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Show TUK TtltKlTOHIKS. Mining is carried on steadily and profitably on Seaton bill, above Idaho. Ida-ho. Fifteen hrad of fat beef cattle were received at Tcnino, )a?t w-:ek, all the way from Texas Tbe Indians about Seattle have been taken to the Port Madison reservation ' by agent Spuhill. A qi.vrcl at Mciive cuy. Arizona, I over a bottle of whit-key, k-d to the , woundiDK of one Atchison by a man named Joseph Spearing. PnffCt Sund Ut1 p are sent from 1 ?an Franci-co io Salt Like by rail. tne firm lately received an order for Lieutenant RulToer. foiled Sute array, is io Pafbio, takiDg the longitude longi-tude of that cuy. He works id eon-.unc-ion w::h Prof. Stafford, who is lOcaud in Leovu. TntSPASKH BF.Pl I". y,,l:;i, Q Arrjiral Tpote ha bo--n arr-'tfd. ieo. Velarde st maiT Crlit ar? snTrcnrine. He is ab"it t'" order a if v m .we t " :he inarrection. J"he btri.is of Csri:? nndfT Campo and tiarr.es have he-n d'-f-'ated and rrany in-uTffji;'-. ire 'j'i'.re ths iadrr?. are k.;ird. 1 nr I rr.-i,""i-'r-i,sDdirjr i ciw-n iarie ar.r f mia,L-tcr of wax Mive.. hss tn ad' ; 'jOittrj. |