B.AW. 6:16 p.m. 9:25 a.r. " Cincinnati - - U.-) p.m. tlSpja. " Logannport 5(55 p.m. 9:20 a.nv. T. P. A W.) " Oolumbas 2:ia.m. 5:p.m. CJThronKh Cara from Misi url River to Chicaso, IodiAnapnlli. ninnln r,tl. Loanf ortand Colnmbnn, New York, L'ostun, l'hiia doli'bia, and Wa-nliinxton. Connections at those pol n with 11a w leading to the Kast, North and South. this ii tho Baal, fehorteat, Ulcait d Chapit Iloaif, Do not be deceived, but obtain TlckaU via the Burlington A Miatoarl Kivor Aailroad. SAM. I'OWKLL, R0BT. HARRIS, "-n'lTKt. Art- n'l Har't Gon. Wosten Pas. Agt. D. W. U1TCUCOCK wo HEAD Thui AdvortisemcDt AND WRITE For our Manual of Evergreens AND SAVE in buying and planting your tree, 50 PER GENT. 10 codU worth. to to any tree-plantar, PINNEY CO., Ntwrgooa Bay, Wli |