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Show NIGHT REPORT. rtlHEKO'. Cuban Stn. Havana. ?- A Sra-:h fteaer ha arrive here w:'.h 4'.0 Carn?t prL-oc-Tf I u reinj'i:i--e ti-e Spaniih ttriiij ia ire li. dwell, the a!:ert-d Lla-fe of E"ir'ard forger, v&i ian ihe Kj;:?tis:a.u-r LVrjica, wii:.' a U:t ctphi- g fL.r Keiar.d. Hi? wife is a y'i-rr t-r. the Corsica. It is rrpor-.ed u.a.1 B.i-well B.i-well wiii turn plates' eviietce. A dia'ch from Sasnao de C'-'3a savi O Keiiy arrived m-sre yesiercr, and was placed in ilorro fort. Tne trial will be cducied mere. A Panic la Vltnii. Tlie EipeiU tlou. Yiecca, 9. Thore was a wild par.ic en the bourse to-dav, caused by the failure of a ieadir: e Erin, wnich threw a lare amount of stoce on the marKeL So grt-at wni the exci'.emeat that bu;i-nets bu;i-nets was impossihie, and speculaiors haTfl petitioiicii government to order the iui pension of transactions for several davs, ai-d adopt measures of re'icf. DiirinR the height of ihe panic Koth-child Koth-child & Sckev were publieiy insuUed. The number of visitors to the exhibition, exhibi-tion, since tho opening, has beea from ll.tXQ to l6.iX), daily. London, t. A special to the Standard, from Y ienna, states that a serious difference dif-ference has arisen between thearvhduke Charles, the patron, and Baron Schwartz ine superintendent ji toe universal bibition, the, emperor fiidiag with tie baroo. HiU's Death. London, 9. John Stuart Mill died of phlegmonious erysipelas. It terminated fataiiy on the Sd day after iis appearance, appear-ance, closing the passages of the tnroaL Mill left an autobiography ready tor the press, and several other completed worts. |